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“Stay Back Stay Alive” Lighted Sign Project Phase I: Evaluate Product Phase I: Evaluate Product Phase II: Assess Safety Value of Signs Utilize the Mn/DOT.

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Presentation on theme: "“Stay Back Stay Alive” Lighted Sign Project Phase I: Evaluate Product Phase I: Evaluate Product Phase II: Assess Safety Value of Signs Utilize the Mn/DOT."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Stay Back Stay Alive” Lighted Sign Project Phase I: Evaluate Product Phase I: Evaluate Product Phase II: Assess Safety Value of Signs Utilize the Mn/DOT Safety Office and determine the value of these lighted signs for improving safety and preventing rear end crashes involving Mn/DOT plow trucks. Utilize the Mn/DOT Safety Office and determine the value of these lighted signs for improving safety and preventing rear end crashes involving Mn/DOT plow trucks.

2 Phase I: Evaluate Product Signs were mechanically suited for winter operations Signs were mechanically suited for winter operations Increase visibility of snowplows Increase visibility of snowplows Hopefully reduce rear end accidents Hopefully reduce rear end accidents Metro District

3 Phase I Results Based on the recommendation from the Metro Safety Committee - Phase 1 Based on the recommendation from the Metro Safety Committee - Phase 1 –Signs should be implemented on all class 32’s, 33’s and 35’s. –Worked all the bugs out of the signs –All signs should be mounted on rear tailgates so that not obscured by the box

4 Phase II: Determine Actual Safety Value of Signs District Mn/DOT Safety Office personnel to collect data and observations District Mn/DOT Safety Office personnel to collect data and observations CO Traffic indicated that sample size and occurrence of snowplow rear end collisions was not statistically significant CO Traffic indicated that sample size and occurrence of snowplow rear end collisions was not statistically significant Deployment of signs was based on high probability locations and areas Deployment of signs was based on high probability locations and areas

5 Deployment Sites D6W and D7E 5 signs in D-6W 5 signs in D-6W 3 signs in D7E 3 signs in D7E Coordinated effort set up with Safety Office Coordinated effort set up with Safety Office Permission granted from Commissioner of Public Safety Permission granted from Commissioner of Public Safety State Patrol notified State Patrol notified

6 D6W Owatonna Jan 5, 2005 Summary Signs appear to have moisture in them Signs appear to have moisture in them Have burn spots that are spreading Have burn spots that are spreading Sparks inside light face Sparks inside light face Sign covered with snow after plowing Sign covered with snow after plowing

7 D-6W Owatonna Jan. 10, 2005 Sign Status Of 3 signs installed none are working Of 3 signs installed none are working –One sign delaminated-burned out –Other 2 signs light up for about 3 seconds then go out Recommend holding off installing the remaining two signs until these problems are resolved Recommend holding off installing the remaining two signs until these problems are resolved

8 Sign Visibility Signs are snow covered after short timeframe

9 “I’m 95% sure this truck had a Stay Back Light sign on it,” Highway Maintenance Superintendent Picture From The Front page of Mn/DOT Newsline March 30, 2005

10 District 7E March 16, 2005 Sign Status 3 lighted signs installed 3 lighted signs installed –Control box burned out on one sign! –Another sign shorted out and started smoking –One sign still operational

11 D-6 Safety Office March 18, 2005 Observation Recap Unable to review sign operation for data collection: – Mechanical failures of signs – Unable to observe signs since they were quickly covered with snow

12 D7E Safety Office April 5, 2005 Observation Recap Four attempts were made to observe signs during snow and ice conditions Four attempts were made to observe signs during snow and ice conditions –Two of the times the sign was completely covered with snow –Another time it was icy and cars seemed to be driving slower-normal for icy weather –The fourth time no travel was advised See the attached operators comments from 3/25/05 See the attached operators comments from 3/25/05

13 D-7E Plow Driver Comments March 25, 2005 Stay Back Stay Alive sign is not a good idea. Cleared off the snow nine times before I gave up on the sign. 3/19/05 Cleaned sign off six times. Tailgates always have snow on them.

14 Where is the sign?

15 Current Project Costs MOR 8 Signs - Purchase Price: $19,600 MOR 8 Signs - Purchase Price: $19,600 Installation, parts, materials, labor Installation, parts, materials, labor –D-6W $2846.31 –D-7E $3122.43 Mn/DOT Total Expenditures: $25,568.74 Mn/DOT Total Expenditures: $25,568.74 Cost does not include data collection or research labor

16 Office of Maintenance Recommendation At this point in time, there is no evidence to support any claims of improving safety and preventing rear end crashes involving Mn/DOT plow trucks. This project showed that mounting lighted signs on the back of snowplow for use during snow and ice activities is ineffective. Project should be terminated.

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