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Published byGracie Lin Modified over 9 years ago
9-1 Targeting Metadata Training At the end of this session, the successful learner will be able to: Discuss the five major issues in metadata training. Develop content for a metadata workshop based on: Audience Format Time frame Other issues Discuss methods to reduce training costs. Locate supplemental metadata materials Address special training issues Objectives: Targeting Metadata Training
9-2 Targeting Metadata Training Planning and Organizing Metadata Training FormatContentTime Frame Successful Metadata Training Workshop Design Audience Analysis Requires to determine
9-3 Planning and Organizing Metadata Training Targeting Metadata Training Major Issues Audience – The audience is the driving force behind how you will address each of the topics that follows. The audience analysis, as discussed earlier, will establish the audience composition, along with the training needs and previous experiences of the participants. You don’t want to do a real technical presentation for upper level managers, just as you would not want to be too general with a group of scientists, technicians or analysts. Content – Remember not all metadata trainees in a workshop will be metadata creators. Managers and metadata creators can have specific and varying training needs and learning goals. The instructor, with the organization’s training coordinator, uses the audience analysis and each module’s learning objectives to determine the workshop content based on the participants’ training requirements. Content is a consideration that is influenced by the audience, format and time frame. Use the ‘Must know, should know, could know’ concept to help determine the appropriate content. Format – Will you give a modified lecture, or will your workshop be a combination of lecture and computer-based training? The metadata creator audience will benefit more from the computer-based training format, while the needs of the manager will be better met by the modified lecture. Once again, the audience composition, content and time frame will influence the format of the workshop. Time frame – Time frame or duration of metadata training varies. Common time frames experienced, by other metadata workshop developers, have been one hour, four hours, eight hours, and 16 hours. Time frame is a factor that can be derived from the audience analysis. Time frame is a consideration influenced by the audience, content, and format, along with other issues discussed later.
9-4 Some issues with mixed audiences Targeting Metadata Training If the participants vary in their learning objectives and separate workshops are not an option, consider the following suggestions: Schedule the managers to attend the first presentation or two covering basic concepts and corporate requirements, thereby meeting the managers’ learning objectives. After the managers have departed, you can continue with the ‘nitty-gritty’ of metadata creation for the remaining participants. Have the managers attend a one to four hour presentation before or after the computer based training for the ‘metadata creator’ group. Ask the metadata creators if a wrap-up session with their manager would be helpful. In this wrap-up session, the metadata creators can discuss what they will need to begin the metadata creation process, and the manager can discuss any constraints that may affect this process. Be sure to lay out some ground rules to avoid veering off topic, and to establish an environment where people feel free to voice their opinions or suggestions. More and less experienced participants: Utilize the experienced participants as training assistants during activities by pairing them with less experienced participants. Develop ‘going deeper’ options on activities. For example, less experienced participants may be asked to answer a set of questions using a metadata record as the source, while the more experienced are asked to critique the metadata record.
9-5 Targeting Metadata Training Some issues with time frames Time frame or duration of metadata training varies. Common time frames, as determined by experienced workshop developers, can range from one hour, to four hours, eight hours, or 16 hours. Time frame is a factor that can be derived from the audience analysis but is often determined by logistical constraints such as facility and participant availability. The most tempting method of reducing time is to minimize/eliminate activities. However, activities can be the most valuable learning method and means of addressing diverse groups. As such, your creative energy is needed to preserve the activities. Some ways to save time include: Using dialog instead of lectures where possible Integrating social activities (ice breakers, breaks) with learning activities. For example, you might say, “During your break, talk with your fellow participants to see if you can come up with some of the biggest roadblocks to metadata creation within organizations. When we get back from break, we’ll discuss what you have come up with.” Something to consider when planning your workshop: Metadata Workshop Subject Typical Time Required Core concepts of metadata ½ day Comprehension of the CSDGM 1 day Hands-on training 1½ day
9-6 Targeting Metadata Training Other Issues Facility – The training format, content, and audience influence the facilities required for metadata training. If the format is lecture and the content covers basic concepts and/or enabling metadata creation, the facilities required are simple. However if metadata creation is a training goal then facilities with computers, metadata creation software, and Internet connection for clearinghouse instruction will be needed. Partnering with an agency that has a training center or with a university’s computer laboratory are good methods to gain access to computer facilities and to cut training costs. Make an agreement to provide training for students, research staff, and faculty in exchange for the use of the training facility for future classes. Finances – Money is always an issue. Who will be paying for this training? How will they pay? Who will handle the money issues? Whenever possible, share the costs. Also, seek out grants as a means to provide financial support for your training. The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) provides grant money for metadata initiatives. Also explore ways to develop partnerships within and between agencies, with colleges and universities, and with professional organizations. Materials – One of the more daunting obstacles new trainers face is developing material. Not to worry. There is a lot of material already out there that you can gain access to. The FGDC, the National Biological Information Infrastructure, the NOAA Coastal Services Center, and other trainers can provide you with adequate material to begin. But don’t just take their material and use it as it. Put your look and feel on it. Make it your own. Modify it to suit your needs. For more on available resources, refer to Appendix ## on page ##. Planning and Organizing Metadata Training
9-7 The audience analysis may indicate other issues related to the training that might jeopardize the success of metadata training. For example, some participants may perceive institutional barriers within their organization that obstructs the development of metadata and hinders institutionalizing metadata creation. Institutional barriers to training Targeting Metadata Training Recommendation - If you have quite a few participants from one organizational unit, and you feel (either from the audience analysis, or from discussions in the workshop) that there may be some institutional barriers present, attempt to have a debriefing session with the participants and the organization’s managers. Establish with the managers the ‘safe learning environment concept’ prior to the debriefing to allow the participants to freely discuss perceived barriers to creating metadata. Be careful, though. You don’t want to set up a situation that degrades into a gripe session, just as you don’t want to have a situation develop where there may be the possibility of retribution on the part of the managers. Make sure your ground rules are established and are written in such a way as to avoid these situations.
9-8 Workshop Design Decision Flow Expand the lesson plan into a full workshop program (lesson plan, agenda, presentations, workbooks, and materials list) by addressing logistical opportunities and constraints. Audience Analysis Logistics Format Time Frame Workshop Level Content Workshop Lesson Plan Content What is the general metadata knowledge level of the workshop participants? Is it consistent or variable? Determine if the participants would benefit most from introductory, intermediate, advanced, or custom, or split, training. How long are the participants and/or facility available for the training? Determine the metadata subjects most critical to the workshop level given the timeframe (see Content Matrix, page 8). What workshop formats (lecture, demonstration, hands-on, etc.) can be employed to deliver the content most effectively within the time frame? Do I have facility, finances, and materials to implement the lesson plan? Design the workshop lesson plan to indicate the format and instructional methods used to deliver each metadata subject. Targeting Metadata Training The major considerations in planning and organizing metadata training (audience, time frame, format, and logistics) can be organized into a workshop design decision flow. Using this flow diagram can reduce your workshop development time, and can help ensure that you will hit your training goals.
9-9 Determining appropriate workshop level Targeting Metadata Training Participant has read a metadata record. Review your audience analysis information, and apply the criteria below to determine the appropriate level for your workshop. Participant is familiar with the CSDGM. Participant has used metadata to manage data resources. Participant has written metadata using the CSDGM. Participant has validated metadata using MP Participant regularly produces metadata. YES Participant needs specific metadata implementation guidance. YES NO INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP INTERMEDIATE WORKSHOP ADVANCED WORKSHOP CUSTOM WORKSHOP Re-evaluate participant’s needs
9-10 Scaling Metadata Workshop Content in Time This chart shows suggested minimum content based on workshop duration. Targeting Metadata Training
9-11 Qualities of a metadata trainer Targeting Metadata Training OK, let’s be honest. Metadata can be tedious. But teaching it need not be. There are some special qualities a successful metadata trainer needs to possess. These qualities include: Entertaining – You have to be able to keep the energy level up. Do this by using strong voice modulations, good movement, and incorporating tasteful anecdotes and jokes. Inviting – Be humble. Do NOT be a know-it-all. Stay open to questions, be a good listener, and understand and be sympathetic to the frustrations of your participants. Flexible – You must be able to adjust: Content – You will have different levels of ability and background knowledge to deal with, sometimes within a single class. The ability to adjust your content so as to reach everyone will be difficult at times, but will mean you will enjoy a greater level of success in your training. Demeanor – It’s amazing how the mood will change in a class, especially after lunch. Look for signs of frustration, anxiety, boredom, and exhaustion and adjust your mood to bring about a change. Schedule – Sometimes you will have unique opportunities that present themselves at a workshop, such as an invitation to visit a map making facility, or an opportunity to have a guest give a special presentation on a topic of interest to the class. If your schedule is flexible, these diversions can be a wonderful addition to a workshop. Take advantage of them where possible. Overall workshop plan – Just keep in mind that if something can go wrong, it probably will. A good instructor will have a contingency plan for those occasions. Do you?
9-12 Activities to use in your workshop Targeting Metadata Training Metadata trainers are cut from a different cloth, to be sure, but they are some of the most fun people you will ever meet. The activities listed here are just a few examples of how other metadata trainers have made their class fun. Mine the Metadata – Participants are given a metadata record and a set of questions. They have to ‘mine’ the record for the answers. Great for those folks who are new to metadata. Writing Quality Metadata – Participants are given examples of data sets and are asked to come up with informative titles and abstracts. Creating a Metadata Template – OK, this one may not be as fun, but the end result is good information for a metadata record. Participants use the workbook to identify and populate those metadata elements that would be pertinent to their organization. They can also begin crafting standardized statements for elements such as ‘Use_Contraints’, ‘Access_Constraints’, ‘Distribution_Liability’, etc. Building the Business Case for Metadata – Divide the class into groups. You play the role of the manager, and each group will be responsible for making their case for metadata. They have to ‘sell’ you on the idea of doing metadata. Pin the Tail on the Metadata – Participants select metadata elements from a hat. Using the workbook and the graphical production rules, they decide which of the main sections that element belongs to. When they have decided, they ‘pin’ their element on the wall below the appropriate section heading. Metadata Jeopardy – This one may take some work, but it’s fun. A set of ‘answers’ is posted as $100, $200, $500, $1000, and $3000 answers and organized under metadata related topic headings such as ’CSDGM’, ‘Tools’, ‘Value of Metadata’, or even specific sections of the standard. Either divide the class into groups, or select a group of participants to play. They play just like television Jeopardy, picking an answer and then phrasing their response to that answer in the form of a question.
9-13 Teaching the CSDGM Targeting Metadata Training One of the most challenging aspects of metadata training is teaching the CSDGM. At a minimum, you need to provide a clear overview of: The seven main sections and 3 supporting sections of the standard. The purpose of each section. The general content features for each section. The concept of conditionality. If time allows, do a detailed review of one or more of the sections. This will help clear up some lingering uncertainty. This is a crucial part of the information a metadata creator needs. However, they don’t need you to stand there and walk them through every element. If you do that, you’ll lose them. The way to teach these sections is through various learning activities. Some examples include: Lecture on the graphical production rules. When the lecture is complete, give the participants a worksheet with a list of questions pertaining to the different elements of section one. They will use the graphical productions rules and the workbook to answer the questions. Review the graphical production rules for a specific section, and then have the participants complete elements in that section using either template forms or computer-based metadata entry software that pertain to their situation. In some cases, you can have participants bring in their data sets to document. If that is not an option, have them fill out the sections they can, such as the abstract, contact information, etc., that can be incorporated into a template record later. Combine lecture and hands-on activities like these for the remaining sections. In the end, the participants should have at least the beginnings of a metadata record.
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