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Via Afrika Snapshot of eLearning in South African Schools June 2014.

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2 Via Afrika Snapshot of eLearning in South African Schools June 2014

3 An appropriate school building is not built from mud or entirely from Asbestos, metal or wood. Electricity supply and appropriate buildings

4 Policies used by the provinces

5 How is eLearning paid for?

6 What devices are used for teaching and learning?

7 What content is being used?

8 What is the attitude of provinces to ICT in classrooms?


10 How well trained are the teachers? But, this is only training by the DBE, it does not include training undertaken by private companies like educational publishers or suppliers of content and hardware.

11 Who supports the technical side of things?

12 What this does not take into account is the cost of supplying the internet access, even when a school is situated in a high connectivity area. The challenge is to make content available that is internet- connectivity-limited. What about the challenge(?) of connectivity?

13 Small sample Limited time frame in which we undertook this initial study Unreliability of or contradictory nature of some information sources. Limitations of this study & Opportunities for future research


15 External Pilot: Results – Overall

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