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Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Interface technologies and cognitive systems Granada 16th December 2002 Philippe Gelin European Commission - Information Society
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Content PART I: European Research Area PART II : Interface Technologies PART III : Cognitive Systems PART IV : FP6 Instruments
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin PART I The European Research Area (ERA) and its Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin FP6 The Treaty establishing the European Community provides for the creation of multiannual research and technological development The Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) is the European Unions main instrument for the funding of research in Europe within 2002- 2006. The overall budget for FP6 is 17.5 billion euro.
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin ERA In the past, collaborative actions have been initiated at European and Community level, but now is the time to bring our endeavours together and to build a research and innovation equivalent of the "common market" for goods and services. That structure is called the European Research Area (ERA) and is regrouping all Community supports for the better coordination of research activities and the convergence of research and innovation policies, at national and EU levels.
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin ERA
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin From ERA to IST 1. Focusing and integrating Community research 1.1. Priority thematic areas of research 1.1.1. Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health (i) Advanced genomics and its applications for health. (ii) Combating major diseases. 1.1.2. Information Society Technologies (3.625 billion Euro) 1.1.3. Nano-technologies and nano-sciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials, and new production processes and devices 1.1.4. Aeronautics and space 1.1.5. Food quality and safety 1.1.6. Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems (i) Sustainable Energy Systems (ii) Sustainable surface transport (iii) Global change and ecosystems 1.1.7. Citizens and governance in a knowledge-based society 1.2. Specific activities covering a wider field of research 1.2.1. Policy support and anticipating scientific and technological needs 1.2.2. Horizontal research activities involving SMEs 1.2.3. Specific measures in support of international cooperation 2. Strengthening the foundations of the European Research Area 2.1. Support for the coordination of activities 2.2. Support for the coherent development of policies
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin IST Programme 2002-2006 Instantiate the European challenges (ERA), Initiatives Trans national partnerships Critical mass of skills and adequate resources hence... Focus, Excellence, Impact and RoI
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin IST Vision IST today …………………………..The IST in FP6 vision PC based ………………………………. “Our surrounding” is the interface “Writing and reading”…………….…. …Use all senses, intuitive “Word” based information search……….Context-based knowledge handling Low bandwidth, separate networks…. ….Infinite bandwidth, convergence,.. Mobile telephony (voice)………….. ……Mobile/Wireless full multimedia Micro scale………………………………Nano-scale Silicon based……………………………..+ new materials e-Services just emerging……………….. Wide adoption (eHealth, Learning,..) < 10% of world population on-line….. …World-wide adoption
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin IST Communication Computing Software Components Microsystems Technologies for major economic and societal challenges Future and Emerging Technologies Knowledge and Interface Technologies
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Call 2 Advanced displays Optical, opto-electronic, & photonic functional components Open development platforms for software and services Cognitive systems (25ME) Embedded systems Applications and services for the mobile user and worker Cross-media content for leisure and entertainment (55ME) GRID-based Systems for solving complex problems Improving Risk management Strategic Objectives in 2002-2003 WP Call 1 Pushing the limits of CMOS, preparing for post-CMOS Micro and nano-systems Broadband for all Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G Towards a global dependability and security framework Multimodal interfaces (65ME) Semantic-based knowledge systems Networked audiovisual systems and home platforms Networked businesses and governments eSafety of road and air transports e Health Technology-enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage (65ME) 80% of budget is pre-allocated Remainder flexible, to be allocated after evaluation Allocation only for the first 2 years: to be revised for 2005- 2006 ! ! PROVISIONAL ! ! ! PROVISIONAL
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin PART II PART II Interface Technologies in FP 6 scope and focus in 2003
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Outline Why interface technologies? IST Vision What research? Focus of first calls in FP6 Where are we today? Ongoing activities
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Vision Building the knowledge society for all Allow people to use the surrounding hi-tech easily and in a way that is consonant to humans rather than to computers Facilitate interpersonal communication anywhere, anytime, beyond linguistic and cultural barriers Assist people and augment their abilities when interacting and communicating
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Needs Bring people to the foreground – build technologies for the background Our surrounding is the interface: everywhere, embedded in everyday objects (e.g: clothes, furniture, vehicles, smart materials, …) Exploring interfaces beyond the PC, screens & keyboard. (brake the chains…) Enabling multi-sensorial dialogues supported by ubiquitous computing & networking Multi-linguistics, multi-cultural interactions
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Known Challenges Strongly multidisciplinary with many component technologies Significant system level integration issues Research resulting in autonomous (self- learning, self-organising), adaptive (time varying) systems that can work with partial and uncertain information
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin 2003-2004 FOCUS Multimodal Interfaces (in call 1) natural and adaptive multimodal interfaces Objective: To develop natural and adaptive multimodal interfaces, that respond intelligently to speech and language, vision, gesture, haptics and other senses. Focus 1Multimodal interaction Focus 2Multilingual communication
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Multimodal Interaction Interaction between and among humans and the virtual and physical environment intuitive multimodal interfaces that are autonomous and capable of learning and adapting to the user environment in dynamically changing contexts. They should recognise emotive user reaction and feature robust dialogue capability with unconstrained speech and language input. Human-to-human: technology mediated communication Human-to-things: virtual and physical Human-to-self: health, well being Human-to-content:information retrieval/browsing Device-to-device: human mediated device communication Human-to-embodied robots
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Multilingual Systems facilitating translation for unrestricted inputs, especially for spontaneous (unrestricted) or ill-formed (speech) inputs, in task-oriented settings Unrestricted spontaneous speech-to-speech translation in task-oriented settings Statistical/mixed approaches to translation Adaptation to task/user, learning Robustness
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Basic Research Basic research, component technologies Examples: accurate vision gesture tracking speech and audio processing language technologies affective computing machine learning autonomous systems fusion of multiple channels
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin System Level Integration Proof of concept in challenging application domains, including: wearable interfaces and smart clothes intelligent rooms and interfaces for collaborative working tools cross-cultural communications usability issues and evaluation
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Shared Infrastructure Data: large amounts of multimodal data, synchronisation and IPR issues Metrology, technology evaluation, usability Infrastructural knowledge: machine learning, applied mathematics Best practice and standards Tools and platforms Socio-economic issues (e.g. human factors)
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Current Status
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Ongoing Activities Collection, processing and browsing of multimodal meeting data systems that enable recording, structuring, browsing and querying of an archive of multi-modal recordings of meetings. Multimodal, multicultural, multilingual communication integration of multiple communications modes - vision, speech and object manipulation - by combining the physical and virtual worlds to provide support for multi-cultural communication and problem solving Speech-to-speech translation development of speech-to-speech translation and its integration in automatic in e-commerce and e-service environments data collection for speech-to-speech translation
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Ongoing Activities Preparing future multisensorial interaction research providing technological baselines, comparative evaluations, and assessment of prospects of core technologies for speech-to- speech translation, the detection and expressions of emotional states, and technologies for children’s speech. Automatic animation of human models design and development of a virtual person animation system in controlled environments, which enables the modeling, analysis and simulation of human motion. Recognition of the user’s emotional state human computer interaction that can interpret its users' attitude or emotional state in terms of their speech and/or their facial gestures and expressions. See for more information
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin PART III Cognitive Systems in FP6 scope and focus
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Outline why cognitive systems? IST vision what research? focus of call where are we starting from? current activities
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Vision Ambient intelligence “… ability of computationally empowered devices to interconnect with each other and with us …” sensors provide a window from world of interconnected computation into real physical world using sensors, these devices will sense the world around us and respond by interacting with the world or by communicating with us they need to ‘see’, ‘hear’, …. ‘understand’ and ‘act’ Ambient Intelligence requires perceptual systems capable of cognition
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Objective To construct physically instantiated or embodied systems that can : perceive, understand (the semantics of information conveyed through their perceptual input) learning (structured memory) interact with their environment, (CCI & CHI communication) evolve in order to achieve human-like performance in activities requiring context-(situation and task) specific knowledge.
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Focus 2002-2003 Research will aim at realizing: complete systems with real-time performance and/or bounded rationality, have well developed memory capacities (e.g. short term, long term, iconic, associative) with efficient representation, and that acquire representations as needed to realise performance goals. to perform goal-directed tasks The emphasis is on closing the loop in realistic test cases.
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Known Challenges A main target of this research is interdisciplinarity: computer vision, natural language understanding, robotics, artificial intelligence, mathematics and cognitive neuroscience and its impact on overall system design.
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Outcomes Direct Applications: – in image recognition, in behavioural interpretation, in video annotation, speech recognition, in automatic categorisation and classification, in goal-specification and decision support,… – can serve to demonstrate and measure progress but applications NOT main target of research Methods & approaches for constructing robust & adaptive systems capable of cognition
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Ongoing Activities cognitive vision systems 2000 – 2002 robust image recognition from application-specific to generalised solutions from focus on low-level processing & robustness of individual components to systems approach where every component (incl. high-level cognitive functionalities) has a role to play in assuring robust behaviour of system longer-term, largely academic, interdisciplinary effort 8 RTD projects & 1 Network:
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Related Topics Multimodal Interfaces, call 1 intuitive multimodal interfaces... autonomous and capable of learning and adapting … in dynamically changing contexts Beyond Robotics, call 1 focus on open-ended lifelong learning systems Disappearing Computer, call 1 focus on open architectures allowing arbitrary combinations of ‘building blocks’ for ‘universal application’ Embedded Systems, call 2 focus on networked systems, distributed control
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin PART IV Implementation
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Outline Schedule New Instruments Old Instruments Applied to IFT & CS. Expected results Learning from EoI “Do’s and don’ts” Conclusions
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin FP6 ROADMAP 21 February 2001Commission decides on first proposal for Framework Programme March 2001Informal presentation to the Ministers of Research and Education during the Uppsala Informal Council (1 - 3 March) May 2001Adoption by the Commission of proposals regarding the specific programmes and the implementation of the Framework programme September 2001Adoption by the Commission of proposals for decisions on the rules for participation and dissemination of results 26 June 2001Council discusses Commision proposal July/Nov. 2001First reading by the European Parliament 12/2001- 01/2002Common position of the Research Council 11 March 2002Council adopt final text 15 May 2002The European Parliament approves the Sixth Framework Programme 3 June 2002Council of Ministers formally adopted the Sixth Framework Programme 12 June 2002Parliament approves specific programmes 19 June 2002FP6 rules of participation compromise approved by ITRE 3 July 2002FP6 rules of participation compromise approved by EP September 2002Specific Programmes has been adopted (October) End 09/2002Rules for Participation to be formally adopted by Council and Parliament November 2002Conference marking the launch of the Sixth Framework Programme 12/2002 First calls for proposals end 2003Second calls for proposals
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Publication:2nd half December 2002 Call deadline: 24 April 2003 Evaluation: weeks of 12th and 19th May 2003 IP/NoE hearings: week of 9th June 2003 Negotiations: from July 2003 Commission Decision: from October 2003 Project start:January 2004 Call 1 Timetable ! ! PROVISIONAL ! ! ! PROVISIONAL
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Overview of FP6 instruments Integrated Projects (IP) Networks of Excellence (NoE) Article 169 (joint implementation of national programmes) Specific Targeted Research Projects (STReP’s) Co-ordination actions (CA) Specific Support Actions (SSA) „New“ „Old“
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Use of New Instruments
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Why new instruments ? Adapt to the size of the challenge The philosophy of both instruments is to move from multiple project funding to the funding of coherent programmes of research activities, Flexibility and responsibility leaving the highest degree possible of autonomy and flexibility to European research consortia.
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Expected to address the objectives within a holistic approach enabling, where justified, competition within and across projects A major target is to integrate actors and disciplines = build a community An IP should be THE project in the target area “critical mass” Integrated Projects
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Integrated Projects Core activities genuine research work “engineering” tasks (esp. methods & tools) system integration & validation (“total system” approach) along with promotion & dissemination of results training, awareness & best practice (researchers, integrators, launching users) cooperation & exchanges with related national and international efforts (incl. standards bodies) socio-economic impact & consequences
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Example of an IP Knowledge & Data bases Gesture & Facial Recognition Intelligent Virtual Worlds Taste Smell Body Sensors Displays Actuators Speech Output Speech Intelligent Assistants & Virtual Humans Physical Virtual World Virtual & Augmented Realities Interface Layer Integrated project Current projects Area: Multi-sensorial interfaces Haptic devices
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 Months Reporting Accepted costs Reporting Detailed work plan Accepted costsAdjusted advance Reporting Detailed work planAccepted costs Adjusted advance Reporting Accepted costs Detailed work plan Adjusted advance Detailed work plan Initial advance IP - payment & report schedule Example of 4 year contract
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Networks of Excellence Spread excellence Xfertilisation among disciplines Bring together the best research in constituent disciplines, integrate resources, (e.g. image, video, multimodal,…) Create a NEW research space (ERA) Have a lasting nature Define joint activities
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Networks of Excellence Joint programme of activities: Integrating activities coordinated programming of the partners’ activities sharing of tools/facilities/ infrastructures managing the knowledge portfolio staff mobility and exchanges Joint research activities undertaking research on topics supporting the network’s goals Spreading excellence training of researchers and other key staff dissemination and technology transfer to industry “virtual” centres of excellence New or additional to ongoing efforts
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Each call will fix the founding per researcher, based on the characteristics of the field of research concerned Computer science less expensive than nuclear research The number of researchers implied in the integration PhD or more than 4 years of research Existing head count at time of proposal. Table of Found Per researcher issued at each call @ max the cost incurred to implement the JPA @ max 25% of the existing value proposed to be integrated NoE - grant
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Use of Old Instruments
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Specific targeted research projects Similar to Old instrument, except for: joint and several financial liability costing / funding adapted to grant scheme rates / activities: research (50%), demonstration (35%), combined research & demonstration Activities focussed RTD and / or demonstration; management Partnership more limited than for IPs; in terms of breadth, time, scope
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Coordination & specific support actions Coordination Actions Instrument for ad-hoc co-operation between organisations (no durable integration !), similar to FP5 thematic networks Activities include expert groups, seminars, studies, staff exchanges, project definition, etc Can cover up to 100% of eligible costs, … Specific Support Actions For conferences, working groups, fact finding, technology transfer, operational support and dissemination Can cover up to 100% of eligible costs, and be carried out by one participant Call for Grants: conferences, workshops or exhibitions
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Article 169 EC funding to support jointly executed member state programmes most powerful tool for integration However, long-winded implementation: to generate a proposal requires a co-initiative by national programmes and the Commission Council and Parliament would have to approve
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Expectation Within Multimodal Interface & Cognitive systems
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Expected Outcome Calls 1 and 2 Multimodal Interfaces and Cognitive Systems 2/3 rd of funds devoted new instruments 6-10 new instruments 8-12 old instruments ! ! PROVISIONAL ! ! ! PROVISIONAL
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Interface Technology Tools IPs are expected to address the objectives within a holistic approach enabling, where justified, competition within and across projects. NoEs should aim at lowering barriers between hitherto split communities and disciplines and advance knowledge in the field. They should help establish and reinforce shared infrastructures, including for training and evaluation, annotation standards and appropriate usability metrics and benchmarks. STREPs are expected to bootstrap research in identifiable or emerging sub-domains and to prepare associated communities.
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Cognitive System tools Integrated Projects are expected to leverage these communities to integrate methods and insights towards the objective of realizing entire systems and to promote community building. NoEs will provide a channel for fostering foundational research, for developing and maintaining common resources, specifically, of open systems and training environments to study learning and evolving systems.
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin EoI Analysis
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Analysis of submitted EOIs 14 ~evenly populated clusters Infrastructures, resources and basic technologies Interface and Artefact Design and Ergonomic, Human Factors and User Acceptance Cognitive Science for Ambient Intelligence Improvement of Human Senses and Perception Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Interfaces Interfaces Based on Recognition and Synthesis of Emotion, Facial Expression and Gesture Multilingual Access and Dialogue Intelligent Wearable Devices and Smart Cloths Interfaces for Mobile Devices and Services Intelligent Rooms with Support for Collaborative Creative Processes and Virtual Environments Multisensory interfacing with complex information spaces and virtual manipulation of information objects Virtual Reality and Environments Critical Interfaces for Safer Control of Vehicles and Devices, including Training for these Environments Physical Interfaces, Haptics, Mechatronics and Robotics
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Analysis of Submitted EOIs 150+ EoIs in Interface technologies (incl. Cognitive Systems) 70% IPs, 30% NoEs 60% of submitted IPs “defective” lack of required ambition, scope and integration some could be part of other IPs or a STRP 30% of the submitted NoEs “defective” lack the main characteristics of this instrument e.g. joint activity programme, lasting integration of existing research capacity some more appropriate as coordination actions
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin EoI per Country
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Content Narrow scope, little or no EU and ERA dimension Aims too general, lack of focus (e.g. programmes instead of projects) Lack of innovation, not beyond current state of art Planning Links missing between objectives & workplan Milestones missing or too general Risk factors not addressed, no contingency plans Management Management structure vague or inadequate Weak dissemination, exploitation plans EoI Shortcomings
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin EoI Partnership Size Nino Varile /
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin How To: Partnership Highly competent and reliable partners Complementarity: cover all areas you need Duplication of competence: acceptable for IPs depending on project needs necessary for NoEs At least 3 of which 2 EU/NAS or associated states Ratio between Industry/SME/NAS/Academia participation depending solely on project needs
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Do’s and Don’ts Do carefully study the evaluation criteria relevance, excellence, …… Do respond to all the evaluation criteria, not just the scientific & technical ones Do remember that proposals are evaluated by peers = “no-nonsense” Don’t mirror the workprogramme: put your own ideas in the proposal Don’t participate in a multitude of competing proposals, select one and make it win
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Do pay extra attention to using the full range of activities allowable for the new instruments Don’t create artificial IPs (=inflated STREPs) Do pay due attention to co-ordination of large projects Do give realistic cost/resource estimates good return on investment Remember that 50 MEUR ~ 1,200 person/years! Do’s and Don’ts
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Reminder FP6 is about more ambitious endeavours, in a simpler procedural environment IPs should aim at breakthroughs in the target area and yield new technologies, products and services NoEs are to structure and shape research areas (interdisciplinary !) STREP’s are more limited in scope but must go well beyond the state of the art
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin IST Workprogramme 2003-2004 Call for proposals text Call 1 (Official Journal) Submission details (deadline, address...) Brochure “The 6FP in Brief” FP6 and Specific Programmes, instruments, proposal to contract (flowchart), contractual matters, etc Guides for proposers Call 1 How to submit, references,..., proposal forms Instrument-specific annexes Evaluation Manual “High level” description of ground rules for evaluation Guidelines for Evaluators Call 1 Evaluation process, evaluation forms IST Infopack
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Part A Form A1 - General information Form A2 - Information on participants Form A3 - Cost breakdown (cost and grant requested as per activity / participant) Part B Aspects relating to evaluation criteria Other aspects (ethics, safety, gender) Overall workplan of project IPs, NOEs additionally provide 18 month Implementation plan/JPA (detailed) Proposal content No anonymity Mats Ljungqvist /
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Evaluation Process Peer-review system (many experts needed !) 2-step evaluation (not in Call 1) Hearings of applicants (likely in Call 1) Evaluation & selection criteria ! ! PROVISIONAL ! ! ! PROVISIONAL Higher thresholds on partnership and management. Higher weights on impact and excellence. Mats Ljungqvist /
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Stay in Touch! email: 2010.pdf experts!!
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Contact info Official address: European Commission, EUFO 0170 Jean Monnet Building, Rue Alcide de Gasperi, L-2920 Luxembourg. Express Courier & visitors: European Commission EUFO 0170 Euroforum, Building, 10, rue Robert Stumper L-2557 Luxembourg Tel.: +352 - 4301 - 33423, Sec.: +352 - 4301 - 34178. Fax : +352 - 4301 - 34999 e-mail:
Content, Multimedia Tools and Markets Linguistic Applications Philippe Gelin Thank You
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