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Training Needs Analysis UNDP c/o Romania Law Enforcement Best Practice Manual For Fighting Against Trafficking of Human Beings.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Needs Analysis UNDP c/o Romania Law Enforcement Best Practice Manual For Fighting Against Trafficking of Human Beings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Needs Analysis UNDP c/o Romania Law Enforcement Best Practice Manual For Fighting Against Trafficking of Human Beings

2 What is it exactly? Identifies current skills, knowledge and attitudes of the target students Identifies the training objectives to deliver the required skills, knowledge and attitudes Identifies the appropriate training material Identifies programme considerations for planners, managers and implementers Training Needs Analysis Slide 1

3 The process Design Training Needs Analysis Slide 2

4 Stage One – Establishment of Core Competencies Agree a benchmark set of standards with critical partners that encompass the core competencies What are the core competencies? Basic policing skills;knowledge and attitude necessary to effectively combat human trafficking Training Needs Analysis Slide 3

5 Stage Two – Skills Assessment Identify the gap between the current and necessary skills This will identify the needs, purposes and objectives of the training programme Methods of examining current skills: review existing training; observation; questionnaires; anecdote and interview; consultations; reports Training Needs Analysis Slide 4

6 Stage Three – Constraints Analysis Internal Constraints? Office and classroom space; equipment; condition of training facilities; availability of qualified staff; communications; support services External Constraints? Legislation; diversity issues such as gender; culture, language; hierarchical commitment; contributors; money Training Needs Analysis Slide 5

7 Stage Four - Demands Analysis What does your beneficiary require to train in order to combat trafficking? Numbers; Target audience; Geographic location Number of hours training per trainee Projected timeframes Training Needs Analysis Slide 6

8 The Outcomes Identification of the training plan: objectives; content; planning concerns; student numbers; locations; duration; logistics; number of trainers Evaluation Process: methodology; timeframe; assessors Training Needs Analysis Slide 7

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