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CS 501 Introduction to Christian Spirituality

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1 CS 501 Introduction to Christian Spirituality
A Philosophy of Christian Spirituality The Rule of Life

2 Philosophy of Christian Spirituality – the Definition
Becky Towne Christian spirituality is a way of connecting the finite with the eternal through interactions and intersections of relationship as a follower of Christ Jesus

3 Philosophy of Christian Spirituality – Building the philosophy
Becky Towne Christian spirituality is a way of connecting the finite with the eternal through interactions and intersections of relationship as a follower of Christ Jesus Relationship with God – study, responsiveness, attentiveness, spiritual practices

4 philosophy of Christian Spirituality – Building the philosophy
Becky Towne Christian spirituality is a way of connecting the finite with the eternal through interactions and intersections of relationship as a follower of Christ Jesus Relationship with God – study, responsiveness, attentiveness, spiritual practices Relationship with others –biblical love, community-building, corporate spirituality

5 philosophy of Christian Spirituality – Building the philosophy
Becky Towne Christian spirituality is a way of connecting the finite with the eternal through interactions and intersections of relationship as a follower of Christ Jesus Relationship with God – study, responsiveness, attentiveness, spiritual practices Relationship with others –biblical love, community-building, corporate spirituality Relationship with self – spiritual balance, removal of barriers, rest, reflection, integrity

6 Philosophy of Christian Spirituality
Becky Towne 2012 Christian spirituality involves living a life in balance relationally, transformationally, and vocationally. Connecting with God, others, and self (relational) Becoming more like Christ (transformational) Doing the will of God (vocational)

7 Rule of Life – Its nature
Chan, 190ff Patterns of Disciplines Not a set of rules to make oneself good and acceptable before God

8 Rule of Life – Its nature
Chan, 190ff Patterns of Disciplines Not a set of rules to make oneself good and acceptable before God A new or renewed pattern of discipline to achieve ascetical proficiency as a participant within the Kingdom of God

9 Rule of Life – Its nature
Chan, 190ff Patterns of Disciplines Not a set of rules to make oneself good and acceptable before God A new or renewed pattern of discipline to achieve ascetical proficiency as a participant within the Kingdom of God Spiritual Rhythms Fits secular work into a spiritual rule rather than the other way around

10 Rule of Life – Its nature
Chan, 190ff Patterns of Disciplines Not a set of rules to make oneself good and acceptable before God A new or renewed pattern of discipline to achieve ascetical proficiency as a participant within the Kingdom of God Spiritual Rhythms Fits secular work into a spiritual rule rather than the other way around Establishes a rhythm to maintain spiritual focus

11 Rule of Life – Its nature
Chan, 190ff Patterns of Disciplines Not a set of rules to make oneself good and acceptable before God A new or renewed pattern of discipline to achieve ascetical proficiency as a participant within the Kingdom of God Spiritual Rhythms Fits secular work into a spiritual rule rather than the other way around Establishes a rhythm to maintain spiritual focus Status of a Rule Rules lack benefit when viewed as ends unto themselves

12 Rule of Life – Its nature
Chan, 190ff Patterns of Disciplines Not a set of rules to make oneself good and acceptable before God A new or renewed pattern of discipline to achieve ascetical proficiency as a participant within the Kingdom of God Spiritual Rhythms Fits secular work into a spiritual rule rather than the other way around Establishes a rhythm to maintain spiritual focus Status of a Rule Rules lack benefit when viewed as ends unto themselves Embracing a rule reorders life according to one’s philosophy of Christian spirituality

13 Rule of Life - purposes Reinforces holy habits Becomes second nature
Reaches a degree of proficiency

14 Rule of Life - purposes Reinforces holy habits Becomes second nature
Reaches a degree of proficiency Views spiritual life as holistic integration Spiritual disciplines Spiritual exercises

15 Rule of Life - purposes Reinforces holy habits Becomes second nature
Reaches a degree of proficiency Views spiritual life as holistic integration Spiritual disciplines Spiritual exercises Functions as a standard of measurement Individual and corporate dimensions Personal and social dimensions

16 Rule of life – Individual and corporate
Prayerfully covers the whole of life Should strike a balance between flexibility and perseverance Personal Rule

17 Rule of life – Individual and corporate
Prayerfully covers the whole of life Should strike a balance between flexibility and perseverance Should be simple, easy to remember, and within reasonable reach Personal Rule

18 Rule of life – Individual and corporate
Prayerfully covers the whole of life Should strike a balance between flexibility and perseverance Should be simple, easy to remember, and within reasonable reach Personal Rule Can be used as a guide for the personal rule, when a common rule is already adopted Common Rule

19 Rule of life – Individual and corporate
Prayerfully covers the whole of life Should strike a balance between flexibility and perseverance Should be simple, easy to remember, and within reasonable reach Personal Rule Can be used as a guide for the personal rule, when a common rule is already adopted Involves placing oneself under some kind of external accountability, often embraced publicly Common Rule

20 Websites of Interest 9 (Definition of a Rule of Life) benedict.html (Rule of St. Benedict)


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