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Special Ed Classifications

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1 Special Ed Classifications

2 Week Two Agenda: Review Portfolio Project Writing Prompt (attendance)
Special Ed Categories—PowerPoint FAT City video LD Simulations Questions/Comments? Discussion

3 What is a Learning Disability?
A neurological disorder A person’s brain is wired differently Kids w/ LDs are as smart or smarter than peers A LD can’t be cured or fixed; it’s a lifelong issue With the right support and intervention, these kids with LDs can succeed in school!

4 Facts about Learning Disabilities
15% of the population, or 1 in 7 Americans, have an LD Difficulty w/ basic reading and language skills are most common LDs As many as 80% of students w/LDs have reading problems Learning Disabilities often run in families LDs should not be confused with other disabilities such as mental retardation, autism, ADHD, etc.

5 Students with LDs Must be a severe discrepancy between the student’s ability and achievement. This discrepancy can not be due to emotional impairments, cognitive impairment, cultural disadvantage, etc…

6 Learning Disabilities
Oral expression Listening comprehension Written expression Basic reading skill Reading comprehension Mathematics calculation Mathematics reasoning

7 Common Characteristics of LD Students
Short term memory Easily distracted May have difficulty copying information from the board/lectures Lack of planning and organizational skills May have difficulty expressing themselves verbally or in writing May be able to do something one day, but not the next Low self-esteem

8 Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
Condition that becomes apparent in some children in preschool and early school years Hard for these kids to control their behavior and/or pay attention 3-5% of kids have ADHD, so in class of it’s likely you’ll have at least one

9 Emotional Impairment Manifest problems in the affective domain
Behavior problems associated with an EI are: Demonstrated over a period of time Interfere with educational performance To the extent that Spec. Ed. services are needed

10 Emotional Impairment Behavior problems manifested through one or more of the following characteristics: An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships within the school environment Inappropriate types of behaviors or feelings under normal circumstances General mood of unhappiness or depression A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears in association with personal or school problems

11 Autism Spectrum Disorder
Wide variation in symptoms Seems to be on the rise, but could be result of improved detection Early diagnosis is important

12 Asperger’s syndrome Type of pervasive development disorder
Involves delays in development of basic skills, namely, ability to socialize, to communicate, & to use imagination Typically these students will function better than those with Autism Children w/Asperger’s generally have normal intelligence and near-normal language development, although they may develop problems communicating as they get older

13 More on Asperger’s… Problems with social skills
Eccentric or repetitive behaviors Unusual preoccupations or rituals Communication difficulties Limited range of interests Coordination problems Skilled or talented

14 A few more to mention… Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment
Cognitive Impairment

15 The “Hidden” Impairment
Specific learning disabilities are often called “hidden impairments” because from looking at the person and talking to the person, they appear “normal” (whatever normal is….) The fact that their disability is hidden can actually be a HUGE disadvantage to the child, since others may erroneously think that the child is lazy, not trying, etc…..

16 Fair does not equal Same
Being fair means providing what each student NEEDS. Being fair does not mean treating everyone the same, since not everyone needs the same things. Giving equal treatment means leveling the playing field so all students have an equal opportunity to grow, learn and be successful.

17 LD Instructional Strategies
Allow more time for student to complete work Break assignments up into manageable chunks Allow student to utilize technology (audio books/speech recording software/computer access etc…) Teach using multiple formats that allow each student to learn through their particular learning style Use mnemonics and other memory tricks Model steps as you teach Allow guided practice before asking student to show mastery independently Give SPECIFIC Praise OFTEN! Have consistent routines and procedures Allow students to correct errors on assignments and tests to ensure mastery and to earn some points back Accept late work – even if only for ½ credit – zeroes KILL

18 Learning Disabilities
Bottom line = Instructional strategies that are good for special ed students are good for ALL students. Special ed/At-risk/ELL students MAY need more intensive versions of the strategies.

19 The BIG Idea You will have special ed students in your classes
It is your job to teach them and help them become successful individuals Diversity is good = all will benefit Don't assume you know everything about the student - especially if you weren't that kind of learner BE FLEXIBLE BE FAIR Fair = give what is NEEDED What is good for special ed students is what is good for ALL students

20 F.A.T. City Video A brief introduction to what LD students experience daily to help develop some empathy and understanding Understand the reasons for some accommodations

21 LD Simulation Activities
If you don’t really feel up to it today, or find as you are going that you don’t want to do these activities – TOO BAD! LD students are expected to perform tasks daily that cause them to experience frustrations, anxiety and tension.

22 ACTIVITY 1 p d q b Reading and Decoding– how hard can it be?
This activity shows what it is like to read as a LD child Even if you can decode something, it doesn’t mean comprehension is there.

23 ACTIVITY 2 Perceiving vs. Seeing
You can see the picture but you can’t perceive it. You need direct instruction from the teacher. There’s a difference b/w vision and perception. You can see it but you can’t bring meaning to it until I tell you what it is.

GROUP STORY – Generating Ideas, Thinking of the right words, Organizing and Expressing thoughts Experience shows how speaking can be a cognitive task for a LD child

25 ACTIVITY 4 Auditory and Visual Capabilities
What it’s like to be unable to understand something visually but it makes sense when you hear it aloud

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