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2nd RCC Meeting – Region South-South East 13th 2006, Vienna.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd RCC Meeting – Region South-South East 13th 2006, Vienna."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd RCC Meeting – Region South-South East 13th 2006, Vienna

2 2 Agenda

3 3 Elements of the Questionnaire Implementation of requirements of the Gas Regulation 1775/2005 Questionnaire on actual TPA use and practice Market information Information on transport routes Implementation of the Directive 2003/55/EC and other issues Timeframe

4 4 Gas Regulation 1775/2005 aim is to monitor the practical implementation of the Regulation national secondary legislation modifications are likely

5 5 Gas Regulation 1775/2005 for each requirement of the Regulation please provide the following information:

6 6 Elements of the Questionnaire Implementation of requirements of the Gas Regulation 1775/2005 Questionnaire on actual TPA use and practice Market information Information on transport routes Implementation of the Directive 2003/55/EC and other issues Timeframe

7 7 Questionnaire on actual TPA use and practice

8 8 Elements of the Questionnaire Implementation of requirements of the Gas Regulation 1775/2005 Questionnaire on actual TPA use and practice Market information Information on transport routes Implementation of the Directive 2003/55/EC and other issues Timeframe

9 9 Market information data are referred to each country and should be provided for 2005 (annual data) or as of 31 December 2005 Current natural gas supply and infrastructure information

10 10 Elements of the Questionnaire Implementation of requirements of the Gas Regulation 1775/2005 Questionnaire on actual TPA use and practice Market information Information on transport routes Implementation of the Directive 2003/55/EC and other issues Timeframe

11 11 Information on transport routes 1. 1. RUS-SK-CZ-GER: Velke Kapusany - Waidhaus or Hora Svate Kateriny 2. 2. RUS-SK-A-SI-I: Velke Kapusany - Goricia 3. 3.RUS-SK-A-I: Velke Kapusany - Tarvisio 4. 4. RUS-SK-A-GER: Velke Kapusany - Oberkappel 5 5. RUS-PL-GER-CZ: Bobrowniki or Kondratki – Mallnow - Hora Svate Kateriny

12 12 Information on transport routes each Regulator to fill out information on national section of the transport route

13 13 Information on transport routes Used by how many shippers (shares)? Capacity transparency (published/traffic light/none) Capacity availability (long terms/short term/scant or none) Capacity allocation methods (FCFS/auctions/open season/other) Capacity Release / Use it or lose it (NA/not used/used) Tariff structure: entry exit, postage stamp, distance Tariff level: NA/to be provided for selected routings Rate of returns (NA/negotiated level/regulated level) Secondary capacity trading (negotiated/public board/none) Access conflicts (Before regulator/comp authority/Ministry/none)...

14 14 Information on transport routes Regulators to assess the situation on the national section of transport route

15 15 Elements of the Questionnaire Implementation of requirements of the Gas Regulation 1775/2005 Questionnaire on actual TPA use and practice Market information Information on transport routes Implementation of the Directive 2003/55/EC and other issues Timeframe

16 16 Implementation of the Directive 2003/55/EC Assessment of the implementation status of the Directive List of main shortcomings Are there any infringement procedures?

17 17 Assessment of regulatory powers Regulatory powers regarding  Unbundling  Storage and flexibility services  Sanctions  Exemption for new infrastructure

18 18 Elements of the Questionnaire Implementation of requirements of the Gas Regulation 1775/2005 Questionnaire on actual TPA use and practice Market information Information on transport routes Implementation of the Directive 2003/55/EC and other issues Timeframe

19 19 Timeframe for completion of questionnaire Fact finding activity by regulators over the summer Completed questionnaires should be submitted to the Co-chairs Deadline: 31 August 2006

20 20 Agenda

21 21 4. Timetable of SSE Region  6.1 Milestones  Draft and circulate consultation document– mid July;  Comments no later than 5th September  Fact finding activity by regulators (compliance with directive and regulation, collection of basic market data) 1.7 - 31.8  Public hearings and discussion 27.9 *)  Draft Action Plan circulation 10.10, approval 31.10  6.2 Next steps  First SG – Meeting *) 28./29.9 GTE-Conference in Bratislava 29.9 GFG/GWG in Vienna

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