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Student Electronic Portfolios School to Careers Internship Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Electronic Portfolios School to Careers Internship Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Electronic Portfolios School to Careers Internship Program

2 What is a Portfolio? A Portfolio is… “…a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements. …and evidence of student self-reflection.” Northwest Evaluation Association Core: Critical Work Place Skills & Educational Technology (NETS) Standard 32.0199-05 (CWPS) Students will identify goals and skills learned by evaluating and analyzing the work-based learning experience. Standard 8(ET) Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making in content learning.

3 A Portfolio is made up of… Selective and purposeful collections of student work Records of learning, growth, and change Meaningful documentation of students’ abilities Information about what student have learned or are able to do A learning history Students’ reflections their own work

4 Traditional vs. Electronic Traditional Portfolios Often project based rather than process based Not easily shared (cumbersome) Deteriorates over time Electronic Portfolios Includes various kinds of media  Text, graphics, video & sound Has parts that are interconnected through hyperlinks Uses less space and is portable

5 Reasons for Using ePortfolios Information is easily stored in a computers hard drive, floppy disk, CD or other means E-Portfolios enhance computer and technology skills. Experienced gained:  Creating  Selecting  Organizing  Editing  Evaluation & Reflection You have a sense of empowerment by displaying, sharing, and presenting your E-Portfolio to teachers, parents, and the community. Easily shared with others. E-Portfolios enhance computer and technology skills.

6 Process for Constructing ePortfolios Decide on areas of assessment and select assessment measures  Rubric Content and Requirements of E-portfolio Presentation of E-portfolio Choose development tools  Word processor, scanner, digital camera, etc. Prepare to organize the portfolio  File management, storage devices, etc.

7 You create: School drive-students-Stettler- your folder. Now add these two folders What are they? What? Who? Why?

8 Process for Constructing ePortfolios Collect/Select portfolio content  Students collect the material Create and connect the portfolio  Include: Title Slide: Name, Year Table of Contents with hyperlinks to content areas Content Areas: Bio, Career, Internship, Reflection Prepare the portfolio for use  Transfer to portable storage device, create shortcuts, etc. Present and evaluate the portfolio

9 Artifacts to be Considered for Inclusion in an ePortfolio Writing samples – can be typed on word processor or scanned. Resume, Cover letter, e-journals, reflections Audio/Video samples - recording the student/mentors speaking aloud Photo samples – scanned or digital Work and Skill samples – scanned or computer generated PowerPoint/Presentation samples - hyperlinked

10 Summarize your internship experience. Reflect on what you have learned in your internship and about your future career. Address the implications for future learning needed. What adaptations and refinements will you need to make? Includes: Name, School, Internship and links to Bio, Specific Career, Internship & Reflection.

11 Remember: A Portfolio without reflections is… Just a multimedia presentation A fancy electronic resume A digital scrapbook

12 Reflection: Three Questions What? So What? Now What? Van Wagenen and Hibbard (1998)

13 What? Student summarizes the artifact that documents the experience

14 So What? Student reflects on what he or she has learned.

15 Now What? Student addresses the implications for future learning needed and sets forth refinements or adaptations.

16 Basic Equipment for ePortfolios Computer Multimedia Software Programs Digital CameraScanner

17 Files Included in an ePortfolio Text  Displays thinking Video  Shows presentations and performance Sound  Shows oral communication Images  Conveys a message without words

18 Links to Sample ePortfolios ex.html ex.html Meg ePortfolio skeleton Meg ePortfolio finished Superman ePortfolio

19 ePortfolio Rubric ePortfolio Template

20 Introduction to PowerPoint PowerPoint Introduction /ppt/ /ppt/

21 Sources and References d=64513&LPid=7134

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