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RLSS Water Safety Workshop Inland Water Forward Exit.

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1 RLSS Water Safety Workshop Inland Water Forward Exit

2 What is Inland Water? Any inland water ways such as rivers, canals, lakes, quarries and reservoirs. 1h2h Forward Back Exit

3 WHO? – Case Study Teenage boy drowns in a Lancashire quarry A 13-year-old boy has drowned after swimming at Hill Top Quarry in Whittle-le-Woods, near Chorley. Emergency crews were called to the site but the boy was pronounced dead at the scene, according to a police spokesman. The boy’s mother paid tribute to her son who she described as a "bright young man who enjoyed life to the maximum and was a thrill seeker. He was funny, special and a talented athlete, was loved by all his family and friends and was a brilliant big brother to his brothers and sister and a fantastic son." He was a ‘very capable swimmer‘. She said the family had been left "totally devastated". "It has left a massive hole in our lives and our family is incomplete without him, though he will never be forgotten. Life will never be the same.“ “I want people to know that he was a strong lad and a very capable swimmer, despite this he still found himself in trouble and unable to swim a short distance to safety. This message is to highlight the dangers of open water and the devastation it can bring to any normal family." A Councillor of Chorley Council, said the local areas of open water had always been popular with young people. "We are surrounded by water and the water is a big attraction to kids when it is nice weather," he said. "This is used quite a lot and has been for many years.“ Source: 1h2h Forward Back Exit

4 Think about the dangers Look for the hazards by clicking on the pictures provided. Can you find all of the hazards? How can they be avoided? 1h2h Forward Back Exit

5 LAKE QUARRY RESERVOIR RIVER CANAL Menu Finish Activity Finish Activity Inland Water Main Menu 1h2h Forward Back Exit

6 Canal Hazards: 4 to find! Resetting Hazards 1h2h Menu Exit Reset Reveal All Reveal All

7 Hazards: 4 to find! Canal Traffic Bridge Currents Bank Currents Risk: Danger of being swept away. Also currents may be hidden and can drag you under the water. Precautions: Look for visible currents in the water and warning signs along the bank. Bank Risk: Bank may be slippery and has shear drop to water edge making escape difficult. Precautions: Stick to the path and only approach the water edge at a safe place. Canal Traffic Risk: Danger of being hit by boats if you fall in. Precautions: If you do fall in, swim to the bank and shout to try and make boats aware of you. Canal Reset Bridge Risk: Danger of falling over the railings Precautions: Don’t lean over the side of the railings 1h2h Exit Reveal All Reveal All Menu

8 Hazards: 4 to find! Lake Resetting Hazards 1h2h Menu Exit Reset Reveal All Reveal All

9 Hazards: 4 to find! Rocks Vegetation Rubbish/ Pollution Hidden Features Rubbish/Pollution Risk: Broken bottles and cans can cause cuts. Pollutions such as sewage can cause health problems. Precautions: Look for rubbish and signs of pollution e.g waste water pipes when choosing a swimming spot. Lake Reset Rocks Risk: Rocks pose a slip, trip & fall hazard and may be hidden beneath vegetation. Precautions: Be careful when moving in shallow water and do not jump into water when you cannot see what is underneath. Hidden Features Risk: You cannot see what is below the water in the lake. Possible hazards include glass, sharp rocks & uneven ground. Precautions: If you cannot see below the surface, do not jump in but get in slowly after checking for warning signs and having a closer look at water level. Vegetation Risk: Vegetation can hide rocks and make them slippery. It can also be easy to get tangled in vegetation, causing a potential drowning risks Precautions: Be careful when moving over covered rocks and.avoid swimming in areas of dense reeds. 1h2h Reveal All Reveal All Exit Menu

10 Hazards: 6 to find! Quarry Resetting Hazards 1h2h Menu Exit Reset Reveal All Reveal All

11 Hazards: 6 to find! Rocks Unstable bank Underwater current Hidden features Shear face Trees on bank Unstable Bank Risk: The bank can give way leading to a fall to the water. Precautions: If you want to go to the water edge, find a spot where the bank is more stable and move slowly. Trees on Bank Risk: The tree roots may destabilise the bank, making the bank more hazardous. Precautions: Approach the bank carefully, checking the ground conditions. If in the water stay clear of unstable banks. Quarry Reset Rocks Risk: Rocks pose a slip, trip & fall hazard and may be hidden beneath vegetation. Precautions: Be careful when moving in shallow water and do not jump into water when you cannot see what is underneath. Vertical Bank Risk: Vertical wall will make getting out difficult if in trouble. Precautions: Keep clear of the edge when on land and do not jump off without knowledge that the water underneath is safe. Hidden Currents Risk: Currents under the surface can pull you under and may carry you far under the water increasing the risk of drowning. Precautions: Only swim where advised to by lifeguards or locals. Most quarries have no swimming signs so look out for these. Hidden Features Risk: You cannot see what is below the water in the quarry. Possible hazards include glass, sharp rocks & uneven ground. Precautions: If you cannot see below the surface, do not jump in. Get in slowly, after checking for warning signs and whilst looking for hazards at water level. 1h2h Reveal All Reveal All Exit Menu

12 Hazards: 3 to find! Reservoir Resetting Hazards 1h2h Menu Exit Reset Reveal All Reveal All

13 Shear Wall Cold water Hazards: 3 to find! Hidden objects Hidden Objects Risk: Cannot see what is under the water: it may shallow or be filled with rocks or debris. Precautions: If there is a safe place to enter the water, do so slowly and look closely when at water level for hazards Cold water Risk: Inland water can be very cold, this reduces the survival time in the water and can cause heart attacks Precautions: Do not get into water without testing its temperature first, whilst also looking out for potential hazards. Vertical Wall Risk: Banks are featureless and vertical so might not be able to escape/exit the reservoir. Precautions: Do not enter the water in these sites. Take care around the edge. Always look for signs warning of the dangers. Reservoir Reset 1h2h Reveal All Reveal All Exit Menu

14 Hazards: 8 to find! River Resetting Hazards 1h2h Menu Exit Reset Reveal All Reveal All

15 Currents Trees on bank Cold water Hidden objects Waterfall White water Hazards: 8 to find! Rocks Currents Risk: Danger of being swept away. Also currents may be hidden and can drag you under the water. Precautions: Look for visible currents in the water and warning signs along the bank. Cold water Risk: Inland water can be very cold, this reduces the survival time in the water and can cause heart attacks Precautions: Do not get into water without testing its temperature first, whilst also looking out for potential hazards. Mist - White water ahead Risk: Fast moving water with strong currents moving over rocks. Precautions: Only do if trained in white water or with a qualified instructor. It should only be tackled with the correct safety equipment and after training in how to use it correctly. Railings River Reset Rocks Risk: Rocks pose a slip, trip & fall hazard and may be hidden beneath vegetation. Precautions: Be careful when moving on the bank and in shallow water and do not jump into water when you cannot see what is underneath. Trees on Bank Risk: The tree roots may destabilise the bank, making the bank more hazardous. Precautions: Approach the bank carefully, checking the ground conditions. Hidden Objects Risk: Cannot see what is under the water: it may shallow or be filled with rocks or rubbish. Precautions: If there is a safe place to enter the water, do so slowly and look closely when at water level for hazards Waterfall Risk: Fast moving water with strong currents moving over rocks with a drop in height. Precautions: Approach with caution, if trying to cross the river do so further upstream in a place where the current is weaker. Railings on platform Risk: If you fell/jumped over the railings, you would hit the rocks below before entering the water. Precautions: Don’t lean over the side of the railings. If looking for places to enter the water, check out what is underneath the platform and the water depth. 1h2h Reveal All Reveal All Exit Menu

16 Cold Water Immersion The danger of cold water and its effects on the body 2h Forward Back Exit

17 Short Term (0-3 mins) Hyperventilation Blood pumps faster Panic Heart rate rises Possible Heart Attack Cold Water Immersion 2h Forward Back Exit

18 Medium Term (3-30 mins) Hands, feet, arms and legs start cooling rapidly Loss of endurance Loss of strength Cold Water Immersion 2h Forward Back Exit

19 Cold Water Immersion Long Term (30+ mins) Hypothermia Disorientated Confusion Core body temperature drops below 35°C Fall unconscious 2h Back Exit

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