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FACET Facility Performance FY13 Christine Clarke, 25 th July 2013 SAREC Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "FACET Facility Performance FY13 Christine Clarke, 25 th July 2013 SAREC Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 FACET Facility Performance FY13 Christine Clarke, 25 th July 2013 SAREC Meeting

2 2013 Schedule -- FACET User Run 2

3 3 FACET User Run 2 – A New Philosophy Part 1 Lesson 1: Experiments need different beam configurations FACET Run 2 was divided into different configurations and experiments were scheduled according to configuration that best matched their request “Pencil Beam” 5e9 electrons/bunch, σ z ~600µm, σ r <20µm Low Charge, compressed 1e10 electrons/bunch, σ z ~30µm, σ r ~30µm High Charge, compressed 2e10 electrons/bunch, σ z ~30µm, σ r ~30µm High Charge, over-compressed/ 2 bunch studies 2e10 electrons/bunch, R56 10 mm, σ r ~30µm

4 4 FACET User Run 2 – A New Philosophy Part 2 Lesson 2: The machine needs attention on a day-to-day level Emphasis was given on not delivering a beam to users that did not meet agreed-upon parameters. Most of the beam time was therefore used for machine development, maintenance and characterisation activities These occurred every day.

5 5 FACET Run Dates FACET Run: Pencil Beam  3 rd March – 24 th March Low Charge, compressed  24 th March – 13 th April High Charge, compressed  13 th April – 24 th May R56 10 mm and two-bunch generation  24 th May – 1 st July High charge configuration was not scheduled initially First plan was to go from low charge and compressed bunches to 2-bunch commissioning Introduced high charge configuration after success of low charge Start-upPencil beamLow Charge High Charge 2 bunch

6 6 Scheduling Experiments ublic/facet/user/Pages/Schedule.aspx Schedule was goal-driven (e.g. “expose samples”) Typically focused on one experiment at a time Not running experiments 24 hours a day meant: Better support from facility staff Better beam Time to plan  Success User Beam Time delivered (hours) broken down by configuration. Commissioning of laser with beam by E200 is included.

7 7 Beam time by experiment Experiment Hours Delivered Inc. Acc. down and User Off E-200 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration154.2 158.35 E-201 Dielectric Wakefield Studies59.1 72.8 E-202 Ultrafast Magnetic Switching5.1 E-203 Smith Purcell15.3 15.5 E-206 THz Studies3.5** 3.5 E-211 CERN BBA36.2 38 Total 273.4293.25 User Beam Time delivered (hours) broken down by experiment within each configuration. ** (plus 40 hours approx. parasitic)

8 8 User Time Highly Productive Better beam made experiments better Essentially no tuning time and very little accelerator down time – few interruptions Accelerator Operations team characterised beam prior to user shift Better SLAC physicist support Total User Time broken down by beam status

9 9 Experiment Procedures User productivity gained from Increased time between shifts Goal-based experiment shifts with a focus on getting results Shift Procedures key to getting results Developed “template” over course of run Procedure for operators as well as experimenters FACET staff worked closely with users on procedures Progress during User Beam time was reported on the FACET website along with key beam parameters:

10 10 Accessing FACET Most accesses were scheduled for experiment installation and maintenance (~1 day per week) “PAMM” A few accesses were “unscheduled” (on user beam time) due to hardware failures “User Access” Breakdown of FACET Accesses. Total hours = 1080 Commissioning laser for E200 required dedicated tunnel time

11 FACET User Community

12 12 Growing User Community Total FACET user community grew including on-site, remote and data users (112 users to date for FY13) On-site/badged users grew (50 on-site Users in FY12, 67 on-site Users so far in FY13) 34 different institutions represented by FACET Users ~half of the institutions are outside the US

13 13 User Breakdown 63% universities, 31% labs, 6% industry 6 undergraduate students, 25 postgraduate students All 6 undergraduate students and 18 of the 25 post-graduates are on-site (badged) users  students make up 37 % of all on-site FACET users On-Site Users only (outer ring) All User types (inner ring) FACET Users by work classification

14 14 FACET User Organization All Users are part of the FACET User Organization In 2011, Patric Muggli was voted as FACET User Organization representative Seat on SLUO Executive Committee – 3 year term Gerard Andonian – NUFO representative for FACET

15 15 Experiment Groups E-200: Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments PIs: Chan Joshi, Mark Hogan, Patric Muggli SLAC, UCLA, MPI, Duke, University of Oslo, Stanford University, ENSTA ParisTech E-201: Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures PIs: James Rosenzweig, Mark Hogan, Patric Muggli UCLA, SLAC, MPI, RadiaBeam

16 16 Experiment Groups E-202: Ultrafast processes in Magnetic Materials PI: Hermann Durr SLAC, Stanford, University of Regensburg, IBM-Zurich E-203: Single-shot determination of the time profile of fs long bunches by means of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation PI: Armin Reichold Oxford, LAL-Orsay, Synchrotron-Soleil, Universite Paris- Sud, Valencia U IFIC, LANL E-204: Testing of metallic periodic structures at FACET PIs: Sami Tantawi, Valery Dolgashev SLAC

17 17 Experiment Groups E-205: High-Gradient Dielectric Wakefield Measurements PI: Alexey Kanareykin Euclid, ANL E-206: Characterizing Terahertz Radiation from the FACET Beam PI: Alan Fisher SLAC E-207: High-Gradient THz-scale Two-Channel Coaxial Dielectric Wake Field Accelerator Experiment PI: Sergey Shchelkunov Yale, Omega-P, KIPT

18 18 Experiment Groups E-208: Direct measurements of the transverse long-range wake- fields of CLIC main linac accelerating structures PI: A. Grudiev CERN, University of Oslo E-209: Study of the Self-Modulation of Long Lepton Bunches in Dense Plasmas and its Application to Advanced Acceleration Techniques PI: Jorge Vieira, Patric Muggli, Mark Hogan Technical University of Lisbon, MPI, SLAC, UCLA, USC E-210: Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration PIs: James Rosenzweig, Bernhard Hidding UCLA, University of Hamburg, University of Dusseldorf, MPI, RadiaBeam, SLAC

19 19 Experiment Groups E-211: Experimental verification of the effectiveness of linear collider final-focus feedbacks and alignment algorithms PI: Andrea Latina CERN, University of Oslo E-212: Radiation from GeV electrons in diamond with intensities approaching the amplified radiation regime PI: Ulrik Uggerhoj Aarhus University, University of Ferrara, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, SLAC, CERN, TRIUMF, University of New Mexico, University of Amsterdam, Johannesburg University

20 Future Schedule - FACET User Run 3 and beyond

21 21 Current FY14 Plans Start FACET at beginning of next Fiscal Year (~October 1 st ) – after LCLS Start commissioning of positrons from positron target Set up electron beam for 2-bunch configuration in Sector 20 - Primary users are PWFA and DWA studies - Laser will also be operational FACET will not operate over the Winter shutdown FACET will restart ~1 st February 2014

22 22 Goals for Future Operations We want to maximise User Time whilst keeping productivity high Grow our user base with new experiments More FACET staff to continue to work closely with users In FY14, a greater proportion of beam time can be for users: Bulk of laser commissioning done- less time in access required next time Beam configurations well understood and documented- less machine development required to repeat them

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