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Creating a New Government Chapter 5, Section 3. Revision of the Articles Instead of revising the Articles of Confederation like planned… The delegates.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a New Government Chapter 5, Section 3. Revision of the Articles Instead of revising the Articles of Confederation like planned… The delegates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a New Government Chapter 5, Section 3

2 Revision of the Articles Instead of revising the Articles of Confederation like planned… The delegates wrote a new a completely new Constitution at the Constitutional Convention

3 The Constitution Constitution established a STRONG NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Certain powers were left to the states “Supreme law of the land”

4 The Constitution The delegates fought over ratification (acceptance) of the Constitution for 10 months Some didn’t like the Constitution because they were afraid of a government that would be too strong Afraid of tyranny like in Britain

5 Federalists and Antifederalists Federalists – supporters of the constitution Anti federalists – opponents of the constitution

6 Federalists Leaders were: James Madison, John Dickinson, Alexander Hamilton Believed that a strong national government was necessary for America to survive Separation of powers would keep government from being too strong Federalists were mostly found in cities; educated, wealthy, urban elite

7 Separation of Powers

8 Antifederalists Leaders: Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee Most were farmers and planters They distrusted any central authority (strong national government would lead to tyranny) Thought the new government favored the wealthy and educated


10 Ratification Process Antifederalists demanded the addition of the Bill of Rights Wanted basic rights to be protected in the Constitution because they did not trust the government 9 of 13 states had to agree to put the Constitution into effect

11 The Federalist Papers A series of essays written under the pen name Publius Main goal was to persuade New York delegates to ratify the Constitution The actual writers: James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay


13 Fight for Ratification 11 states ratified the Constitution by July 1788. North Carolina and Rhode Island did not join the Union until after the new government had already been started

14 Fight for Ratification After ratification the first thing the delegates did was… Set dates to choose members of Congress and presidential electors Start working on the Bill of Rights to add (some states said they would only ratify if a Bill of Rights was added)

15 Bill of Rights September 1789 Congress approves 12 amendments They were sent to the states for approval End of 1791 the states had approved 10 of them Those 10 amendments became the Bill of Rights

16 The Bill of Rights Protected states and individuals from too much central government power First 8 Amendments: individual civil liberties Ninth Amendment: said that just because some rights of the people weren’t listed, didn’t mean they did not exist Tenth Amendment: addressed the actions that states could take

17 Tenth Amendment Defined government power Delegated Powers: those that are expressly stated in the Constitution Implied Powers: those that are not expressly stated in the Constitution Reserved Powers: those that the Constitution does not specifically give to the federal government or deny to the states. These powers belong to the state or people


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