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Unit 4 Assessment Feedback. Economics Generally Extremely Impressed Those that weren’t deterred by difficulty did well.

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1 Unit 4 Assessment Feedback

2 Economics Generally Extremely Impressed Those that weren’t deterred by difficulty did well.

3 The Key Is Preparation Those that stopped by for questions = improved results People that worked with their notes and studied where and how specified usually performed better.

4 Philosophy It’s great to memorize things. It’s better to apply and use them!  That way, when you see a story on the news or online, you will understand what is going on.  That way, when you have to vote for someone, you will know what matters. (People 3 times your age can’t figure this out)

5 Unit 4 Flyer Best Assessment yet as far as raw numbers. Best assessment yet as far as following directions is concerned  Majority Opinion: Control  Minority Opinion: Curiosity Most people chose computers over hand writing- didn’t influence mark.

6 General Feedback Those that used the rubric and the guidelines performed well. People got into trouble when directions weren’t followed.  Example: match funding recommendation and argument

7 Don’t become complacent… Check your spelling (read it over aloud) Use simple keys to spell words right every time.  Example: the product name is spelled on the product Research like it’s your job

8 Neatness Counts Remember, the task was to make a flyer to direct funds  Appearance matters! Especially when it comes to money.  Have you ever seen a banker show up to work looking like Captain Crunch? NO Words running over the page frowned upon.  Blurry pictures= no go

9 Dig Deep I have Google too, I know what pictures are on the first and the last page. Some pictures were really impressive. Captions that explained connection to argument and why the inventions matters were superior.

10 Where to go next… Dr. Mordente Mr. McLaughlin The News and Commercials Meghan Coughlan and Ryan Corbett  Specific captions, work ethic Block 3: Tommy Githens  Phrasing, picture research Block 4: Jonah Shafran  Economics ethic, innovative examples, captions Block 5: Caitlin Fischer  Graphic design, phrasing, economics ethic

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