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Published byChristopher Sellers Modified over 10 years ago
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Measuring your research impact 03 September, 2014
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Establishing a research impact strategy can help you gather the evidence required to assess the impact of your research on people and organisations. Verifying that your research is reaching the individuals, communities and policy makers that will benefit from it.
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Your research impact strategy might include: increasing the visibility of your research via social media and communication with your peers, capturing traditional and alternative [altmetric] impact data, and techniques for effective communication about your research impact in a resumé or grant application. This session will explore and address issues such as: What does journal impact mean within a discipline? What are the implications of research impact when crafting your ROPE for grant applications? How can we best present the data on research impact? (the 10 best publications and the metrics that go with these within the ROPE) What are some alternative metrics that can be used to measure research impact?
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Journal impact factor (JIF) ‘The journal Impact Factor is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited in the JCR year. The Impact Factor is calculated by dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the two previous years. An Impact Factor of 1.0 means that, on average, the articles published one or two year ago have been cited one time. An Impact Factor of 2.5 means that, on average, the articles published one or two year ago have been cited two and a half times. The citing works may be articles published in the same journal. However, most citing works are from different journals, proceedings, or books indexed by Web of Science.’ Thomson Reuters. (2012, May 22). Journal citation reports: Journal impact factor. Retrieved from - impact_factor - impact_factor
The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is used to measure and compare the influence of journals. Impact factors can not be used to compare individual articles, researchers or research programs. A high journal impact factor may indicate that the journal is well regarded. JIFs are published in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database. Impact factors are only available for journals indexed in the Web of Science database*.Journal Citation ReportsWeb of Science * WoS indexes about 12,000+ journals. Discipline coverage varies, with an emphasis in the sciences – areas such as the humanities, social science, education, business, information technology, law etc. are not covered comprehensively.
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES The JIF is not a measure of the quality of individual articles. Only research articles, technical notes and reviews are included in the calculation of impact factors. Only a small percentage of articles are highly cited and they are generally found in a small subset of journals. Controversial papers not necessarily based on good research, may be highly cited, distorting the impact factor of a journal. Journal impact factors may be influenced by self-citation; publication type, i.e. review articles often attract more citations; publication language, i.e. English vs non-English. The ranking of a journal by impact factor within a discipline is more important than the absolute value, i.e. Biological Conservation JIF 4.036 ranked 20/215 or Q1 Subject category: Environmental Sciences. There is a growing acceptance of the value article level metrics, but journal based metrics continue to be used in many areas.
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Other journal indicators: SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Source Normalised Impact per Paper (SNIP) Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List Note: The use of ERA lists with journals assigned A*, A, B, C, D ranks has been discontinued.
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE) ROPE is an Australian Research Council (ARC) term, but the concept can applied in other contexts. In his 2014 CSU Research Office presentation about preparing your ROPE for nationally competitive grants, Alan Johnson noted that the NHMRC requirements are now similar to the ARC format. Your 10 best research outputs are one of the main indicators that will be looked at by assessors. Have about 30 words explaining the impact of the publication, yours or third party opinion, e.g. editors pick.
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Matrix of importance Author order, you need to be early in the list of authors Journal/ book importance how recent, relevant Publication metrics proof Regency Relevance to discipline area Availability Use journal citation reports from WoS, Scopus or Google Scholar as appropriate. Citations and reader ratings relate to your research output, and therefore more important than JIF. JIF should also be presented as a rank within a subject category, i.e. 25/215 or Q1 [first quartile].
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Capturing research impact data for use in your ROPE Thomson Reuters: ResearcherID Researcher ID is a unique identifier for authors created by Thomson & Reuters owners of Web of Science ISI database.Web of Science When you register for Researcher ID, you will be assigned an individual number which will stay with you throughout your career, allowing you to easily track your publications and citation counts.register You can identify your publications in Web of Science and add them to ResearcherID, records can also be imported from EndNote Web or using an RSI file. When publications are imported to your Researcher ID profile, they will be automatically matched against against existing Web of Science data and if available, any citation counts will be displayed with the record. You can directly link your Researcher ID with your ORCID ID.directly link Find out more about adding records to your Researcher IDadding records to your Researcher ID Example:
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Scopus: Author Id The Scopus Author ID is generated when an author is added to the Scopus database. It allows Scopus to group together all of the articles by that author. This is especially useful for authors with common names, eg., Smith, Mary or Chan, Lee. Many researchers will have a Scopus Author ID without even knowing about it.Scopus It is a good idea to ensure that Scopus has linked your publications to the correct Author ID, you can request changes directly to Scopus online. request changes You can directly link your Scopus Author ID with your ORCID. directly link Learn more about Scopus Author ID.Scopus Author ID Example:
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Google Scholar A Google Scholar profile is created by the author and allows you to establish a profile that lists your publications and citations, and calculates your h-index and i10- index. There may be some inflation in the citation figures due to duplication and author misidentification. Google Scholar You will need a Google account to create a Google Scholar Profile. Profiles can be made private or public and therefore discoverable by other researchers and prospective employers. Google Scholar automatically generates a persistent link for public profiles, that can be used by authors to promote their research. Learn more about creating a Google Scholar Profilecreating a Google Scholar Profile Example:
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES ORCID ORCID provides a persistent digital identity that allows researchers and authors to identify their work from those of others with the same name. ORCID registration is free and available online. Information from ORCID can be intergrated with Author ID (Scopus) and Researcher ID (Web of Science) to provide a single aggregated enrty point that lists all your research output.ORCID registration ORCID does not provide citation metrics, but it can be used when you submit publications, or apply for grants. Discover moreDiscover more about ORCID. Read more about why you should claim your ORCIDwhy you should claim your ORCID Examples: + alternative metrics …….
Presenting research impact data From: Australian Research Council (ARC) application. 76. *McLeod, S. & McCormack, J. (2007). Application of the ICF and ICF-CY to children with speech impairment. Seminars in Speech and Language, 28(4), 254-264. [SCOPUS citations=14] 77. *McLeod, S., & McKinnon, D. H. (2007). The prevalence of communication disorders compared with other learning needs in 14,500 primary and secondary school students. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 42(S1), 37-59. [IF=1.433; 21/64 Rehab; ISI citations=15; SCOPUS citations=17] 78. *McKinnon, D. H. & McLeod, S. & Reilly, S. (2007). The prevalence of stuttering, voice and speech sound disorders in primary school students in Australia. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 38(1), 5-15. [IF=1.241; 26/64 Rehab; ISI citations=18; SCOPUS citations=19]
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Sharynne McLeod Google scholar Profile: ORCID ID: Scopus Author Id: 7005764153: ResearcherID is: I-8088-2014: h-index (Scopus) 17 h-index (WoS) 13 h-index (Google Scholar) 25
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES McKinnon, D. H. & McLeod, S. & Reilly, S. (2007). The prevalence of stuttering, voice and speech sound disorders in primary school students in Australia. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 38(1), 5-15. 2013 JIF [Linguistics] 1.247 28/169 or you could use quartiles, making it easier to read? 2013 JIF [Rehabilitation] 1.247 29/69 Scopus 41 citations WoS 31 citations Google Scholar 74 citations 2013 SJR SCImago Journal & Country Rank 1.08 [Language & Linguistics] Q1 51/579 2013 SJR SCImago Journal & Country Rank 1.08 [Speech & Hearing] Q1 10/62 2013 SNIP 1.195 Downloads from institutional repository (CRO) 14
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Crowe, K., & McLeod, S. (2014). A systematic review of cross-linguistic and multilingual speech and language outcomes for children with hearing loss. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 17(3), 287-309. Almetric data: Scopus
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Alternative metrics (altmetrics) Alternative metrics or Altmetrics provide article level metrics for research outputs, i.e. other impacts of a work, such as the number article views, numbers of downloads, or mentions in social media and news media. Altmetrics can be applied to a range of research outputs, including - articles, books, presentations, videos, source code repositories, web pages, datasets etc. Authors can establish a Researcher Profile with an aggregated altmetric service, e.g. Impact Story, or refer to individual product specific altmetric providers, e.g. Scopus or a publisher such as PLoS, in order to monitor and compile alternative metric data related to their research.Researcher Profile
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Altmetric data can supplement traditional scholarly citation counts and measures such as the h- index, and may be used to differentiate the impact of your research output from other works with comparable traditional metrics. Altmetric data is available from available from: CRO CSU Research Output (CRO) database records to number of times a copy of a document has been downloaded. CRO Researchers can create a collection of their research output, with links to copyright cleared content, e.g. CSU Research Output (CRO); details of which can be discovered by other users. Analytics or metrics of items use are available. Discover metrics from social media sources, Google Scholar and online reference managers such as Mendeley, CiteULike and others. Requires an institutional subscription. Provides a free Altmetric bookmarklet that can be used to obtain altmetrics on individual papers [requires DOI, PMID, Article-id].Altmetric bookmarklet
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Impact Story Can be used to compile an authors research, collecting data ORCID, Google Scholar or other online profiles; provides details of views, downloads, discussions or citations, demonstating the authors online impact. This online CV can be included as a link in a signature blocks or embedded in a website. Requires a personal subscription. Impact Story Mendeley Reference manager and academic social network that can help you organise your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. Mendeley PLoS Open Access journal publisher that provides metrics for PLoS articles, including the number of times an article has been viewed, cited, saved and discussed. PLoS Plum Analytics Tracks artifacts, including journal articles, books, videos, presentations, conference proceedings, datasets, source code, cases. Reports impact metrics in 5 major categories: usage, captures, mentions, social media, and citations. Requires an institutional subscription. Plum Analytics ResearchGate Researchers can create a collection of their research output; with links to copyright cleared content, e.g. CSU Research Output (CRO); details of which can be discovered by other users. ResearchGate
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Aggregated services such as Impact Story, and Plum Analytics require either a personal or institutional subscription, but CSU researchers still have access to product specific altmetric providers, e.g. Scopus, Almetric bookmarklet, or a publisher such as PLoS or Elsevier, in order to monitor and compile alternative metric data related to their research. Article download data [Number of Deliveries] is also available from CRO. i.e.
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES h-index attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar. A scholar with an index of h has published h papers each of which has been cited in other papers at least h times [Wikipedia]. i10-index is the number of publications with at least 10 citations. The second column has the "recent" version of this metric which is the number of publications that have received at least 10 new citations in the last 5 years. The h-index provided by Google Scholar is based on different data to that used by WoS or Scopus.
DIVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES Publisher statistics Elsevier author dashboard
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