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Institutional arrangements for a national MRV framework for mitigation actions in Chile 4 th Annual Global Meeting, Brussels, Belgium Wednesday, 15.10.2014,

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Presentation on theme: "Institutional arrangements for a national MRV framework for mitigation actions in Chile 4 th Annual Global Meeting, Brussels, Belgium Wednesday, 15.10.2014,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional arrangements for a national MRV framework for mitigation actions in Chile 4 th Annual Global Meeting, Brussels, Belgium Wednesday, 15.10.2014, by Meike Sophie Siemens LECB-Chile Project Coordinator, Climate Change Office Ministry of Environment from Chile

2 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Experiences from Chile 2 Why does Chile need MRV? What is Chile doing on MRV and how? What are the challenges in MRV?

3 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Why does Chile need MRV? Monitor progress of implementation and effectiveness of plans and national policies Have clarity on what information needs to be developed and presented to the UNFCCC Manage and report information related to international (financial) support received in a transparent way Others: Avoid double counting of emission Prioritize sectorial efforts Identify and solve methodological flaws Identify technical and financial needs 3 ICA BUR NC

4 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente What is Chile doing on MRV and how? 4 MRV of Chile’s voluntary commitment MRV of national GHG emissions and sinks MRV of other relevant actions MRV of financial support MRV of domestic NAMAs

5 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente 5 “En base a este sentido de responsabilidad, quisiera reafirmar el compromiso voluntario de Chile de reducir en un 20% sus emisiones proyectadas al 2020, sujeto a apoyo internacional. ” Chile’s voluntary commitment

6 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of Chile’s voluntary commitment “Chile will take NAMAs to achieve a 20% deviation below the ‘business as usual’ emissions growth trajectory by 2020, as projected from year 2007. To accomplish this objective Chile will need a relevant level of international support. Energy efficiency, renewable energy, and land use, land use change and forestry measures will be the main focus of Chile’s nationally appropriate mitigation actions.” (August 2010 ) 6 Definition of baseline through MAPS

7 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente What is Chile doing on MRV and how? MRV of national GHG emissions and sinks MRV of relevant actions MRV of financial support MRV of domestic NAMAs 7

8 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of domestic NAMAs Climate Change Office in MoE has been developing NAMAs since October 2010 in main emitting sectors Chile was 1st country to register a NAMA in the UNFCCC Registry Currently, Chile has 5 registered NAMAs and a portfolio with initiatives in energy efficiency, sustainable construction, agriculture, etc. Sectorial approach for MRV of NAMAs, but common focus => MRV System as a Management System 8

9 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of domestic NAMAs 9 NAMA is achieving its objectives? Expected impacts, magnitude, timeframe? NAMA has un-intended & un-foreseen impacts? NAMA needs adjustments? Which ones? Institutional arrangements for a national MRV framework for mitigation actions in Chile (2014) => based strongly on WRI Policy and Action standard, but country-driven process and adapted to specific MRV need in Chile

10 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of domestic NAMAs 10

11 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of domestic NAMAs 11

12 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of domestic NAMAs 12

13 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of domestic NAMAs: 13

14 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of domestic NAMAs: Levels of Validation 14 1. Validation at technical level 2. Validation at political level => Ministerial Committee for Sustainability and Climate Change 1. Validation at technical level

15 2016 NAMA MRV Plan Biennial Update Report NAMA progress Report National NAMA Progress report 20172018 2019 NAMA MRV Plan National NAMA Progress report NAMA MRV Plan Biennial Update Report NAMA Progress Report National NAMA Progress report CCO NAMA Developer MRV of domestic NAMAs: Timeline for Reporting

16 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente What are the challenges in MRV? Working on MRV of co-benefits Identify role of private sector in the development of new NAMAs and the design of its MRV Developing a national MRV platform Chilean MRV Guidebook for NAMAs (2015) -minimum standards -common indicators 16

17 Thank you! Meike Sophie Siemens

18 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of domestic NAMAs Chile’s 5 NAMAs in the UNFCCC Registry 18 SectorNAMA Type Expected reductions Industry/ Energy Clean Production Agreements in Chile 2012-2020 For recognition18.4 MtCO2e ForestryImplementation of a National Forestry and Climate Change Strategy, including the development and implementation of a Platform for the Generation and Trading of Forest Carbon Credits Seeking support for implementation 42 MtCO2e EnergyExpansion of self supply renewable energy systems in Chile Seeking support for implementation 1.7 MtC02e/yr WasteNational Program for Catalyzing Industrial and Commercial Organic Waste Management in Chile Seeking support for implementation 12 MtCO2e TransportSantiago Transport Green ZoneSeeking support for implementation 1.43 MtC02e

19 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente “Programme for Minimum Efficiency Performance Standards for residential lighting (MEPS)” -Mapping causal chain -Defining limits Increase of hours of use of light bulbs and other electric appliances Increase in GHG emissions due to production and transport of light bulbs abroad Decrease import of light bulbs from abroad Increase in GHG emissins of the grid Decrease of GHG emissions due to production and transport of light bulbs abroad Decrease of frequency of purchase of light bulbs Reduction of GHG emissions of the grid Savings in electricity spendings in houses Reduction in GHG emissions due to less import of ineffienct light bulbs Reduction of GHG emissions of production of inefficient light bulbs in Chile Increase of GHG emissions due to manufacturing of efficient light bulbs in the country Increase of import of light bulbs abroad Stopping import and national production of inefficient light bulbs Increase of life of light bulbs in houses Reduction of electricity consumption from the grid Stopping supply of inefficient light bulbs at selling points Restriction on selling of inefficient light bulbs Programme of MEPS for residential lighting Gradual increase of demand and use of efficient light bulbs Fostering of national industry producing efficient light bulbs Increase of import of efficient light bulbs Secondary effect; no data availability Occurs mainly abroad This effect would happen at very long term and is not of main interest Happens mainly abroad It is not of main interest and no data availability

20 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente MRV of domestic NAMAs 20 Step 1 - Causal Chain Step 2 - Assess relevance of impacts Step 3 - Selection of impacts to be MRVd Step 4 - Identify suitable indicators for selected impacts Process 1: Indicator Selection

21 Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Chile’s Carbon Management Programme: MRV at Facility Level Development of Carbon Management Programme by the Ministry of Environment from Chile, in the framework of the LECB-Chile project. Aim: foster, organize, support and monitor the quantification and management of GHG emissions in the public and private sector. Calculation tool allows to quantify and report emissions of corporations, elaborating a GHG inventory through a web based platform, fulfilling all the requirements of the ISO 14064 (recently converted into a Chilean standard) through standarized reporting frameworks. Technical support for participating institutions. Companies are invited to participate on a voluntary and cost-free basis in the pilot testing phase of the calculation tool and collaborate in the design of incentives and the implementation of the programme. 21

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