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Presenter: PhuongNQK. Goals Introduce the concept of Agile and Agilist Introduce Agile development, methodologies and applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: PhuongNQK. Goals Introduce the concept of Agile and Agilist Introduce Agile development, methodologies and applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: PhuongNQK

2 Goals Introduce the concept of Agile and Agilist Introduce Agile development, methodologies and applications

3 Starting point We are born to work. It is what we do that defines us.

4 As a result… We always need better ways to work.

5 You know… Agile mindset will help us find such ways.

6 Generic Agile concept Iterative Incremental

7 Generic Agile concept Development and delivery:  Iterative  Incremental Requirements and solutions:  Evolve through collaboration between self- organizing, cross-functional teams Others:  Adaptive planning  Rapid and flexible response to change


9 Traditional vs. Agile Individuals and interaction Customer collaboration Responding to change Processes and tools Contract negotiation Following a plan Traditional way Agile way There is value There is MORE value Usable products Comprehensive doc / theory

10 Agilist An agilist practices and promotes agile mindset.

11 What makes a good worker? Qualities Passionate DisciplineTruthful Grateful Active Collabor- ative Creative Self- improving

12 What makes a good agilist? A good worker With SMART goals Size tasks Start quickly Utilize limited resouces Prefer simplicity Improve work daily Interact face to face A member & leader Regularly review & learn

13 Agile development

14 Agile project management

15 Agile results


17 Recipe to improve capacity Visualize work-in- progress Limit work- in-progress Reduce multitasking or task switching Improved focus Cycle Time improves Feedback frequency increases Quality improves Team maturity improves Recipe to improve capacity

18 Agile is an umbrella… SCRUM FDD Lean Crystal DSDM XP … Methodologies are Implementations Kanban DevOps

19 SCRUM methodology


21 Kanban methodology SCRUM is iterative, while KANBAN is flow (continuous) SCRUM is weekly / monthly Waterfall, while KANBAN is hourly / daily Waterfall

22 Lean methodology

23 DevOps methodology DevOps promotes a set of processes and methods for more effective communication and collaboration between depts. In an organization with separate depts for Dev, IT operations and QA, deep cross- dept integration is often not effective.

24 Applications Value / Vision Driven Estimate Fixed Constraints And then… Plan- Driven Scope ScheduleCost Scope ScheduleCost

25 Social biz vs. Agile biz

26 As a summary Act / Accelerate Adaptively Guarantee Good enough products Improve Incrementally / Iteratively Listen and Learn Evolve towards Excellence

27 References Agile Estimating and Planning, by Mike Cohn, Prentice Hall Scrum and XP from the Trenches, by Henrik Kniberg, InfoQ nban-and-scrum-combined/ nban-and-scrum-combined/ _Agile_Results_in_a_Nutshell _Agile_Results_in_a_Nutshell

28 Wait! What if you find you can no longer do anything tomorrow?

29 I bet… You gonna try your best today

30 For more, please visit:

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