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Perform a job analysis Identify important tasks to be tested Develop testing procedures Develop scoring procedures Train judges Steps in Developing a Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Perform a job analysis Identify important tasks to be tested Develop testing procedures Develop scoring procedures Train judges Steps in Developing a Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perform a job analysis Identify important tasks to be tested Develop testing procedures Develop scoring procedures Train judges Steps in Developing a Performance Test

2 Standardizing Testing Procedures Standardizing Testing Procedures  Develop a set of instructions for applicants  Provide the same or identical testing conditions to all applicants  Inform applicants of what will be scored  Develop rules for consistent grading/scoring  Train all scorers in the interpretation of scoring rules Assessment Procedures

3 Establish Independent Test Sections Establish Independent Test Sections  Develop the test such that an applicant’s performance on one part of the test is not closely tied to another part of the test Eliminate Contaminating Factors Eliminate Contaminating Factors  Develop the test to ensure that apparatus, jargon, or other testing elements that have only a minor influence on job performance do not interfere with or limit the test performance of applicants not familiar with these elements Assessment Procedures (cont.)

4 Research Findings Research Findings  The results of using performance tests in selection have been universally positive in affirming that the tests add to the prediction of job performance  Motor performance tests were found to be valid while paper-and-pencil tests weren’t for the same subjects. Performance Test Effectiveness


6 Research Findings Research Findings  There are no differences between demographic groups of incumbents in either average scores on performance tests or on the percentage of applicants selected  Performance tests may have an “adverse impact” on applicants (those without on-the-job experience) Performance Test Effectiveness (cont.)

7 What Performance Tests Do What Performance Tests Do  Ask the applicant to do a representative part of the job for which he or she is being evaluated.  Provide direct evidence of the applicant’s ability and skill to work on the job. Limitations of Performance Tests Limitations of Performance Tests  Creating work samples representative of job activities  Relying on the assumption that applicants already possess KSAs to complete the job behavior  Costs of time, materials, and equipment required to develop and administer performance tests Performance (Work Sample) Tests

8 General acceptance; few complaints about their appropriatenessGeneral acceptance; few complaints about their appropriateness Test administrators’ time is minimizedTest administrators’ time is minimized Standardization (e.g., instructions, materials, scoring)Standardization (e.g., instructions, materials, scoring) Test results are immediately available to both the applicant and the selection specialist Test results are immediately available to both the applicant and the selection specialist Tests can serve as realistic job previews that help reduce turnoverTests can serve as realistic job previews that help reduce turnover Other Results of Using Performance Tests

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