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Published byStephany Beetham Modified over 10 years ago
FQHC Look-Alike Change in Scope Module for Implementation of Electronic Information Systems August 5, 2010 Esther Paul, Public Health Analyst Anil Bommakanti, Consultant Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Primary Health Care
Slide 2 Objectives of this Session Review the key activities for the integration of FQHC Look-Alike program processes into HRSAs Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) Review progress so far and next steps Provide information pertinent to Scope of Project and requesting Change in Scope Provide technical information for completing a change in scope application electronically Provide technical assistance resources
Slide 3 Key Activities EHB Registration Baseline Scope Verification (BSV) Module Change in Scope Module (CIS) FQHC Look-Alike Applications Module
Slide 4 Progress To Date In June 2010, all FQHC Look-Alike organizations successfully Registered in EHB In July 2010, FQHC Look-Alikes completed Baseline Scope Verification in EHB
Slide 5 Next Steps - CIS Module Purpose To provide FQHC Look-Alikes the opportunity to submit requests for changes in their scope of project electronically through EHB. Process In July 2010, the baseline scope verification activity enabled HRSA to establish an electronic baseline scope of project for each FQHC Look-Alike. All future CIS requests will be submitted through EHB.
Slide 6 Scope of Project and Change in Scope CIS Programmatic Considerations Define Scope of Project Define Change in Scope Time frame considerations relevant to requesting a change in scope
Slide 7 Defining Scope of Project The scope of project defines the service sites, services, and service area(s) for the FQHC Look-Alike that have been approved by HRSA at the time of designation as an FQHC Look-Alike or through a subsequent Change in Scope application.
Slide 8 Defining Change in Scope Proposed changes to the previously defined Scope of Project for the FQHC Look-Alike must be approved by HRSA and included in the current scope of project to be eligible for FQHC reimbursement.
Slide 9 Prior Approval for Changes in Scope of Project Prior approval for the implementation of proposed changes is required from HRSA for: Addition or deletion of services Addition or deletion of sites Relocation of a site
Slide 10 Time Frame Considerations Relevant to Requesting a Change in Scope Apply 90 days prior to the proposed date for implementing the change The effective date of an approved change in scope will be no earlier than the date of receipt of a complete request for prior approval, and will extend to the end of the FQHC Look-Alikes current designation Approved change must be implemented within 120 days of CMS’ approval of the request
Slide 11 Completing a Change in Scope Application Electronically in EHBs Process Overview
Slide 12 CIS Application in EHBs - Process Overview Navigating to CIS Requests in EHB Adding a new CIS Request Service Change Requests Site Change Requests Other Change Requests CIS Business Rules
Slide 13 Navigating to CIS Requests in EHB Open the Electronic Handbook Choose FQHC LA Home from the HRSA Portal menu
Slide 14 Navigating to CIS Requests in EHB Choose New/Existing CIS under Change Scope on the left side menu
Slide 15 This is the list page for Change in Scope Click the Go button if you want to begin a new CIS request Existing CIS requests are listed on this page Click the Edit button to open a CIS request that you started previously and want to return to now Navigating to CIS Requests in EHB
Slide 16 Adding a New CIS Request in EHB The first screen that opens when you begin a new CIS request links to Policy Information Notices (PINs) and Program Assistance Letters (PALs) related to Change in Scope Review the documentation, and then either continue or cancel
Slide 17 Adding a New CIS Request Complete the questionnaire to determine the need to submit a CIS request
Slide 18 Adding a New CIS Request Discuss the results of the evaluation questionnaire with others in your organization You can print the results, or email them Regardless of the results, you can create a CIS request or cancel
Slide 19 Adding a New CIS Request The CIS request, when created, will have a tracking number Use this tracking number in all correspondence with HRSA
Slide 20 CIS Request Status Overview Status page shows all sections of the CIS request, together with their completion status You must complete all sections before you may submit the request Start with the Cover Page section Click Update to open the section for editing
Slide 21 CIS Request Cover Page Specify the change you are requesting on the CIS request Cover Page You may choose one request type only
Slide 22 CIS Request Services Business Rules Under Change Services, CIS request type shows, for required and existing additional services, what is considered a service “add” and what is considered a service “delete”
Slide 23 DELETE ADD CIS Request Services Business Rules You can only change one service per CIS request When a FQHC L-A starts paying for a service (e.g., moving from column III to I or II), it is considered an ADD When a FQHC L-A stops paying for a service (e.g., moving from column I or II to III), it is considered a DELETE If you start providing a required service that you did not include in BSV, it is considered an ADD
Slide 24 Example: Delete a Required Service After we chose “Delete” under Required Services on the CIS Cover Page, we were taken to the Change Details page On this page, we click the Pick From List button to choose the service to delete
Slide 25 Example: Delete a Required Service We are allowed to choose only one service We chose diagnostic laboratory and continued to the next screen
Slide 26 Example: Delete a Required Service Our original record from scope is displayed, showing current modes of service provision We checked only Column III, indicating that we intend no longer to pay for the service
Slide 27 CIS Request Change Sites Business Rules Under Change Sites, CIS request type shows what is considered a site “add” and what is considered a site “delete”
Slide 28 Example: Site Convert Admin-Only to Service Site After we chose “Conversion from Admin-Only” under Change Sites on the CIS Cover Page, we were taken to the Change Details page, where we clicked the Pick From List button to choose the site to terminate (i.e., the site to convert) On the next page, we chose the site from the list of sites in scope On the next page, we clicked Update Site to update the information for the site we chose
Slide 29 Example: Site Convert Admin-Only to Service Site We completed the Update Site form, changing “Administrative Site” under Service Site Type to “Service Site” NOTE: This is a long form; save your work at frequent intervals as you complete it
Slide 30 Example: Add a New Site Change Request Under Change Sites on the CIS Cover Page, we chose “New” under Service Site We were taken to the Change Details page, where we clicked the Add New Site button to choose the site The site we wanted to add was already registered with HRSA, so we chose it and clicked the Select This Location button If the site we wanted to add had not already been registered with HRSA, we would have clicked the Add button to register it If we had wanted also to change the name of the site, we would have clicked the Update button
Slide 31 Example: Add a New Site Change Request We completed the Site Qualification Criteria questionnaire to verify that the site qualified We also uploaded justification for adding the site
Slide 32 Example: Add a New Site Change Request Finally, we entered the information for the site on the Update Site page NOTE: This is a long form; save your work at frequent intervals as you complete it
Slide 33 Example: Relocate Site Change Request Relocating an existing site means terminating the site in its current location and adding it in its new one For the “From” site, pick the site from the list of your existing ones For the “To” site: If you are moving services from one existing site to another, pick the site to be added from the list of your existing sites If you are moving services to a site not previously in scope, you would click the Add New Site button to add that site.
Slide 34 Example: Relocate Site Change Request If you click “Pick from Existing Sites,” the list of sites already in your scope will open Pick the site from the list Some sites may not be selectable for reasons given in footnotes
Slide 35 Example: Relocate Site Change Request If you click “Add New Site,” you must complete the qualification questionnaire and specify whether the site location setting is “Domestic Violence”
Slide 36 Example: Relocate Site Change Request The site you are adding must be pre-registered with HRSA The list of pre-registered performance sites appears Pick the site from the list, and then click the Select This Location button If the site has not been registered with HRSA, click the Register Performance Site button to register it
Slide 37 Example: Relocate Site Change Request After choosing the site from the list of pre-registered performance sites, enter the information for the site on the Update Site page NOTE: This is a long form; save your work at frequent intervals as you complete it
Slide 38 Other Changes -- Business Rules Adding or deleting an admin-only site is similar to service site add or delete but Assurances and CIS Change/Project Impact Analysis sections are not required
Slide 39 Sample CIS Request Assurances Checklist
Slide 40 Sample CIS Request Update Checklist Checklist questions will vary depending on the type of CIS Request
Slide 41 CIS Request Download Template Forms The following CIS request forms require that you download templates Budget Information Budget Narrative Proposed Staff Profile Income Analysis
Slide 42 CIS Request Budget Information Template Click Download to download the budget information template Save the template document onto your computer and complete it offline Click the Attach File button to upload the completed template document to this page
Slide 43 Form 5B Business Rules for Site Location Type
Slide 44 Form 5B Sites Business Rules Number of Intermittent/Voucher sites should be more than zero An update to the number of Intermittent/Voucher sites is permitted as part of the CIS request, If that update results in the number of Intermittent/Voucher sites becoming zero, it is a CIS-worthy change … otherwise, a reduction in the number of Intermittent/Voucher sites is NOT a CIS. Intermittent/Voucher sites cannot be converted to Administrative sites Only Permanent and Seasonal sites can be converted to Administrative sites For Permanent sites, Months of Operation should be 12 and Operation Schedule should be Year Round For Seasonal sites, Months of Operation should be < 12 and Operation Schedule should be Seasonal (cannot be Year Round)
Slide 45 Business Rules on CIS Attachments Attachments are required in order to complete a CIS in all cases except the following: Addition of Admin-only sites Termination of Admin-only sites
Slide 46 CIS Workflow After you have submitted your CIS request: HRSA may request a change for your CIS request. If so you will be notified by email. HRSA will review your CIS request and may either recommend it for approval to CMS or disapprove it. If CIS approval recommendation is sent to CMS, CMS will make a decision and communicate it to HRSA. HRSA will notify you of the CIS approval decision via email.
Slide 47 Technical Assistance Resources EHB website For technical questions about EHB Call BPHC Help Desk at (301) 443-7356 or Send an e-mail to Replay of this technical assistance conference call will be available until January 5, 2011 To access the replay, please call (800) 945-1615 and provide pass code 89323
Slide 48 Contact Information Twyla Adams Chief Health Center Systems Branch Office of Policy and Program Development (301) 594-4300
Slide 49 Contact Information Esther Paul Public Health Analyst Health Center Systems Branch Office of Policy and Program Development (301) 594-4300
Slide 50 Questions
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