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 This is a significantly reduced version of the actual presentation that was made at the Healthy Carolinians conference. Much of the material used there.

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Presentation on theme: " This is a significantly reduced version of the actual presentation that was made at the Healthy Carolinians conference. Much of the material used there."— Presentation transcript:

1  This is a significantly reduced version of the actual presentation that was made at the Healthy Carolinians conference. Much of the material used there is copyrighted.

2  SCOPE VIEW Sunburst Books ©


4  Certified Healthy Carolinians Partnerships ©


6  ● Increase healthy life span of North Carolinians. ● Remove health disparities among disadvantaged. ● Promote access to preventive care. ● Protect the public’s health. ● Foster positive living and working conditions. ● Support development of healthy living skills. Create partnerships to improve community health. Seek funding and establish funding priorities. Influence the establishment of health policies. Facilitate community planning processes. Guide community health assessments. Conduct health education. 2010 Health Goals For North Carolina The North Carolina 2010 Health Objectives document should be a working living document designed to evolve over the coming decade. X EMERGING ISSUES X ● Alternative Medicine x ● Genomics X ● Environmental Changes x ● Evolving Technologies x ● Changing Demographics ©

7 ● What are the absolute "givens" about the future of Healthy Carolinians? Where are you especially vulnerable and why do those weaknesses exist? What unique value does Healthy Carolinians provide? What do you do that only you can? If you weren’t doing things this way today, would you do them this way tomorrow? ● ● ● ● SCOPE VIEW  ©

8  How can we use each Strength? How can we stop each Weakness? How can we exploit each Opportunity? How can we defend against each Threat? How can we use each Strength? How can we stop each Weakness? How can we exploit each Opportunity? How can we defend against each Threat? Are we concentrating on the easy fixes at the expense of confronting the difficult issues? ● ©

9 ● SCOPE VIEW  ©

10 Accessible Investor Options nonprofit organizations  ©

11 SCOPE VIEW All Nonprofits1,084,8971,397,263+28.8% Public Charities535,888822,817+53.5% Public Foundations 58,774102,881+75.0% Other 501(c)’s490,235471,565-3.8% U.S. Nonprofit Growth Trends Source: IRS Business Master File 12/2006 Category 1996 2006 % Change  ©


13  Countywide Healthcare Planning Office of Countywide Healthcare Planning (1) Planning and coordinating the delivery of countywide healthcare services for citizens and, implementing programs that improve access to healthcare for all residents. (5) Systematically reducing the number of uninsured children through creative and innovative outreach programs aimed at increasing enrollment in children’s programs. (6) Promoting innovation in healthcare by securing grants and contract funding from entities such as, but not limited to, private foundations and federal agencies. ©


15  © Marketing A Product… Any Product Mass Marketing has been replaced by Mass Customization. Singular messages will be singularly unsuccessful. How many relevant distinct definitions of value do you have?


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