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Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Classification of Changes in Evolving Data Streams using Online Clustering.

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Presentation on theme: "Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Classification of Changes in Evolving Data Streams using Online Clustering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Classification of Changes in Evolving Data Streams using Online Clustering Result Deviation Mohamed Medhat Gaber 1, and Philip S. Yu 2 1 Caulfield School of Information Technology, Monash University, 900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East, VIC3145, Australia {} 2 IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY 10532 {}

2 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Introduction Traditional data mining algorithms have mainly focused on clustering, classification and frequent pattern analysis techniques. Detecting changes in data streams is an essential data mining process due to the evolving nature of streaming data. Data streams follow a stable data distribution within a domain in the normal situation in the context of a specific application. A change in the distribution and/or domain represents an event or a phenomenon that has already occurred or will occur.

3 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Related Work Aggarwal [Agg02], [Agg03] has proposed the use of differential kernel density estimation over time windows to detect the rate of change in data densities.  Changing the window size provides the user by the ability to detect both long-term and short-term changes. Ben-David et al [BGK04] have studied distribution change detection in data streams using statistical tests that are sensitive to distribution changes.  The techniques used are non-parametric and can distinguish between statistically significant change and noise.

4 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Our Proposed Framework Training Phase  Detecting changes and associating them with events using STREAM- DETECT. Classification Phase  Detecting changes and classifying them using voting-based classification using the logged history of changes using CHANGE- CLASS. Figure 1. Our Proposed Framework

5 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 STREAM-DETECT Algorithm Figure 2. STREAM-DETECT Algorithm

6 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Clustering Deviation Measurements

7 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 CHANGE-CLASS Algorithm This is done through the voting of the nearest neighbor of each change attribute. The classification result will be the event that won the highest vote i.e., the event that has attracted the majority of change attributes. Figure 3. CHANGE-CLASS Algorithm

8 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Tuning System Parameters Time frame duration (TF) and threshold value (Th) should be set according to the application requirements. Figure 4. Parameter-Tune Algorithm

9 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Experimental Settings The proposed framework has been implemented using Matlab We run the experiments on a workstation with Pentium 4 with 3.00 GHz CPU and 504 MB of RAM. The data used in the experiments have been generated from both uniform and normal distributions with changing domain and/or distribution parameters to represent a change in the streaming data. We have generated three different categories of datasets. Figure 5. Events and Dataset Categories

10 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Experimental Results (1) Figure 6. Time Frame Duration Effect on the Detection Performance

11 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Experimental Results (2) Figure 7. Threshold Value Effect on the Detection Performance

12 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Efficiency Tips Detecting small changes requires low threshold value. Detecting dramatic changes requires high threshold value. Detecting frequently occurring changes requires short time frame. Detecting less frequent events requires long time frames. Detecting changes in unstable datasets requires high threshold value. Detecting changes in stable datasets requires low threshold value.

13 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Experimental Results (3) Table 1. Classification Robustness

14 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 Conclusion We have proposed STREAM-DETECT algorithm for identifying change in data stream distribution and/or domain values using online clustering. STREAM-DETECT is followed by a voting-based classification technique termed as CHANGE-CLASS that associates the current change with a previously encountered event Experimental results are promising for real-life applications to use this lightweight technique especially in wireless sensor networks.

15 Third International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams, 2006 References [Agg02] C. Aggarwal, An Intuitive Framework for Understanding Changes in Evolving Data Streams, Proceedings of the ICDE Conference, 2002. [Agg03] C. Aggarwal, A Framework for Diagnosing Changes in Evolving Data Streams, Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference, 2003. [BGK04] Ben-David, S, J. Gehrke and D. Kifer, Detecting Change in Data Streams, Proceedings of VLDB 2004. [BKP03] R. Bhargava, H. Kargupta, and M. Powers, Energy Consumption in Data Analysis for On-board and Distributed Applications, Proceedings of the ICML'03 workshop on Machine Learning Technologies for Autonomous Space Applications, 2003. [Fan04a] W. Fan, StreamMiner: A Classifier Ensemble-based Engine to Mine Concept Drifting Data Streams, VLDB'2004 [Fan04b] W. Fan, Systematic data selection to mine concept-drifting data streams. KDD 2004: 128-137 [FHY04] W. Fan, Yi-an Huang, Philip S. Yu, Decision Tree Evolution Using Limited Number of Labeled Data Items from Drifting Data Streams. ICDM 2004: 379-382 [HSD01] G. Hulten, L. Spencer, and P. Domingos, Mining Time-Changing Data Streams, ACM SIGKDD 2001. [GKZ05] Gaber, M, M., Krishnaswamy, S., and Zaslavsky, A., On-board Mining of Data Streams in Sensor Networks, a book chapter in Advanced Methods of Knowledge Discovery from Complex Data, (Eds.) S. Badhyopadhyay, U. Maulik, L. Holder and D. Cook, Springer Verlag,.2005. [GZK05] Gaber, M, M., Zaslavsky, A., and Krishnaswamy, S., Mining Data Streams: A Review, ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol. 34, No. 1, June 2005, ISSN: 0163-5808. [Kli04] R. Klinkenberg,, Learning Drifting Concepts: Example Selection vs. Example Weighting. In Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA), Special Issue on Incremental Learning Systems Capable of Dealing with Concept Drift, Vol. 8, No. 3, pages 281-300, 2004. [Mut03] S. Muthukrishnan (2003), Data Streams: Algorithms and Applications, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. [NCR03] O. Nasraoui, C. Cardona, C. Rojas, F. González, TECNO-STREAMS: Tracking Evolving Clusters in Noisy Data Streams with a Scalable Immune System Learning Model, in Proc. of Third IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'03), Melbourne, FL, November 2003, pp. 235-242. [TuM03] M. Tubaishat and S. Madria. Sensor Networks: an Overview. IEEE Potentials, Vol.22, Issue 2, Apr-May 2003. pages:20-23.Sensor Networks: an Overview. [WFY03] H. Wang, W. Fan, P. Yu and J. Han, Mining Concept-Drifting Data Streams using Ensemble Classifiers, in the 9th ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD), Aug. 2003, Washington DC, USA. [WPY05] H. Wang, J. Pei, and P. S. Yu, Online Mining of Data Streams: Problems, Applications and Progress (tutorial), in the 21st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), April, 2005, Tokyo, Japan. [WZF03] K. Wang, S. Zhou, A. Fu, J. Yu. Mining changes of Classification by Correspondence Tracing. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2003, May 2003, San Francisco.

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