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Anaya Fusco.  Population: about 15 Million people  85% of population live in rural settings  Literacy rate is about 10 %  Afghanistan is one of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Anaya Fusco.  Population: about 15 Million people  85% of population live in rural settings  Literacy rate is about 10 %  Afghanistan is one of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anaya Fusco

2  Population: about 15 Million people  85% of population live in rural settings  Literacy rate is about 10 %  Afghanistan is one of the world's poorest countries it is estimated that 1 0f 4 afghans live as refugees  60% of the population are descendants from the Pushtun tribe.  Almost all afghans are Muslim  Americans.html

3  Islamic Republic  Social welfare in Afghanistan has relied on family and tribal organization  Originally woman had few rights, Household chores being the main role  When the Taliban ended, woman gained more rights they weren't forced to wear burka, they were permitted to go to school and Married woman were allowed to

4  Kabul was once the center of Zoroastrianism and also a home to thousands of Buddhist  Conquered by Arabs in the 17 th century, who brought Islam to the country

5  British vs. Pushtun tribes  Sher ali defeated by British  Stay till 1842  Muhammad Nadir Shah as king

6  The democratic-afghan occured  The Soviet increased to about 85,000 troops in late January 1980, and by spring, the first clashes between Soviet troops and the mujahedeen had occurred  More than a million afghans lost lives

7  Summer of 1994 Rabbani and his defense minister, Ahmed Shah Masoud, contorlled the government in Kabul  Pakistan Leaders supported Taliban  In may 1997 the Taliban entered Mazār-e Sharif Afghanistan's largest town.  Dostum was put out of power by his second in command Malik Pahlawan

8  Attacks against the United states by members of al-Qaeda  November 13 th the Taliban was removed from power

9  U.S and Britain attack Afghanistan because they won’t release Osama Bin Laden  181 people lost lives between January 2005 and August 2006  February 2009 Barack Obama Sends extra troops to Afghanistan

10  "Afghanistan." Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations. 2007. (March 4, 2013). 2-2586700186.html 2-2586700186.html  Bashiri, Iraj. "Kabul." Kabul. N.p., 2003. Web. 4 Mar. 2013  "14 Kabul." 14 Kabul. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.

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