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Objective ITY-AGDL ESSIP Plan 2014 Adriatik KOKONA DSS/EIPR 19.09.2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective ITY-AGDL ESSIP Plan 2014 Adriatik KOKONA DSS/EIPR 19.09.2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective ITY-AGDL ESSIP Plan 2014 Adriatik KOKONA DSS/EIPR 19.09.2014

2 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ITY-AGDL2 Comprehensive Explanation (1/3)  This OBJ covers the implementation of initial data link services based on air-ground (ATCO  Pilot) point- to-point data communications as specified by Regulation  29/2009 EC (data link services).  Scope: EU+ States = EU+CH+NO+ECAA  MIL: Only 1 non-mandatory SLoA on State a/c equipage

3 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ITY-AGDL 3 Comprehensive Explanation (2/3) (=> Mandatory REG and ASP related SLoAs) EC 29/2009 mandatory processes to implement / EASA NPA/AMC EUROCAE & ICAO ITY-AGDL SLoA – REG – ASP - USE ITY-AGDL Timeframe – Part A/B Applicability Publication in the national aeronautical information publication REG0302-2013 (A) 02-2015 (B) EU+ ATN/VDL-2 availability, security policy and address management procedures REG0402-2013 (A) 02-2015 (B) EU+ Conformity of communications, flight data and initial flight plan processing systems & procedures (20/2009, EUROCAE & ICAO) ASP0102-2013 (A) 02-2015 (B) EU+ Organise personnel awareness and trainingASP0202-2013 (A) 02-2015 (B) EU+ Ground communication systems to comply with air- ground communication requirements ASP0302-2013 (A) 02-2015 (B) EU+ Deploy communication infrastructure to handle air- ground data link services ASP0402-2013 (A) 02-2015 (B) EU+

4 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ITY-AGDL 4 Comprehensive Explanation (3/3) (=> Non-mandatory SLoAs) Non-mandatory requirements (complementing EC Regulation) ITY-AGDL SLoA – ASP & MIL ITY-AGDL Timeframe – Part A/B Applicability Equip transport-type State aircraft (EUROCAE)MIL0101-2014EU+

5 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ITY-AGDL5 Link to European ATM Master Plan  [AUO-0301] - Voice Controller-Pilot Communications (En Route) Complemented by Data Link;  [CTE-C2a] - Air-Ground existing data link (VDL2 and AOA);  [ER APP-ATC154] - Basic air-ground data link communications service derived from the CM and CPDLC applications;  [PRO-044b] - ATC Procedures involving protocol for utilization of Data Link communications, message composition, receipt acknowledgement;  [ER APP-ATC119] - Enhance Air/Ground Data Communication for Step 1 CPDLC.

6 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ITY-AGDL6 Finalisation Criteria and Closed Questions  Various – see detailed breakdown in ESSIP Plan 2014.

7 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ITY-AGDL7 Supporting Material  Various – see ESSIP Plan 2014

8 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ITY-AGDL8 ESSIP Report 2013  Only three states out of eight, the airspace of which belongs to the Part A of the regulation, with a deadline of 02/2013, have completed the objective. Most of the states, the airspace of which belongs to Part B, with regulated completion deadline 02/2015, and ECAA States, have planned to implement the objective, within the deadline, except three states which have not yet developed any plans;  Four States have reported the objective Completed and fifteen have planned to complete the objective within the ESSIP deadlines while twelve States have reported it Late. 6 States reported not yet plans developed for implementation.

9 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ITY-AGDL9 Links and contacts  Objective Coordinator: Adriatik Kokona, +32 2 729 3556  DNM Objective Expert(s):Soren Dissing, +32 2 729 3446

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