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NEXT 15 20 25 510 Planets Continents Bodies of Water Deserts Rivers 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four Team Five.

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9 15 20 25 510 Planets Continents Bodies of Water Deserts Rivers 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four Team Five Team Six

10 The Planets Question for 5 Points Which planet do we live on? Show Answer

11 The Planets Answer for 5 Points Earth Back to Board

12 The Planets Question for 10 Points This planet is surrounded by rings that are thought to be the remnants of a shattered moon. Show Answer

13 The Planets Answer for 10 Points Saturn Back to Board

14 The Planets Question for 15 Points Which planet is home to the “Olympus Mons,” the largest volcano found in the solar system? Show Answer

15 The Planets Answer for 15 Points Mars Back to Board

16 The Planets Question for 20 Points Name the planet known to be the brightest in the solar system. Show Answer

17 The Planets Answer for 20 Points Venus Back to Board

18 The Planets Question for 25 Points Name all 9 planets in order starting with the one closest to the sun. Show Answer

19 The Planets Answer for 25 Points Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto Back to Board

20 The Continents Question for 5 Points The Earth consists of how many continents? Show Answer

21 The Continents Answer for 5 Points Seven Back to Board

22 The Continents Question for 10 Points In which continent are there no deserts? Show Answer

23 The Continents Answer for 10 Points Europe Back to Board

24 The Continents Question for 15 Points In which continent are there no countries? Show Answer

25 The Continents Answer for 15 Points Antarctica Back to Board

26 The Continents Question for 20 Points Which continent covers approximately 1/3 of the world’s total land area? Show Answer

27 The Continents Answer for 20 Points Asia Back to Board

28 The Continents Question for 25 Points Which continent contains the longest river on Earth? Show Answer

29 The Continents Answer for 25 Points Africa Back to Board

30 Bodies of Water Question for 5 Points What is the name of the waterfall located in New York? Show Answer

31 Bodies of Water Answer for 5 Points Niagra Falls Back to Board

32 Bodies of Water Question for 10 Points What U.S. state has the most lakes? Show Answer

33 Bodies of Water Answer for 10 Points Alaska Back to Board

34 Bodies of Water Question for 15 Points What is the largest lake in the world? Show Answer

35 Bodies of Water Answer for 15 Points The Caspian Sea (despite the name it is actually considered a lake) Back to Board

36 Bodies of Water Question for 20 Points What is the largest lake completely within the boundaries of the U.S.? Show Answer

37 Bodies of Water Answer for 20 Points Lake Michigan Back to Board

38 Bodies of Water Question for 25 Points Into what body of water does the Rio Grande flow? Show Answer

39 Bodies of Water Answer for 25 Points Gulf of Mexico Back to Board

40 Deserts Question for 5 Points A place has to receive less than ____ inches of rain per year to be considered a desert. Show Answer

41 Deserts Answer for 5 Points 10 inches Back to Board

42 Deserts Question for 10 Points What is the world’s largest hot desert? Show Answer

43 Deserts Answer for 10 Points The Sahara Desert Back to Board

44 Deserts Question for 15 Points True or False: There is a desert on the continent of Antarctica. Show Answer

45 Deserts Answer for 15 Points True! Back to Board

46 Deserts Question for 20 Points This desert is the smallest of the four deserts in North America. Show Answer

47 Deserts Answer for 20 Points Mojave Desert Back to Board

48 Deserts Question for 25 Points This desert, located in the U.S. receives more rain than any other desert in the world (10- 14 inches a year). Show Answer

49 Deserts Answer for 25 Points The Sonoran Desert Back to Board

50 Rivers Question for 5 Points What is the longest river in the U.S.? Show Answer

51 Rivers Answer for 5 Points Missouri River Back to Board

52 Rivers Question for 10 Points The largest river in the U.S. is ___________. Show Answer

53 Rivers Answer for 10 Points The Mississippi River Back to Board

54 Rivers Question for 15 Points This river, located in the Appalachian mountains of Ashe County, is the oldest river in the nation and the second oldest in the world. Show Answer

55 Rivers Answer for 15 Points The New River Back to Board

56 Rivers Question for 20 Points This river in Africa runs through 9 countries. Show Answer

57 Rivers Answer for 20 Points The Nile River Back to Board

58 Rivers Question for 25 Points This river is the longest in China and Asia. Show Answer

59 Rivers Answer for 25 Points The Yangtze River Back to Board

60 Show Question

61 “Big Points” Question This Venezuelan waterfall drops 3,212 feet. That is 15 times higher than Niagra Falls. Name this waterfall. Show Answer 302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321

62 Big Points Answer for Big Points Angel Falls Next

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64 Big Board Facts © 2010 Jeff Ertzberger All rights reserved. All Clipart Copyright Graphics– All Rights Reserved. Some images have been modified from original version.Graphics This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of the author. For even more template games and great resources visit: By using this game you are agreeing to our terms of use.terms of use End

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