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Investment Portfolio Corey Brown Amy Kuykendall. Asset Allocation Decision O $500,000 fund investment O Objectives: O Asset allocation: investing your.

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Presentation on theme: "Investment Portfolio Corey Brown Amy Kuykendall. Asset Allocation Decision O $500,000 fund investment O Objectives: O Asset allocation: investing your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investment Portfolio Corey Brown Amy Kuykendall

2 Asset Allocation Decision O $500,000 fund investment O Objectives: O Asset allocation: investing your assets across different broad categories of investments. The percentage of your portfolio that you allocate to equity, fixed income, commodities, or cash will depend upon your financial goals, investment time frame and tolerance for market risk. O 60% equity, 30% fixed income, and 15% cash

3 Asset Allocation Decision O Equity: O You want the potential to make substantial returns on your investments to reach your goals O You have a relatively long investment time frame — 5 to 10 years or longer O You have the risk tolerance to withstand significant market volatility

4 Asset Allocation Decision O Fixed Income: such as bonds O Your goal is to preserve your assets. O You have a mid- to long-term investment timeframe. O You can withstand some fluctuation in asset values on the way to achieving your goals. O These types of assets offer a lower return on investment because they guarantee income.

5 Asset Allocation Decision O Cash Equivalents: O You don’t mind a minimal return on your money. O You may need to access a significant portion of your money in the near term.

6 Sector Recommendations O Underweight: Technology Industry O Constantly changing O Hard to predict O Overweight: Cyclical Industry O Nike & UA – Spring & summer O Construction O Consumer Durables

7 Stock Recommendations Bank of the Ozarks: O Characteristics - eight consecutive record earnings - seven FDIC assisted acquisitions - small cap company O Amount of Investment ( number of shares) - 1200 O Price Level ($39.00) * (1200) = $ 46,800 O Time Length - Long term O Stock will split at $ 43-45 a share so hold onto the stock for a while. The last stock split was around $60 a share.

8 Stock Recommendations S&P 500 O Characteristics large cap companies varying sectors of the economy O Amount of Investment (number of shares) 25 shares O Price Level (1055)*(25)= $26375 O Time Length long term

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