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PURPOSE: TO MAKE LIFE BETTER FOR ALL LLife was worse at the end TThe leaders became the same as, or worse than, the other farmers (humans) they rebelled.

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Presentation on theme: "PURPOSE: TO MAKE LIFE BETTER FOR ALL LLife was worse at the end TThe leaders became the same as, or worse than, the other farmers (humans) they rebelled."— Presentation transcript:


2 PURPOSE: TO MAKE LIFE BETTER FOR ALL LLife was worse at the end TThe leaders became the same as, or worse than, the other farmers (humans) they rebelled against PURPOSE: TO FIX PROBLEMS FROM CZAR NICHOLAS II LLife was even worse long after revolution SStalin made Czar look like a nice guy

3  No owners, no rich, but no poor  Workers get a better life, all animals equal  Everyone owns the farm  No owners, no rich, but no poor  All people are equal  Government owns everything, people own government

4 TTaught Animalism WWorkers do the work, rich keep the money, animals revolt DDies before revolution IInvented Communism ““Workers of the world unite”, take over government DDies before Russian Revolution

5 IIrresponsible to his animals SSometimes cruel SSometimes kind AA poor leader at best CCruel SSometimes kind

6 YYoung, smart, good speaker, idealistic RReally wants to make life better for all OOne of leaders OOther leader of “October Revolution” PPure communist, followed Marx WWanted to improve life for all in Russia

7 NNot a good speaker, not as clever as Snowball CCruel, brutal. Selfish, devious, corrupt NNot a good speaker, not educated like Trotsky SSame as Napoleon, didn’t follow Marx’s

8 BBig mouth, talks a lot CConvinces animals to believe and follow Napoleon CChanges and manipulates the commandments WWorked for Stalin to support his image UUsed any lie to convince the people to follow Stalin BBenefited from the fact that education was controlled

9 AA private army that used fear to force animals to work KKilled or intimidated any opponent of Napoleon AAnother part of Napoleon’s strategy to control animals NNot really police, but forced support for Stalin UUsed force, often killed entire families for disobedience TTotally loyal, part of Lenin’s power, even over army

10 WWas vain DDidn’t think about the animal farm WWent with anyone who gave her what she wanted SSome people didn’t care about revolution OOnly though about themselves WWent other countries that offered more for them

11 SStrong, hard working horse, believes in Animal Farm ““Napoleon is always right”. “I must work harder”. GGives his all, is betrayed by Napoleon, who sells him  People believed Stalin because he was “Communist”  Many stayed loyal after it was obvious Stalin was a tyrant  Betrayed by Stalin who ignored and killed them

12 OOld, wise donkey who is suspicious of revolution tthinks "nothing ever changes", is right hhis suspicions are true, about Boxer and sign changes WWeren't sure revolution would change anything RRealized that a crazy leader can call himself communist KKnew that communism wouldn't work with power HHungry leaders

13  Good-hearted female cart-horse  Boxer’s close friend  Often suspects the pigs  Always misremembers the commandments  White goat who reads the commandments to Clover

14  Tough, shrewd operator of Pinchfield  Untrustworthy neighbor  Easygoing farmer who runs Foxwood  Mr. Frederick’s bitter enemy  Human solicitor whom Napoleon hires to represent Animal Farm in human society

15  Two dogs  Each gives birth to the puppies which are taken by Napoleon  The poet pig  Pens the banal patriotic song “Animal farm, Animal Farm”  Replace the idealistic hymn “Beast Of England”

16 “Sometimes questions are more important than answers.” -Nancy Willard (American poet and writer) Done by: Mark Jessica Sarah Caius

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