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1 PRACTICUM & INTERNSHIP ORIENTATION Revised 1/15 Dr. Joseph Hulgus, Internship Coordinator 1 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PRACTICUM & INTERNSHIP ORIENTATION Revised 1/15 Dr. Joseph Hulgus, Internship Coordinator 1 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PRACTICUM & INTERNSHIP ORIENTATION Revised 1/15 Dr. Joseph Hulgus, Internship Coordinator 1 1

2 PRACTICUM STUDENTS 1.Be aware that you will need to complete AT LEAST 40 client contact hours to complete your practicum 2.Also be aware that you will need to complete AT LEAST 100 total hours in practicum 3.***Be sure to bring your HIPAA certificate, and proof of insurance, and ACA/ASCA membership card with you to the first night of practicum *** 4.Now, submit your applications 2

3 5 Application Process 1.Come to one of the practicum/internship meetings the semester prior to doing practicum/internship WITH A COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKET 2.FOR ALL STUDENTS: Make sure you arrange for the background check, etc., from the Student Services Office within the College of Education (you won’t have the results by the time of the meeting, however) AND THAT IT IS KEPT UP TO DATE 3.During the meeting, practicum students will submit their applications for review; if complete they will be accepted. If application is not complete, then the student will have ONE WEEK to submit a complete application. If applications are submitted after that, they will go in a “alternate” file (i.e., if someone drops out, then they MAY be moved to the active file)

4 5 Application Process 1.Once practicum students are finished, Internship students will remain to watch this PowerPoint 2.After the PowerPoint is finished, then applications and related materials for Internship will be accepted. 3.If materials are not complete, the student will have ONE WEEK to submit them. If submitted after one week, then the student will be put in an “alternate” file 4.FOR ALL PRACTICUM AND INTERNSHIP STUDENTS: Student files will be reviewed in late October to assess progress with any prerequisites. If all is well, then all students who are ready will be released to register the first week of November

5 7 Approving Internship Sites Site Requirements: §Allows for adequate client contact for counseling (40% of time direct counseling contact) §Provides a minimum of 1 hour of individual supervision per week by an appropriate supervisor (appropriately credentialed/licensed with at least 3 years experience). §Supervisor willing to participate in supervisor training. Supervisors must attend every 3 years. §Trainee will not be asked to do things they are not qualified to do §Must follow American Counseling Association Code of Ethics

6 8 Approving Internship Supervisors Supervisor Requirements: §Appropriately licensed/certified Internship - LPC or Licensed Psychologist School Internship - certified school counselor (certified at level student is working at). §3 years experience (post certification or licensure) §Willing to participate in Supervisor training through the MSU Counseling Dept. (Supervisor must attend to receive payment and for the student to count their hours.)

7 9 Application Packet Internship information now available on the departmental website. Go to the School/Mental Health Internship Manual’s. Access application forms and other related documents under the mental health or school internship handbook on the practicum/internship section of the website.

8 11 Application Packet Signed Statement/Attestation The Signed Statement/Attestation form can be found under “Forms” A signature on this document indicates completion of this on-line PowerPoint training for Internship class

9 12 Application Packet Proof of Liability Insurance Student’s obtain liability insurance through ASCA or ACA as part of their membership. This membership is required as students will utilize other information from these professional organizations as part of their program. It is the student’s responsibility to keep their liability insurance active throughout either field or internship experience

10 14 Application Packet HIPAA Student’s must contact the clinic director to ensure that their HIPPA information is on file and current from practicum. It does not need to be included in the packet. 836-3215

11 15 Application Packet Transcript MSU transcripts of courses completed thus far in the COU program, can be printed from the My Missouri State Information page The Transcripts link is located under “Academics”

12 16 Application Packet Resume/Vitae An up-to-date Resume or Curriculum Vitae is the last required document for a complete application package

13 17 Second Semester School Internship Students If a student is interested in applying for a second semester of internship at a different site (or with a different supervisor), a new application form must be submitted If a student wishes to continue their experience at the same site (with the same supervisor), you must (a) make sure all insurance, background check, etc. is UP-TO- DATE, and (b) you must submit a written note to Dr. Hulgus, with your name, supervisor, and site, and a note about your desire to remain there.

14 18 Requesting a Second Site Student’s are not allowed to complete two internships of the same type simultaneously. Internship students who are not obtaining enough hours at one site may request a second site in writing to Dr. Hulgus. This can be submitted via email to:

15 19 Second Internship Site Student’s seeking a second site must fill out a second application packet and be approved by Dr. Hulgus (see me individually) Student’s must receive an hour of face to face supervision FROM EACH SUPERVISOR weekly. Both supervisors must be informed and agree to share the supervision of the student.

16 20 Forms The following three forms and additional information, are required after registration/during the course §Contract §Weekly Log §Counselor Trainee Progress Assessment

17 21 Forms Supervision Contract Agreement Forms are turned in to your instructor the first night of class The agreement is between you (and the University) and your site supervisor (and the sponsoring agency/school) Should specify §Contact information §That you will receive a minimum of 1 hour of individual supervision every week §What their expectations are of you (List specifically) §What your expectations are of them

18 22 Forms Weekly Progress Assessment Your weekly log is both a way to keep track of how you spend your time and a means of communication between your site supervisor and your Internship/School Internship instructor Also note any diversity experiences on your log!

19 23 Forms Counselor-Trainee Progress Assessment Your site supervisor will complete a midterm and final Counselor-Trainee Progress Assessment (assessing your skills and dispositions) which they should review with you

20 24 Choosing a Site and Supervisor Student’s should seek a site where they may gain experience working with a population they are interested in working with (Addictions, children, etc.) rather than just finding a place that will take them. Start early by reviewing the approved site/supervisor list on our website.

21 25 Choosing a Site and Supervisor, Cont’d Contact Dr. Hulgus for suggestions or guidance regarding sites that fit your interest, etc. Many sites will have an interview process. Remember that you are also interviewing the site. Contact possible sites early and have a list of questions for them to see if they and their site are a good fit for you. Having a good working relationship will be vital.

22 Choosing a Site, Cont’d Dress professionally and present yourself in a professional manner for your initial meetings, orientations, and as you work at your site. These may be your potential employers! Be aware that the site may not have made decisions about Interns by the time of OUR application process. List the site and supervisor YOU WANT (and have talked with) 26

23 27 Choosing a Supervisor Make sure the supervisor has adequate time to meet with you weekly. Again, make sure the site and supervisor, feel like a good “fit” with your personality and for what you want to learn.

24 28 Video Taping You must video tape your work for use in supervision The number of videos will be at your instructors discretion The counseling program has video equipment. Contact Dr. Hulgus to checkout a camera if needed. It is OK to film JUST YOU, if your site is somewhat hesitate to let you film Use the permission forms for filming kids (agencies often have their own forms to use)

25 29 Springfield Schools Any student applying for School Internship in Springfield Schools: Must contact Rhonda Mammen, Director of Counseling Email: Rmammen@sps.o Ms. Mammen also has an application process that must be completed and approved. 29

26 Springfield Schools Students approved for an SPS internship site MUST attend a required orientation for Springfield Schools. Contact Ms. Mammen for the date. 30

27 Start Date Enrolled students may begin at their site before the semester begins, with cooperation from their site supervisor They must meet weekly with their site supervisor, complete the first meeting survey’s and weekly progress reports, and your log to turn in (along with their agreement) on the first night of class. 32

28 Site Hours You will spend approximately 20 hours per week at your site to obtain a minimum total of 300 hours per semester. All students must take two semesters of internship. If you do not complete your hours in one semester, you may be assigned a Z grade. 33

29 School Internship School interns are only allowed to spend one semester in the Springfield Public School district. K-8 Certification seeking interns will work one semester in an elementary and one in a middle school. Secondary certification seeking students will spend one semester in a middle school and one in a high school. 34

30 35 Professional Organizations: Students are encouraged to join professional organizations which will allow them to network within their future profession. Some recommended organizations are: American Counseling Association (ACA) American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Association for Play Therapy (APT) Southwest Missouri School Counselor Association (SMSCA) Missouri Association for Play Therapy (MAPT)

31 36 Professional Ethics Students should download the most recent version of the ACA or ASCA ethical guidelines.ACA ASCA

32 Due Process If student’s have an issue at their site, they should first talk with their site supervisor and their course instructor. If the issue is not resolved, they should contact Dr. ‘s Arthaud and Hulgus. 37

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