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GEM Detectors for AnDY Nilanga Liyanage University of Virginia 1 Outline GEM chamber concept Large area GEM chamber projects Proposed GEM configuration.

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Presentation on theme: "GEM Detectors for AnDY Nilanga Liyanage University of Virginia 1 Outline GEM chamber concept Large area GEM chamber projects Proposed GEM configuration."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEM Detectors for AnDY Nilanga Liyanage University of Virginia 1 Outline GEM chamber concept Large area GEM chamber projects Proposed GEM configuration for AnDY Jlab SuperBigbite GEM module development CERN-RD51 APV25 based Scalable Readout System (SRS) UVa GEM construction facilities UVa GEM construction program

2 GEM working principle Ionization Multiplication (x20) Readout Multiplication (x20) Multiplication (x20) Recent technology: F. Sauli, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A386(1997)531 GEM foil: 50  m Kapton + few  m copper on both sides with 70  m holes, 140  m pitch Strong electrostatic field in the GEM holes 2

3 COMPASS readout plane (31x31 cm 2 ) 70  m resolution achieved by strips centroid  Analog readout required (used the APV25 chip) 3 COMPASS GEM Tracker  A tracker of twenty two 31 cm x 31 cm GEM chambers successfully operated for years  Rates as high as 2.5 MHz/cm 2

4 TOTEM T1 prototype made with single mask GEM foils (33 cm x 66 cm) Large prototype GEM module for CMS : 99 cm x (22 – 45.5) cm The 40 x 50 cm 2 GEM is very standard and conservative technology 4 STAR Forward GEM Tracker 6 triple-GEM disks around beam IR~10.5 cm, OR~39 cm APV25 electronics Large GEM chamber projects

5 Jefferson Lab SBSTrackers – Front Tracker Front Tracker Geometry x6 18 modules In Italy  50 cm x 40 cm Modules are assembled to form larger chambers with different sizes  Front tracker: Six 40 cm x 150 cm GEM layers  INFN Funding: to be built in Italy  Polarimeter trackers: Eight 50 cm x 200 cm GEM layers  to be built in Virginia 5 76 modules In Virginia

6 Basic Module of SBS Trackers  Basic module developed in Rome used for all trackers  Features:  size: 40x50 cm 2 active area  thin frame: only 8 mm wide  single mask tech. GEM foils  2D strip readout (a la COMPASS) - 0.4 mm pitch  X= 0.54%X0 6 cover drift 3 x GEM Honeycomb with readout Support frame Spacer

7 AnDY GEM configuration TRK-1 7 TRK-2 TRK-3

8 RD-51 Scalable Readout System  Low cost APV25-S1 based system developed by the CERN-based RD51 coll.  Cost ~ $ 3/chan  RD-51 electronics group has agreed to deliver up to 40 k chan. By the end of 2012.  UVa research scientist Kondo Gnanvo is an SRS expert; assembled and operated first large SRS system (15 k chan.)

9 Cosmic Data from UVa test setup  Small SRS system @ UVa with 2048 ch  Reading 4 10 x 10 cm 2 GEM chambers with X/Y readout  Standalone system, triggered by externally provided trigger  Highly reliable, low noise  Now going into Jlab hall A for a beam test.  Currently running with a standalone ALICE DAQ (DATE) and Monitoring (AMORE) software. FWHM ~ 1 mm ~ 3 mm

10 Assembly and testesting of SBS GEM modules Stretching time ~ 1 – 2 hours Foil Tension: T ~ 0.5 kg/cm 10 New 40 cm x 50 cm GEM stretcher at Uva Fully equipped prototype 40x50 cm 2 GEM module for a beam test at DESY

11  A 3.5 m x 3 m level-100 clean-room: this clean room was used to build  Drift chambers for Bigbite: 2 m x 0.5 m MWDCs.  Prototype GEM tracker with five 10 cm x 10 cm chambers  Another clean room to be added early next year.  APV25 based readout systems with 5000 channels for testing GEMs  Wiener MPOD High Voltage system with 16 sensitive HV channels  CODA based DAQ system  Dry N2 storage cabinets  Dry N2 HV box  GEM foil stretcher 11 GEM construction facilities at UVa

12  Liyanage and Nelyubin (Senior research scientist)  Built the BB MWDC together  Built the prototype GEM tracker  Kondo Gnanvo (Research Scientist):  Recognized GEM and APV electronics expert  Former CERN fellow working on GEM chambers with Leszek Ropelewski  Constructed ten 30 cm x 30 cm GEM chambers at FIT  Three senior graduate students  Students already experienced in GEM with prototype chambers.  Oleg Eyser at BNL will work with the UVa team to install and commission the GEM module in the AnDY setup Expertise and manpower for AnDY GEM chambers 12

13  Ongoing (Pre R&D)  All facilities ready and manpower in-place for final SBS GEM production  Construction, testing, characterization of two 40 x 50 cm 2 modules currently underway: expect to complete by mid-April  By Feb. 2017  Construct, instrument and test 64 GEM modules for SBS. 13 UVa GEM Development Activity Plans for AnDY GEMs  6 months from funding commitment  Construct, test and deliver 6 GEM modules for TRK-1  9 months from funding commitment  Construct, test and deliver 6 GEM modules for TRK-2  15 months from funding commitment  Construct, test and deliver 12 GEM modules for TRK-2

14  # 6: GEM single versus double cluster identification: already demonstrated to be better than 2 mm with prototype tests.  # 7: GEM position resolution: already shown to be better than 100  m with prototype tests. Resolution for each module will be measured in lab with cosmics before delivery to BNL.  # 8: GEM efficiency. Previously been shown to be higher than 90% for standard GEM chambers. Efficiency for each module will be measured in lab with cosmics before delivery to BNL. Meeting the KPPs 14

15  GEM modules to be used for AnDY already developed, prototyped and tested for for SBS; ready for production now.  GEM production Infra-structure and expertise in place at UVa; window of opportunity to build AnDY GEMs before major SBS production starts.  Use already developed and tested SRS electronics – “off the shelf and low cost”  Benefit from R&D already done to meet the AnDY schedule. Conclusion 15

16 Backup Slides 16

17 AnDY GEM configuration 17  Basic GEM module for AnDY very similar to SBS GEM module with small modifications  Readout using the APV25 based Scalable Readout System (SRS): 35 k total channels  24 k channels for TRK1 & TRK2 (0.4 mm pitch)  11 k channels for TRK3 SBS readout ( E.Cisbani, INFN Italy)New design (K. Gnanvo. Uva) ZIF connectorsPanasonic connectors

18 RD SRS test setup at UVa  Small SRS system @ UVa with 2048 ch  Reading 4 10 x 10 cm 2 GEM chambers with X/Y readout  Standalone system, triggered by externally provided trigger  Highly reliable, low noise  Now going into Jlab hall A for a beam test.  Currently running with a standalone ALICE DAQ (DATE) and Monitoring (AMORE) software.  Integration of the SRS into Jlab CODA under development GEM1 X-strips GEM1 Y-strips GEM2 X-strips GEM2 Y-strips

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