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ASL INTERNSHIP WORKSHOP Winter Term 2012/2013. Workshop Contents 1. Why do an internship ? 2. ASL Internship Support 3. Finding Internships 4. Funding.

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Presentation on theme: "ASL INTERNSHIP WORKSHOP Winter Term 2012/2013. Workshop Contents 1. Why do an internship ? 2. ASL Internship Support 3. Finding Internships 4. Funding."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASL INTERNSHIP WORKSHOP Winter Term 2012/2013

2 Workshop Contents 1. Why do an internship ? 2. ASL Internship Support 3. Finding Internships 4. Funding 5. Internships in the US 6. Preparing for an Internship 7. Getting Credits 8. Workshop Evaluation/Feedback

3 1. Why do an internship?

4 “The work world has internationalized itself so thoroughly that internships are no longer seen by employers as giving you an advantage; they are simply expected as part of a complete preparation for the working world.” Prof. Crister Garrett, Institute for American Studies

5 Why do an internship?  develop soft and professional skills  develop a career plan and sharpen profile  learning and improving language skills  preparing for the international job market (EU, USA, World)  some employers consider internships as more important than grades!

6 Why do an internship?  polish your CV  networking  internships may result in permanent positions  getting credits  using your student status to get funding

7 Where do an internship?  Private Sector (Company/Small businesses)  Media (Newspaper, TV, Publishing House, …)  International Organization/NGO  Research Institution  …

8 Where do an internship? In the area of Leipzig, there are many opportunities DHL Thomson Reuters Chamber of Commerce – International Division Consulate General of the United States Members of German or European Parliament EEX – European Energy Exchange Berlitz – Language schools Schach&Matt (Communication Agency) Amazon Porsche…. And many more!

9 Where do an internship?  Germany  Europe  United States  Worldwide LMU München http://www.s-a.uni- inland/index.html

10 2. ASL Support

11 ASL Internship Support  Workshops  Internship Coordinator  Website  ASL Info Board

12 Internship Support Website

13 3. Finding an Internship

14 ASL Internship Support ASL Website  Internship Offers  The Scoop  ASL Info Board

15 Career Centers – Job Portals  Post local, regional, national, and international internship offers  Uni Leipzig, WebsiteWebsite  FU Berlin, WebsiteWebsite  Uni Bonn, WebsiteWebsite  LMU München, WebsiteWebsite

16 Networking “Networking is not about asking for an opportunity, but developing relationships with those who know where they exist.” Emory University Career Center career fairs, family, friends, faculty, peers, alumni (ASAA Events), career counselors

17 Web Research  company websites  job websites/online databases  newsletters

18 Online Internship Databases  ASL List of Online Databases ASL List of Online Databases             

19 Reference Books  Reference Books  offer addresses and contact information of companies, political and cultural institutions, etc.  Online: ABC der deutschen Wirtschaft, Website Website  Print: Hoppenstedt: Handbuch der Großunternehmen, Verlag Hoppenstedt und Co, Darmstadt  Print: OECKL: Taschenbuch des Öffentlichen Lebens: Deutschland/Europa und Internationale Zusammenschlüs-se, Festland Verlag GmbH  Check library and Career Center for access to books!

20 Fair Company Initiative  Initiative by Junge Karriere (WirtschaftsWoche and Handelsblatt)  Fair Company was started in 2004  Today: 1800 companies and small businesses have joined  have agreed to follow certain rules which guarantee fair internships (e.g. fair payment or allowance, fair working conditions, internship as a learning experience, etc.)  job websites/online databases  newsletters

21 Fair Company Initiative  Students looking for an internship can consult the website to find companies that offer a fair internship  Check WebsiteWebsite

22 4. Funding

23 PROMOS  duration: between 6 weeks and 6 months  for countries not covered by ERASMUS internship program  for whom: university students who study in an internationally-oriented degree program  funding: depends on country, ca. 350€ for USA  Deadline for internships between January and July 2013: 1.12.2012 – 31.01. 2013  Deadline for internships between August and December 2013: 1.05. – 15.06. 2013  Application: Leipzig University, application material online  Website Website

24 Carlo-Schmid-Program  for whom: university students or recent graduates who want to do an internship at an international organization or selected NGO (UN, EU, etc.)  Funding: approx. 650 € for students, 925€ for graduates, plus insurance  two program options: Program A: self-organized internship, 3-6 months, no funding for July and August Program B: internship from the website, 4-10 months  Deadline for internships in 2013: March 2013 for internships starting in September 2013  Website Website

25 GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit  Offer different programs (e.g. internships, volunteering, study aboard, and language classes) in different countries (USA, Africa, Latin America,…)  Support participants in organizing the stay abroad (e.g. help visa, workshops, etc. )  Scholarships depend on the program and country  Application: depends on the program and country  First choose a country/region and then a program that meets your interest  Check website for programs and applicationwebsite

26 Steuben-Schurz Gesellschaft  Goal: promote transatlantic exchange between Germany and the US  US Interns Program: German students have the opportunity to pursue an internship in the US  Students and graduates can apply for positions in business, science, politics, international relations, social services, the media, and the arts in both the profit and non-profit sector

27 Steuben-Schurz Gesellschaft  Steuben-Schurz-Gesellschaft organizes a (paid) internship  Duration: 8 weeks to 6 months  Application: € 250 administration fee is due as soon as an internship has been accepted  Application Deadline: Please check websitewebsite

28 ASA Program  ASA = Arbeits- und Studienaufenthalte  funded internship program  for whom: students interested in development projects  duration: program cycle takes one year (including 3 months in a developing country)  Funding: depends on the country of your stay (230-400€ per month), insurance, travel costs  Deadline: January 10, 2013 for internships/programs in 2013  Website Website

29 Fremdsprachenassistenzkraefte  PAD = Pädagogischer Austauschdienst  promote international exchange and cooperation in the school and education sector  students learn more about host country and acquire teaching skills  designed for students aiming at becoming teachers (Lehramt) but other students can apply as well  countries: Australia, Belgium, China, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Switzerland, Spain, USA

30 Fremdsprachenassistenzkraefte  Funding: students receive monthly funding for living expenses (depends on the host country)  Travel expenses are not covered  Application: Deadline: December 1, 2012  Website Website

31 5. Internships in the US

32 Internships in the US  plan ahead: entire process takes several months  three major steps:  1. Find an internship  2. Get the DS-2019 form  3. Apply for a J-1 Visa at the US Embassy

33 Major Steps  1. Finding an internship  process is the same as in Germany/Europe  2. Get the DS-2019 form  form that is required by the US authorities before the actual visa application  can only be obtained by a legal sponsor (e.g. College Council, GACC, Travel Works)

34 Getting The J1 Visa  3. Getting the J1 Visa  US Consulate General in Leipzig does not issue visas  US Embassy in Berlin and Consulates General in Frankfurt and Munich are responsible for visa interview  bring all required documents

35 Documents for the visa application  ein für die Dauer des beabsichtigten Aufenthaltes gültiger Reisepass  ausgefülltes Antragsformular DS-160 (  Vordokument DS-2019 (wird von Gasthochschule oder Austauschorganisation ausgestellt)  ein Training/Internship Placement Plan DS-7002 (vom Praktikumsgeber ausgefüllt)  ein aktuelles, den Richtlinien entsprechendes Passfoto (  Finanzierungsnachweis  Nachweis der Bindung an das Heimatland (z.B. Rückflugticket, Schreiben der Hochschule bzw. Immatrikulationsbescheinigung)  Nachweis der bezahlten Visum-Bearbeitungsgebühr z.Zt. 128 €  Nachweis der bezahlten SEVIS Gebühr von z.Zt. USD 180 (  ein an Sie selbst adressierter, frankierter A4 Rückumschlag

36 US Consulate General Leipzig Birgit Kämmer US Consulate General Leipzig Public Affairs Wilhelm-Seyfferth-Strasse 4 D-04107 Leipzig, Germany phone: +49-341-213 84 61 or 030-8305-1761 fax: +49-341-213 84 77 e-mail: Internet:

37 6. Preparing for an Internship

38 ASL Preparation Checklist  Reminds you of important steps  available online

39 Timing  oftentimes it is advisable to start planning your internship at least one year before you want to go!  finding an internship  language preparation  applying for a visa  applying for funding

40 Mind the American Academic Year!  academic year from August to June  fall term: August to December  spring term: January to May/June

41 7. Getting Credits

42 BA Students  Internship can count as SQM (10 LP)  3 requirements  receive approval ahead of time -> internship proposal  internship of about 240 hours  written report: 8-10 pages

43 MA Students  Professional Internship Module  Requirements  clear connection between internship and career plan has to be drawn  approval by Prof. Garrett for receiving credits  written report: 8-10 pages  credits: 10 LP

44 8. Workshop Evaluation/Feedback nding an internship

45 Further Questions? Katharina Freitag, Internship Coordinator Internship Support Office, Room 3.501 Office Hours: Tuesdays, 4-5 pm and by appointment E-Mail:

46 Thanks for Coming!!

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