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Movie 5. Mushie and her uncle got in a bus. ‘Where are we going?’ Mushie asked. But her uncle just smiled.

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Presentation on theme: "Movie 5. Mushie and her uncle got in a bus. ‘Where are we going?’ Mushie asked. But her uncle just smiled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Movie 5

2 Mushie and her uncle got in a bus. ‘Where are we going?’ Mushie asked. But her uncle just smiled.

3 When the bus stoped,Mushie looked around they were no longer in the city, they had travelled to the wetland.

4 When Mushie and Uncle Muahi walked through the wetland forest, they saw ferns,wetland plants and Mushie’s favourite waterlilies.

5 ‘Wow ’ exclaimed Mushie

6 After a 2hour strait walk, they finally turned left. Mushie saw a road, up the road a……………



9 ‘what are we doing here, Uncle Muahi’ asked Mushie ‘Not much, except staying here for a week ½’ Replied Muahi


11 ‘Yes way’ chuckled Uncle Muahi

12 Look for other movies in the series Mushie at the library Mushie on a plane Mushie gets a pet Mushie meets Santa Mushie and the waterfall Mushie and the tiger

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