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CAS Internship Standards Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "CAS Internship Standards Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAS Internship Standards Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education

2 About CAS (Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education)  Founded in 1979  Consortium of 36 professional orgs  Consensus-oriented, collaborative  Mission: Promote improvement of programs and services to enhance quality of student learning and development

3 CAS Purpose  Beliefs about excellence require that all programs and services in institutions of higher ed function at optimum levels  Beliefs about collaboration require that all programs and services be accomplished in concert by students & educators

4 CAS Purpose (2)  Beliefs about ethics require that all programs & services be carried out in an environment of integrity & high ideals  Beliefs about student development require that the student be considered a whole person in the context of a diverse population and a diversity of institutions, that outcomes of education be comprehensive and that the total environment be structured to create opportunities for student involvement and learning

5 CAS Purpose (3) Beliefs about responsibility require that the institution recognize the rights and responsibilities of students as its citizens and that it provide an array of resources and learning opportunities that enable students to exercise their responsibility to take full advantage of them.

6 CAS Approach to Self-Regulation and Self- Assessment  Institutional culture that values involvement of all its members in decision-making  Quality indicators that are determined by the institution  Use of standards and guidelines in quality assurance  Collection and analysis of data on institutional performance  Commitment to continuing improvement that presupposes freedom to explore and develop alternative future directions

7 CAS Member Associations  Amer Assoc for Collegiate Independent Study (AACIS)  Amer Assoc for Employment in Education (AAEE)  Amer Clg Counseling Assoc (ACCA)  Amer Clg Health Assoc (ACHA)  Amer Clg Personnel Assoc (ACPA)  Amer Counseling Assoc (ACA)  Assoc of Clg & Univ Housing Ofcrs – Int’l (ACUHO-I)  Assoc of Clg Unions Int’l (ACUI)  Assoc of Clg’t Conf & Events Directors – Int’l (ACCED-I)  Assoc of Fraternity Advisors (AFA)  Assoc for Student Judicial Affairs (ASJA)  Assoc on Higher Ed & Disability (AHEAD)  Canadian Assoc of Clg & Univ Student Svcs) CACUSS)

8 CAS Member Assoc’s (2)  Clg Reading & Learning Assoc (CRLA)  Clgt Info & Visitor Svcs Assoc (CIVSA)  Council for Opportunity in Ed (COE)  NAFSA – Assoc of Int’l Educators (NAFSA-AIE)  Nat’l Acad Advising Assoc (NACADA)  Nat’l Assoc for Campus Activities (NACA)  Nat’l Assoc for Clg Admission Cnslng (NACAC)  Nat’l Assoc for Dvlpmntl Ed (NADE)  Nat’l Assoc of Clg Aux Svcs (NACAS)  Nat’l Assoc of Clgs & Employers (NACE)  Nat’l Assoc fo Student Fin Aid Admins (NASFAA)  Nat’l Assoc of Student Personnel Admins (NASPA)  Nat’l Clearinghouse for Commuter Progs (NCCP)  Nat’l Consort of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resources in Higher Ed

9 CAS Members (3)  National Cncl on Student Dvlpmt (NCSD)  Nat’l Intramural and Recreational Sports Assoc (NIRSA)  Nat’l Orientation Dir’s Assoc (NODA)  Nat’l Soc for Exp Ed (NSEE)  The Network: Addressing Clg’t Alcohol & Other Drug Issues (The Network)  Southern Assoc for Clg Student Afrs (SACSA)

10 What is experiential education?  A systematic approach to applied learning whereby a student engages in professional, productive learning activities  A process through which a learner constructs knowledge  Learning by doing  Incorporated strategy to increase understanding  Formal integration of a student’s academic study  Direct hands-on experience  Active engagement in an experience expected to provide real learning consequences  Provides for career and educational development

11 Exp Ed Standardization Advancements in the U.S.  1998 – NSEE Standards of Good Practice  2005 – CAS Standards for Service Learning  2006 – CAS Standards for Internship Programs  2007 – CAS Standards for U’Grad Research (new edition 09/09)

12 NSEE’s 8 Principles  Intention  Preparedness & Planning  Authenticity  Reflection  Orientation & Training  Monitoring & Continuous Improvement  Assessment & Evaluation  Acknowledgement

13 Is there even a need for IP standards?  What impact can standards and adherence to standards have on the actual experiential education learning experience?  Are there standards that can impact the quality of the institution/office delivering the experience?

14 CAS IP Mission Primary mission of Internship Programs (IP) is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

15 IP Mission (cont’d) IP must incorporate student learning and development in its mission. IP must enhance overall educational experiences. IP must develop, record, disseminate, implement and regularly review its mission and goals. Mission statements must be consistent with the mission and goals of the institution and with the standards in this document. IP must operate as an integral part of the institution’s overall mission.

16 Purpose of Standards  Determine quality  Determine whether activity is academic credit-worthy  To protect the student  To protect the faculty or staff member  To protect the institution  To protect the employer/site sponsor

17 What does that mean?  Determine program quality –Set benchmarks to ensure program effectiveness  Determine activity’s academic credit-worthiness - Aligned w/ institutional mission?  Protect the student –Does program enhance overall educational experience? –Assess risk mgmt and safety of students  Protect the faculty or staff member - Due diligence in effective IP management  Protect the institution –Preparation for accreditation  Protect the employer/site sponsor –Credibility & accountability

18 CAS Standards CAS Standards represent best practices as formulated by representatives of multiple professional associations concerned with student learning and development in higher education

19 CAS Principles: Students & Their Institutions  Student is considered a unique, whole person  Institutional environments shape learning  Responsibility for learning rests with the student  Institutions provide opportunities for learning  Institutions reflect society & its diversity

20 CAS Principles: Diversity & Multiculturalism  Institutions embrace diversity and eliminate barriers that impede student learning  Justice and respect for differences bond individuals to community

21 CAS Principles: Organization, Leadership & Human Resources  Leadership is essential for institutional success  Institutional success is related to clarity of mission  Qualifications of staff members is tied directly to quality of educational programs and services  Leaders possess sound educational preparation and experience

22 CAS Principles: Health Engendering Environments Educational programs and services prosper in benevolent environments that provide students with appropriate levels of challenge and support. Educational programs and services prosper in benevolent environments that provide students with appropriate levels of challenge and support.

23 CAS Principles: Ethics Educational service providers provide impeccable ethical behavior in their professional and personal lives.

24 Implementing the Self-Assessment Process  Establish and prepare the self-study team  Conduct the self-study  Identify and summarize evidence  Identify discrepancies  Determine appropriate corrective action  Recommend action for program enhancement  Prepare an action plan

25 Thirteen areas of assessment  Mission  Program  Leadership  Organization and Management  Financial Resources  Facilities, Technology and Equipment  Legal Responsibilities  Equity and Access  Campus and External Relations  Diversity  Ethics  Assessment and Evaluation

26 The Assessment Process A) Establish & Prepare Review Team –Size of team –Identify individual who will coordinate/lead self-assessment process –Team composition (staff, faculty, students/internal-external) –Establish ground rules –Review and discuss meaning of each standard before beginning  “Interpret” standards for purpose of this assessment

27 Assessment Process (2) –A cont’d –How to initiate the rating process –Select optimal rating strategy –Encourage discussion/expect disagreements/commit to consensual resolution of differences before proceeding –B: Understanding Standards & Gdlns –Standards = Best practices –Guidelines are suggestions for practice

28 Assessment Process (3) C. Compile and review documentary evidence D. Judging performance A.4-point rating scale ND Not Done 1 Not Met 2 Minimally met 3 Well Met 4 Fully met NR Not Rated

29 Assessment Process (4) E. Complete the assessment process 2-tiered judgment approach 1) self-assessment team and indi- vidual functional area staff members should rate each criterion 2) follow up with a collective review and analysis of the individual ratings

30  Understand the importance of assessing and reporting input data as well as student learning and development outcomes as strategies for improving learning and program quality

31 Summary of assessment process  Answer evaluation/assessment questions  Identify areas of program strength  Identify areas of program weakness  Describe practices requiring follow-up  Summarize actions required for the program to meet CAS standards  Summarize program enhancement actions  Write program action plan

32 CAS Internship Standards Arleen Anderson Director, Internships & Employer Relations University of New Haven Ph: 203-932-7491

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