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Science, Hua Yan Buddhism and I-Ching (Part 1)
By Loh Sia Tiong/ ( Hua Yan Buddhist society, Penang, Malaysia) 骆錫忠
Abstract In part 1, knowledge of digital electronics and discrete mathematics have been applied to try to understand I-Ching (Book of Changes) and ‘Luo Pan’ (A kind of compass that used for Fung Sui). In part 2, a real life example of “8 Characters” (a theoretical calculations based on I-Ching which use to predict the states of a particular person in the past, present and future) has been shown in order to convince the feasibility of this kind of knowledge. It has a potential to be combined with theoretical physics and applied mathematics so that it can be applied to medical field. With the basic understanding from part 1 and part 2, in part 3 we are confident to apply a quote from Lao Tze (famous ancient Chinese philosopher) with the helps of the theories of Hua Yan Buddhism and make use of discrete mathematics, quantum mechanics and fractal physics; we proposed a new mathematical structure. It is believed that it will provide a new Boolean Simplification method which also apply to apply in DNA research and also able to give us a glimpse to the origin of life. This quote is extracted from the book Of ‘Jie Xing’/ ‘The essence of mind’ by Hai Yun Master
Objective I wish my work will provide insights for people and get themselves interested in pondering Hua Yan Buddhism. There are a lot of theories in Hua Yan which able to spark up new directions in philosophies, science and technologies which in turn will benefit living beings.
Acknowledgement Thanks to the theoretical high energy physicist Dr. Yoon Tiem Leong from Science University of Malaysia (Penang main campus); a rational critic to my research. Thankful to Hai Yun master from Taiwan Hua Yan Organization for his financial support during hard time and gave me the inspirations from Buddhism which able to apply to my research in natural science. Also to Hui Ling Master, a disciple of Hai Yun master and also a great mentor of mine for her excellent guidance in Buddhism and Zen meditation. Thanks to Pu Ming Master from China who willing to show me the ‘8 characters’ calculations which is an application derived from I-Ching. A kind of unbelievable macroscopic calculation that able to predict the faith of human beings in extreme high accuracy. To my mother who past away due to cancer decease.
Brief history of the author
骆錫忠 Loh Sia Tiong Graduated from University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom with Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics Engineering & Physics SEP JUN 2001 Lecturer of College Tungku Abdul Rahman (Penang Branch Campus), School of Technology, Electronics engineering department OCT 2001 – AUG 2005 Full time postgraduate student in theoretical condensed matter physics at Science University of Malaysia (Penang, Malaysia), School of Physics DEC 2005 – NOV 2006 Part time lecturer of Disted-Stamford College(Penang) NOV 2006 – JAN 2007 Mixed Signal ICs Characterization and design engineer of Renesas Semiconductor Design (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd FEB 2007 – Present As a coach of Chan and Yang styles Tai Ji martial arts and self-defenses for women at Renesas Semiconductor factory’s recreation centre.
Introduction Will the symbol of ‘Ba Gua’ and its philosophy
having a relationship with the current electronics technologies?
Background Let’s begin from the one who lay down
the foundation of digital electronics.
Background This is quote from Hai Yun master’s book: “ 非常金刚经 (3)”
Page 53
This information is obtained from this book.
The paper wrote by Leibniz, showing the relation between binary sequences and integers. We can see that there are ‘Ying’ and ‘Yang’ symbols which corresponded to zero and one.
Good and bad energy in a certain place !
This is “Luo Pan” or Chinese compass that use to calculate “Fung Shui” or Good and bad energy in a certain place ! What so special about it, huh? …well, check out the next following slides.
A question aroused… 5 3 6 4 7 1 2 Why the 8 symbols can be related to 4 Seasons which break down into 24 sections and also related to 24 hours which have been divided into 12 sections. Also, seems that these symbols can also be related to relatives such as parents, brothers and sisters. What kind of logical thinking are these? Pure absurd or it is too macroscopically for us to understand through science which based on microscopic logical thinking and view point ?
Why the 8 symbols can be related to 4 Seasons which break down into 24 sections and also related to 24 hours which have been divided into 12 sections. Also, seems that these symbols can also be related to relatives such as parents, brothers and sisters. What kind of logical thinking are these? Pure absurd or it is too macroscopically for us to understand through science which based on microscopic logical thinking and view point ?
Why the 8 symbols can be related to 4 Seasons which break down into 24 sections and also related to 24 hours which have been divided into 12 sections. Also, seems that these symbols can also be related to relatives such as parents, brothers and sisters. What kind of logical thinking are these? Pure absurd or it is too macroscopically for us to understand through science which based on microscopic logical thinking and view point ?
Why the 8 symbols can be related to 4 Seasons which break down into 24 sections and also related to 24 hours which have been divided into 12 sections. Also, seems that these symbols can also be related to relatives such as parents, brothers and sisters. What kind of logical thinking are these? Pure absurd or it is too macroscopically for us to understand through science which based on microscopic logical thinking and view point ?
It can also be related to cosmology as we can see these represent the name of the stars.
Will this particular symbol able to indicate the direction of the particular stars?
As we can see the 8 symbols also related to integers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Are these nodes related or provide an idea to use to graph theory or
network theory as a tool to unravel the secrets of nature?
By Lao Tze (a famous ancient Chinese philosopher)?
Will the single node, the double nodes and the triplet nodes really related to the quotes By Lao Tze (a famous ancient Chinese philosopher)?
In English Really? True? Part 3 of this work will have a
detail discussion. In English
Normally, by using logical thinking, we would assume the following conclusion.
But how ‘three’ produced all things? Also the translation to English is not easily to understand. We decided to use mathematical approach instead. Please refer to part 3 of this work. In Mandarin version
+ With the inspiration from the book by Hai Yun master and this , a new mathematical structure which able to apply in natural science had been discovered. Please refer to part 3.
This picture is obtained from the following book
Let us start from something simple yet fun… This picture is obtained from the following book Rule of the game: Farmer wish to cross the river using a boat which only able to fetch farmer and either an animal or cereal each trip. If farmer is around, all of the animals and cereal are safe. Wild dog does not dare to eat chicken and Chicken does not dare to eat cereal. However if farmer is not around, wild dog will eat the chicken but will not eat the cereal because It doesn’t like it. Chicken will eat the cereal if farmer is not around.
For those ‘zeros’ and ‘ones’ in the columns of
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal For those ‘zeros’ and ‘ones’ in the columns of farmer, wild dog, chicken and cereal; ‘zero’ represent at the right bank of the river While ‘one’ represent at the left bank of the river, Left river bank is the destination of the farmer. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
If outcome is equal to 1, means danger, something will be missing
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome If outcome is equal to 1, means danger, something will be missing 1 1 If outcome is equal to 0, means it is safe, Nothing is missing. 1 1 1 1 Cereal will be eaten by the chicken! 1 1 Chicken will be eaten by the wild dog!! 1 1 Danger! Cereal might be eaten by the Chicken and the chicken will be eaten by the wild dog. 1 1 1 Chicken will be eaten by the wild dog!! Cereal will be eaten by the chicken!
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome
1 1 1 1 1 1 Cereal will be eaten by the chicken! 1 1 Chicken will be eaten by the wild dog! 1 1 1 1 1
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome
We use the binary system which developed by Leibniz and Boole and apply in digital electronics and microelectronics (a microscopic science which describe the behaviors of electrons and their applications ). Well, with the advent of science, nanotechnology such as spintronics or single electron transistor will be employ in electronic products in near future. Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome 1 1 1 Switches which represent Farmer, wild dog, chicken and cereal. Switched to the left represented the particular human or animals or food is Situated on the right river bank. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Switch which represent wild dog, switch to the left represented the dog is at the left river bank. Switch which represent farmer, switch to the left represented the farmer is at the left river bank.
No light Light turn on Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 No light 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Light turn on
. Just change the 0 and 1 into black and white colour.
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 If we observe carefully, we will see that the binary sequences are available in I-Ching . Just change the 0 and 1 into black and white colour.
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
We use ying - - to represent zero and – yang to represent one.
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome Safe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Safe 1
凶 Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome Danger 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 Danger 1 1 凶 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
This is extracted from I-Ching, this symbols means
at the beginning or at initial state.
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Usually in digital electronics, we use as the initial state. We do understand that these two symbols are not the same and talking about different issue. We argued that we can start to see what is I-Ching talking about in a modern way. However, we still need to go through some detail discussions in order to gain a better understanding.
This has the meaning of finished or the end.
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 This has the meaning of finished or the end. In digital electronics, state is used as final state.
Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 This has the meaning of a dangerous set up! In our example, 0110 state means that wild dog will eat the chicken, a danger sign!
This symbol has the meaning of ‘Difficult to move’
This symbol has the meaning of ‘Difficult to move’. We can see that I-Ching is also indicating the states or conditions or a person or how things will behave.
For example, this state represent ‘trap’, meaning that the person will be trapped at a particular place and might suffer from some shortages in food. Historically, at ancient China, there was once Confucius stopped by a jungle and met 2 Wise men who able to ‘calculated’ what will be faced by Confucius at near future. The ‘Kun’ state being calculated which represent that Confucius will be ‘trap’ at a particular place. Indeed when Confucius leave the jungle and headed to a City and faced a small army who misunderstood that Confucius has bad intension and surrounded him and his disciples. They suffered 3 days for not having food to consume. Confucius started to ponder I-Ching ever since. We believe that I-Ching and its derivations is a kind of mathematics that able to calculate the states of macroscopic system such as human beings.
Each state has its own meaning.
凶 吉 Farmer Wild Dog chicken Cereal Outcome
If outcome is equal to 1, means danger, something will be missing 1 凶 1 If outcome is equal to 0, means it is safe, Nothing is missing. 1 1 1 1 吉 Cereal will be eaten by the chicken! 1 1 Chicken will be eaten by the wild dog!! 1 1 Danger! Cereal might be eaten by the Chicken and the chicken will be eaten by the wild dog. 1 1 1 Chicken will be eaten by the wild dog!! Cereal will be eaten by the chicken! As we can see from Chinese Calendar which based on the theories of I-Ching, there are things that are advised not to conduct at a particular time or else danger or obstacles will be happened or faced. This might be due to the combinational of living beings and materials at that particular time and place is not suitable for the particular person. However, it is hard to prove it by using the current science unless there are some theory to fill in the gap between the current science (Bottom-up approach) and mathematical structure in I-Ching (Top-down approach/macroscopic calculation ).
falled under this quadrant if we express in mathematical language.
We can see that this character means from 3am until 5am and belongs to the particular symbol or falled under this quadrant if we express in mathematical language.
The underneath-side of the digital IC
Let us return to the game. If you doubt the feasibility of this game whether it will be able to put it into real life situation. Well, we can implement this game by using Integrated circuit, switches, battery and light emitting diode! Connect a Battery here Wild Dog Total Outcome Farmer chicken Cereal The underneath-side of the digital IC
We employed ’Cadence’ a type of circuit design and
simulation software to design the circuit in this I.C.( Integrated circuit).
B =Wild Dog C= chicken D =Cereal A= Farmer
The simulated waveforms from ‘Cadence’ software.
Danger Danger Danger Danger Danger Danger Farmer Zero/Low voltage/at right river bank Wild Dog Zero/Low voltage/at right river bank One/High voltage/at left river bank chicken One/High voltage/at left river bank Cereal The simulated waveforms from ‘Cadence’ software.
Now, let us bring in the I-Ching
Now, let us bring in the I-Ching!. As we can see, Ying and Yang concepts have brought in.
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