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Bunker Hill Community College Collaboration with industry: EPUT (NSTAR) GUT (Feeney Bros) Taxation (DOR) IT (SAP) Mission of the Computer Information Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Bunker Hill Community College Collaboration with industry: EPUT (NSTAR) GUT (Feeney Bros) Taxation (DOR) IT (SAP) Mission of the Computer Information Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bunker Hill Community College Collaboration with industry: EPUT (NSTAR) GUT (Feeney Bros) Taxation (DOR) IT (SAP) Mission of the Computer Information Technology Department: IT Education For All BHCC Students Stackable Credentials Associate Transfer to Baccalaureate Workforce Preparation AS Degrees & Certificates Industry Certifications Internships History of Dual Enrollment at BHCC with area schools: FY ‘11: 201 FY ‘12: 363 FY ‘13: 485 FY ’14: 586

2 Grades 9 & 10: Students are located at CHS with a BHCC instructor Grade 11: Dual Enrollment classes to be held at CHS and BHCC Grade 12: Dual Enrollment classes are primarily held at BHCC: Graduate with appropriate prerequisites for an employment experience, (job shadowing/internship), and BHCC courses BHCC Year 1: Enroll in appropriate IT degree courses at BHCC (mid-level employment/internship) BHCC Year 2: Enroll in IT degree courses (higher level employment/internships) Aligned curricula @CHS - CIT 113: IT Problem Solving GRADE 9 Aligned curricula @CHS - CIT 125: Python Programming - CIT 216: Visual Basic GRADE 10 Aligned curricula@ CHS and BHCC *Students begin Dual Enrollment courses. Allows for General Ed. Requirements* - MAT194: College Alg. STEM - CIT 162: Intro. To Networking GRADE 11 Courses @BHCC - IT Certifications/ - Internship/ mid-level employment BHCC YEAR 2 Courses @BHCC - IT Certifications/ Internship/ entry-level employment BHCC YEAR 1 Aligned curricula@ CHS and BHCC; Students begin Dual Enrollment courses. Allows for General Ed. Requirements - CIT 268: Windows Operating Systems - Job shadowing/ internship GRADE 12 CHS/BHCC Pathways to Prosperity

3 Assess Math, English Language skills: Students may require additional instructional time before they are ready for the IT track Use after-school programs and vacation time to provide this support GRADE 9 Various IT – related tracks made available to students: Computer Science Web Development Gaming & Computer Simulation Network Technology Help Desk GRADES 10 & 11 Students on IT Pathway Complete high school graduation requirements Apply to BHCC to complete AS Degree in the selected technology track GRADE 12 CHS/BHCC Pathways to Prosperity Some students may not commit to an IT Pathway: College credits apply to high schools graduation requirements College credits transfer to other college programs GRADES 10 & 11 Students on IT Pathway: Students enter College with 15 IT credits Students transfer approx. 12 General Education credits GRADES 10 & 11

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