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Bellringer Think about your personal timeline/periodization. Consider you’ve looked like over the course of your life, your temperament, and the things.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Think about your personal timeline/periodization. Consider you’ve looked like over the course of your life, your temperament, and the things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Think about your personal timeline/periodization. Consider you’ve looked like over the course of your life, your temperament, and the things you believe are important? What changed over those years, and what stayed the same about you? Why did those specific aspects change, and why did other elements about you stay the same?

2 Change & Continuity Over Time Essay
AP World History: Keys to the CCOT Change & Continuity Over Time Essay

3 (like comparing, but across time rather than region)
What is the CCOT essay? THE BASICS An essay discussing characteristics that changed and stayed the same in a given region during a period of time. (like comparing, but across time rather than region) Change & continuity over time essays require describing the history of a place

4 What is the CCOT essay? Has 5 REQUIRED elements
Addressing both changes & continuities Thesis statement Supporting the thesis Using global historical context Analyzing the process of change/continuity

5 AP = Address the Prompt Understanding the question & answer the question as asked is fundamental to success Circle key words in the question: Time frame Topic Region Consider: What time period is the question referencing? What do I know about this time period? What is the motive behind the question?

6 Defining the Requirements
The 3 obvious…

7 Required Element: Answer the Question
AP World History: Keys to the CCOT Required Element: Answer the Question CCOT = address both changes & continuities Must have at least 1 accurate change & accurate continuity in body of essay Changes are easy, but… Continuities Should BE true for majority (all?) of period Should NOT be common knowledge Words that show change: Changed, Modified, Altered, Varied, Transformed Words that show continuity: Continuous, Nonstop, Permanent, Constant, Unbroken, Remained, Lasted, Endured

8 Required Element: Thesis
Must restate location & time period from prompt Must be analytical ie: directly answers the question by naming in what way the topic changed & remained the same Remember: Lays out an argument 2-4 controlling ideas

9 Required Element: Support
AP World History: Keys to the CCOT Required Element: Support Give multiple, specific examples to support thesis claims (requires that you know history) Evidence, Details, “Such as…” Names of people, goods traded, events Try to use evidence from entire time period Early in period? Middle of period? End of period?

10 Defining the Requirements
…& the 2 tricky

11 Required Element: Analysis of Process
Explain how & why changes/continuities are happening Try to aim for the root or underlying theme “Because” Common triggers: New technology Population change Interaction (invasion, trade, migration) Isolation

12 Required Element: World Historical Context
AP World History: Keys to the CCOT Required Element: World Historical Context Explain how broader region impacted area in question OR Explain how area in question impacted broader world about making connections Remember that changes & continuities in a particular region do not happen in a vacuum an exercise in scope (local-national-regional)

13 Maximize Scores

14 Mostert Rule of 3 Aim for:
Combination of 2 changes/1 continuity or 1 / 2 3 prong thesis 3 pieces of evidence per paragraph 3 reasons for change/continuity 3 contextualizations


16 Practice CCOT - Review Analyze the cultural and political changes and continuities in ONE of the following civilizations during the last centuries of the classical era. China, 100 CE to 600 CE Roman, 100 CE to 600 CE Indian, 300 CE to 600 CE

17 Required Element: Thesis - examples
In the classical era between 100AD and 600AD, the Roman civilization experienced many political and cultural changes and continuities. The Roman government went from a republic to Empire dominance that crumbled in But cultural aspects of the Roman Empire remained the same. Between 100 CE and 600 CE, the Roman empire underwent a change in government as the empire collapsed due to corruption within. Also, the influence of Christianity increased greatly. However, the “Eastern Roman Empire”, the Byzantines, kept the culture going.

18 The Hard Stuff

19 Required Element: Answer the Question
Establish a baseline before describing the changes that occur When planning consider that change often happens in steps

20 American music through the ages –
Practice CCOT - Music American music through the ages – Dani California Based on the music video, analyze the changes and continuities in American music between 1950 and today.

21 Practice CCOT - Superman
Based on the article, analyze the changes and continuities in Superman between 1940 and today.

22 Practice CCOT - Review Analyze the changes and continuities in Indian Ocean commerce between 650 and 1750.

23 Practice CCOT - Review Analyze the social and economic transformations that occurred in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas from 1492 to 1750.


25 What is the CCOT essay? Steps to Answering the Question
Know how the essay is graded Break down the question Remember the Rule of 3 Use solid paragraph structure

26 Step: #1 Know Rubric Notice:
Split rubric= must get all 7 core points before earning expanded points Focus on 7 core points Scored based on value-added= points are not deducted, they are only awarded for positive contributions

27 Step: #2 Understand Question
Read the question accurately & plan Underline directive word= describe v. compare v. analyze v. evaluate v. to what extent Establish boundaries for writing= time period & region Recall prior knowledge= note any info that you remember within the boundaries Analysis? do not simply look at a situation simply at face value but look for connections between information the recognition of patterns, relationships, or hidden meaning

28 Step: #3 Rule of 3 3 controlling ideas in thesis 3 body paragraphs
3 supporting details per paragraph 3 examples of context – 1 per paragraph 3 causes of change or continuity – 1 per paragraph

29 Step: #4 Paragraph Org Topic sentence introducing change or continuity
Context Baseline Evidence (beginning, middle, end of period) Cause of change/continuity

30 Finished Product – Formal Essay
There are requirements specific to AP, but keep in mind this is about becoming a good writer Proper Organization & Accuracy Introduction, 3 body ¶‘s, Conclusion Use topic sentences Restates thesis in conclusion Proper Style & Conventions Don’t use I, me, you, or abbreviations Aim for proper spelling and punctuation because errors can cloud your argument

31 Review Chapter 16 - Thesis
Analyze the changes and continuities in the world economic network between 1450 and 1750. Analyze the changes and continuities in Europeans’ relationships with outside cultures between 1450 and 1750. Analyze the changes and continuities in empire building between 600 and 1750.

32 AP World History: Keys to the CCOT
Practice CCOT - HW Complete 1 practice CCOT essay Need: Thesis, 3 pictures with captions to support thesis, 1 context, 1 reason Options: Trace the CCOT in a major river from mountain source to its mouth at the sea  Trace the CCOT in the metamorphosis from tadpoles to frogs Trace the CCOT in superman Trace the CCOT in your life (a river flows from the mountains, through the forest, past the farms, into the city and out to sea.  How does the river change/stay the same?  You can't just talk about the mountains and the sea)

33 Bellringer Consider when you were born. What did you look like? What was your temperament? What was important to you? Consider yourself at age 5. What did you look like? What was your temperament? What was important to you? Consider yourself at age 15. What do you look like? What’s your temperament? What’s important to you? What changed over those years, and what stayed the same about you? Finally, why did those specific aspects change, and why did other elements about you stay the same?

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