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With the Highlands Ability Battery Student Group Feedback © 2014 Highlands Company, LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "With the Highlands Ability Battery Student Group Feedback © 2014 Highlands Company, LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 With the Highlands Ability Battery Student Group Feedback © 2014 Highlands Company, LLC

2 Reports Highlands Career Exploration Supplement Get Student Report


4 Learn about your natural abilities (talents) Explore ways to use your talents Align your talents with other important things about you Learn how to explore what makes sense for you –Experiences/Education –Work/ Career Session Objectives Whole Person Approach

5 Highlands Ability Battery Research-based – over 80 years Used in schools, businesses, education, government Separate abilities from skills by using Work Samples and time limits Highlands Ability Battery

6 Your Student Report No passing or failing High scores do not = “Good” Low scores do not = “Bad” Scores are percentile rankings Reported as low (1-35), mid (36-64) and high 65+ Your Student Report

7 Your Highlands Ability Profile Your Personal Style Your Driving Abilities Including Your Convergent, Divergent and Spatial Abilities Your Specialized Abilities Including Your Learning Channels Your Vocabulary


9 How do I most comfortably interact with others? In what kind of environment do I feel most comfortable, productive and satisfied? Lots of people contact? Less people contact?

10 Generalist - Specialist Breadth and depth of information with which a person is comfortable Preference for assuming singular or shared responsibility for work outcomes Response to group dynamics

11 Generalist - Specialist Generalist I like to work as part of a group I can easily adapt to how others react and feel I pitch in where ever it is needed without being asked or giving it a second thought It is easy to flex my point of view for the success of a group or team I am motivated by the success of the group or team

12 Generalist - Specialist Specialist I am motivated by my own sense of what needs to be done and how to do it I do best when I know a lot about something and others acknowledge how much I know about it (foot wide, mile deep) I often see my areas of interest as extensions of myself I work best when I can feel some sense of autonomy, ownership and possession about what I’m doing Others may describe me as intense or passionate about my interests

13 Generalist - Specialist Mid Specialist - Generalist I am comfortable with the role of “bringing extremes to the middle” I often find myself in the role of translator or facilitator I like to know a lot about everything (mile wide, mile deep) I work best when my expertise in a specific area is used by a group to accomplish a goal

14 Introvert - Extrovert Amount and type of people interaction that is energizing and depleting Optimal way to think through ideas, problems and plans

15 Introvert - Extrovert Extrovert My energy level remains strong when I’m working with or around others I like and need free social interaction during the day I feel interacting with others is energizing I have a natural feel for initiating and sustaining interactions

16 Introvert - Extrovert Introvert My energy level remains strong when I’m working by myself or with one or two others I prefer to know what we’ll be talking about before meeting with a group I participate more easily during group discussions when I’ve had time to think about the topic When presented with new questions or materials, I prefer to think before I speak

17 Introvert - Extrovert Mid Introvert - Extrovert I am energized by being with people some of the time and being by myself some of the time I prefer activities which combine periods of mixing with others and periods of being alone or with one other person Sometimes I am a reflective thinker and sometimes I like to think out loud My participation during group discussions is partially based on my energy level at the time

18 Time - Frame Time Frame within which a person naturally plans Length of time comfortable to wait for results and still feel motivated Length of time comfortable between accomplishments and rewards Natural Time Frame for expectations

19 Time - Frame Immediate Time Frame I enjoy moving from project to project I like activities where there is a relatively short period of time between start and finish I can easily consider the impact of my decisions and current actions about six months into the future I have a hunger for immediate results I need to apply self-discipline to reach long-range goals

20 Time - Frame Long-range I am able to keep long-range goals in my mind (5 or more years) I am able to keep my eye focused on a distant target I will endure efforts that are largely not rewarded to reap larger rewards later I may fixate on a course of action even when the long-range goal is no longer appropriate I may experience difficulty completing tasks due to procrastination, sometimes getting it done the night before

21 Time - Frame Intermediate Time Frame I am able to put off instant gratification for longer range goals I am helpful in roles requiring relationship building I contemplate the impact of my decisions and current actions one to five years into the future I need help/tools to keep the here and now organized I need help/tools to keep long range goals (5 or more years) in mind

22 Your Personal Style Combinations Networker Generalist / Extrovert Administrator Generalist / Introvert

23 Your Personal Style Combinations Detailed Researcher Specialist / Introvert Detailed Communicator Specialist / Extrovert

24 Your Personal Style Combinations Networker / Administrator Generalist with Mid-range Extroversion- Introversion Between Networker / Detailed Communicator Mid-range Generalist-Specialist with Extroversion

25 Your Personal Style Combinations Administrator / Detailed Researcher Mid-range Generalist-Specialist with Introversion Between Detailed Communicator / Detailed Researcher Specialist with Mid-range Introversion-Extroversion

26 Your Personal Style Combinations Versatile Link Mid-range Generalist-Specialist with Mid-range Extroversion-Introversion

27 What demands expression in my work? What will make me feel frustrated or unfulfilled if I don’t get to use it?

28 Classification Ability to solve problems diagnostically, to identify a unifying principle, and for synthesizing Influences the speed one evaluates and critiques Influences optimal pace and structure of work environment One type of convergent reasoning

29 Classification Strong Classification I like a fast pace and wonder why others take so long to understand I like jumping into assignments, tasks or jobs without a lot of direction and often feel the answers seem obvious I can identify and consider the pros and cons of most situations and can “see” solutions quickly I like things to get to the point. Let’s “cut to the chase” I can appear to others to be bored, restless and/or critical I sometimes have difficulty slowing down to learn something in detail and following through

30 Classification Low Classification I like to gather information before jumping into an assignment, task or job that is new to me Others describe me as patient – I don’t jump to my own conclusions I use experience to make decisions I am usually a good listener I am more comfortable with knowing what is expected of me

31 Classification Mid Classification I solve problems quickly, but can take the time to listen I enjoy having occasional fires to put out I am comfortable with a general idea of what is expected of me

32 Concept Organization Ability to reason analytically, to mentally organize or create order Influences natural orientation toward process Influences decision-making time Influences communication One type of convergent reasoning

33 Concept Organization Strong Concept Organization I can organize and explain information easily I can easily draw logical conclusions I can plan quickly and well – there is a “away” to do just about everything and it includes following steps I often keep organization in my head I can sometimes over explain or over analyze Sometimes it takes me longer to arrive at my solution

34 Concept Organization Low Concept Organization I can be decisive, cutting through layers of logic to a practical answer I communicate my thoughts more clearly if I give myself time to organize them I do not necessarily need to see every step of a solution I sometimes have difficulty prioritizing I can get overwhelmed by multiple competing demands I work best by having organizing tools and lists rather than depending on keeping everything organized in my head

35 Concept Organization Mid Concept Organization I have a good ability to solve problems logically and linearly I have a good ability to communicate my thoughts in a way that others can follow I appreciate a good outline to follow AND skipping unnecessary steps

36 Your Reasoning Abilities Combinations Consultative Strong Classification and Strong Concept Organization Analytical Low Classification and Strong Concept Organization

37 Your Reasoning Abilities Combinations Pragmatic Low Classification and Low Concept Organization Diagnostic Strong Classification and Low Concept Organization

38 Your Reasoning Abilities Combinations Analytical / Consultative Mid-range Classification and Strong Concept Organization Between Diagnostic / Consultative Strong Classification and Mid-range Concept Organization

39 Your Reasoning Abilities Combinations Diagnostic / Pragmatic Mid-range Classification and Low Concept Organization Between Analytical / Pragmatic Low Classification and Mid-range Concept Organization

40 Your Reasoning Abilities Combinations Flexible Mid-range Classification and Mid-range Concept Organization

41 Idea Productivity Ability to generate large quantity of ideas Influences rate of ideas going through your mind at any one time Influences how you self-manage multiple tasks/projects Influences type of contributions you make to group decisions It is divergent reasoning

42 Idea Productivity Strong Idea Productivity I enjoy brainstorming, persuading, and/or selling I like an environment that places a premium on considering new ideas or ways of doing thing I can generate a wide variety of ideas about problems, including things I know little about I have a hard time concentrating on a single task, in a stimulating environment Sometimes, I am distracted by my own competing thoughts I can generate ideas faster than I can think them through

43 Idea Productivity Low Idea Productivity I am able to concentrate on one thing at a time I prefer to start a task and see it through to a conclusion I am able to work in a complex environment and focus consistently on a task I need time to think up and think through ideas I have to resist my preference for focusing on one thing at a time

44 Idea Productivity Mid Idea Productivity I have a fairly constant stream of new ideas I am able to come up with new ideas, yet the ideas do not get in the way of my workflow I struggle if I do not have some sort of outlet for coming up with new ideas and thoughts

45 Spatial Reasoning Spatial Relations Theory Three-dimensional abstract reasoning Ability to recognize or picture interrelationships between entities Influences ability to consider hypotheticals Influences focus on relationships between things (systems) or on singular entities Can be applied to intangible or tangible systems depending on SRV

46 Spatial Reasoning Spatial Relations Theory Strong Spatial Relations Theory I am able to conceptualize interacting systems of independent elements (i.e. corporate systems, mechanical systems) I can visualize how something works without actually being able to do it (unless Spatial Relations Visualization also high) I can get too theoretical I feel frustrated if I do not know the “why” behind things and ask questions to understand the potentially related pieces of information

47 Spatial Reasoning Spatial Relations Theory Low Spatial Relations Theory I am not particularly interested in abstract mathematics, physics, cosmology, etc. I find it difficult to visualize systems and models of interactional systems I usually do not need to know the “why” behind decisions or requests I work well without in-depth explanations or having to understand theories

48 Spatial Reasoning Spatial Relations Theory Mid Spatial Relations Theory I have some facility to understand theoretical and imaginary situations I am aware of the interpersonal dynamics in systems such as corporations and families I have some facility to understand the theoretical side of the physical world I must spend some time learning about systems with which I have no experience

49 Spatial Reasoning Spatial Relations Visualization Three-dimensional “structural” reasoning Influences the types of work and results that feel real Influences the degree of need for tangible/concrete examples and outcomes Can also influence communication

50 Spatial Reasoning Spatial Relations Visualization Strong Spatial Relations Visualization I like to work with and think about real things such as tools, products, machinery, or buildings I feel dissatisfied by any task that is completely abstract Things don’t seem real unless I have seen them and touched them I sometimes have difficulty dealing with others’ feelings or my own feelings I naturally understand how to build or execute the work at hand I understand and work best with concrete examples

51 Spatial Reasoning Spatial Relations Visualization Low Spatial Relations Visualization I am able and satisfied to deal with intangibles like ideas, relationships, feelings, numbers, laws, and plans I can work with intangibles so easily that I can forget the connection with the real world I struggle with “hands-on” projects I often need help coming up with concrete examples

52 Spatial Reasoning Spatial Relations Visualization Mid Spatial Relations Visualization I enjoy doing some tasks that are connected to the tangible, concrete world It is easy for me to relate to both the tangible and the intangible world I have a good understanding of how to build or execute the work at hand It is easy for me to communicate with people focused more on things AND people focused more on feelings

53 Your Spatial Relations Combinations Spatial Creating / Engineering Strong Spatial Relations Theory and Strong Spatial Relations Visualization Spatial Theorizing Strong Spatial Relations Theory and Low Spatial Relations Visualization

54 Your Spatial Relations Combinations Spatial Executing Low Spatial Relations Theory and Low Spatial Relations Visualization Spatial Building Low Spatial Relations Theory and Strong Spatial Relations Visualization

55 Your Spatial Relations Combinations Between Spatial Creating/Engineering and Spatial Theorizing Strong Spatial Relations Theory and Mid-range Spatial Relations Visualization Between Spatial Creating/Engineering and Spatial Building Mid-range Spatial Relations Theory and Strong Spatial Relations Visualization

56 Your Spatial Relations Combinations Between Spatial Building and Spatial Executing Low Spatial Relations Theory and Mid-range Spatial Relations Visualization Between Spatial Theorizing and Spatial Executing Mid-range Spatial Relations Theory and Low Spatial Relations Visualization

57 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Spatial Flexible and Link Mid-range Spatial Relations Theory and Mid-range Spatial Relations Visualization

58 What helps me learn what I want to do and enhances or helps me do the things I like to do?

59 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Design Memory : Image learning Learning Number Memory : Learning numbers Tonal Memory : Learning by listening Rhythm Memory : Kinesthetic learning Verbal Memory : Learning by reading * See report for: Rank order and Tips for capitalizing your style

60 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Tonal Memory: Ability to remember tones and tonal sequences Music Rhythm Memory: Ability to remember rhythm patterns Pitch Discrimination: Ability to distinguish fine differences in pitch

61 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Naturally Musical = All strong Music = (TM, RM, PD) Some Musical Influences = Combinations of strong, mid and low scores among the three

62 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Design Memory: Talent to recall patterns, charts, graphs; attention to overall layout Visual Observation: Ability to pay close attention to and recall visual detail

63 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Powerfully Visual = both strong Visual = (DM, OBS) Significant Visual Influences = one strong, one mid- range Some Visual Influences = both mid-range

64 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Visual Speed: Ability to read and interpret written symbols quickly Visual Proficiency (Dexterity) Visual Accuracy: Ability to read and interpret written symbols accurately

65 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Strong = both strong Moderately Strong = one strong, one high mid-range OR both mid-range Visual Proficiency = (VS, VA)

66 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Verbal Memory: Learning by reading (grammar, vocabulary) Language Tonal Memory: Learning by listening (conversational) *Rhythm Memory: Learning kinesthetically (the cadence of a language) *Pitch Discrimination: Ability to distinguish fine differences in pitch (when pitch changes the meaning of the spoken word) *Can enhance learning languages

67 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Robust = both strong OR strong verbal memory, high mid- range tonal memory Moderately Strong = one strong, other high mid-range Reasonable = both high mid-range Language = (VM, TM)

68 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Idea Productivity: the rate or volume of ideas Creative Artistic Design Memory: Talent to recall patterns, charts, graphs; attention to overall layout Pitch Discrimination: ability to distinguish fine differences in pitch, general sensory discrimination

69 Your Specialized Abilities Combinations Influential creative orientation = all three strong Moderately strong = strong idea productivity + one other high mid-range Somewhat influential = at least two high mid-range Creative Artistic = (IP, DM, PD)

70 Vocabulary Skill related to breadth of general knowledge Indicates number and precision of categories for taking in, processing and communicating information Essential to match vocabulary to goals Use learning channels to increase

71 Vocabulary Typically increases with age Increases the ability to express your abilities Can increase the opportunity to rise in an organization Different than technical or specialized vocabularies

72 Vocabulary Typically increases with age Relatively strong for your age group Continue to practice and build In addition to technical or specialized vocabularies

73 Vocabulary Typically increases with age Quite strong for your age group Comfort with communicating with people at high levels in organizations Different than technical or specialized vocabularies so continue to practice and build

74 Reports Highlands Career Exploration Supplement Get Student Report

75 HCES Supplement Next Steps Patterns

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