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1 Navigating Your Internship Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Navigating Your Internship Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Navigating Your Internship Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.

2 2 How Do I Find A Place to Intern? CAMT Membership Download the CAMT Internship Registry Find Several Sites that Interest You Make an Appointment with Dr. Cortes to Discuss and Plan

3 3 Applying Contact the sites you wish to apply via e- mail or phone Ask for Reference Letters

4 4 Interviews Phone or On-site? Be Prepared Talk to Former Interns

5 5 Internship Offer Respond ASAP CAMT Proposal

6 6 Accreditation Manual Download accreditation manual Download Code of Ethics

7 7 You’ve Started Discuss the Supervision Schedule Observe and Build Up a Case-Load Solidify Goals for the Internship- Personal, Professional, Clinical and Musical Read Questions/Concerns Talk to Dr. Cortes

8 8 Musical Goals 1. Goal: To become increasingly comfortable with the repertoire for this population –Objective: a) I will learn 10 songs each month 2Goal: To improve at leading from the piano and accompanying myself while I sing. –Objective: a)I will practice singing and playing at the piano at least one hour a day

9 9 Clinical Goals 1. Goal: To develop more ideas for creating music therapy sessions that are purposeful and beneficial for clients. Objective: a) I will do reading and find resources to get ideas b) I will try out my new found ideas 2.Goal:To continue to develop verbal therapy skills in addition to my musical skills. Objective: a)I will do some reading on verbal therapy from counselling books b)I will put what I learn into practice 3.Goal: To improve on my improvisational skills Objective: a) I will practice improvising to become increasingly comfortable with it

10 10 Professional Goals 1.Goal: To gain more knowledge and understanding of other health professions I work alongside. –Objective: a) I will observe them and talk with them 2. Goal: To become familiarized to the daily routines and expectations of a music therapist in order to be prepared for work once my internship is over. Objective: a) I will read about other practicing music therapists and how they do their work.

11 11 Personal Goal 1.Goal: To become more confident and self-assured when leading sessions. Objective: a) I will give myself positive self-talk. b)I will do leading many times a day and through experience become more confident.

12 12 PERSONAL APPROACHES AND SELF-EVALUATION My personal approaches to music therapy are: focused on client’s behaviour(s) and implementing interventions to benefit the client. I do not necessarily use a behaviourist approach, such as reward and punishment, to change client’s behaviour. Instead I use an eclectic approach that focuses on altering client behaviour. This includes borrowing the technique of counseling from the psychotherapy model of music therapy and guided imagery from the Bonny method of music therapy. The music therapy model that I most identify with is: I most identify with the Behaviourist model of music therapy.

13 13 Personal Approaches References Three sources from the literature that support this model are…(at least one should be less than five years old; please cite all sources): Eidsen, C.E. (1989). The effect of behavioral music therapy on the generalization of interpersonal skills from sessions to the classroom by emotionally handicapped middle school clients. Journal of Music Therapy, 26, 206-221. Madsen, C.K., Cotter, V.A. & Madsen, C.H. Jr. (1968). “A behavioral approach to music therapy”, Journal of Music Therapy, 5, 69-71. Standley, J., Johnson, C.M., Robb, S.L., Brownell, M.D., & Kim, Shin-Hee. (2004). Behavioral Approach to Music Therapy. In A. Darrow (Eds.), Introduction to Approaches in Music Therapy 103- 123. Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association, Inc.

14 14 The techniques I utilize in sessions include: I try to incorporate a variety of techniques in each of my sessions. The main technique I utilize is active music-making, typically singing and playing instruments. This can be done to pre-composed music or improvising new melodies and rhythms. If clients are unable to sing or play instruments, they will engage in the technique of music listening. I also incorporate movement to music, which can be as simple as inviting clients to clap along to the music I am playing or inviting clients to dance to the music. Discussion is another technique I use, which includes lyrical analysis and inviting clients to answer questions about the theme featured in the session.

15 15 Personality traits that contribute to my effectiveness as a music therapist are: I am very organized so I am able to plan sessions efficiently and have everything prepared and ready to go. This includes having the room set up and making sure my guitar is properly tuned. I am also punctual so my sessions start on time and I arrive at the location of the sessions early, which allows me to make sure the client(s) are ready and prepared for the session. I am a friendly person and enjoy getting to know people, including clients, which helps in planning sessions that client(s) will enjoy, as well as ensuring sessions are beneficial for them. I also have good problem-solving skills, which allow me to help clients more effectively. I am a caring and sensitive person so I am able to feel empathy (when appropriate) for clients. I am a reflective person so I am constantly evaluating and reflecting on my work as a music therapist.

16 16 Common Internship Requirements Work Day and Duration –5 day, 35 hour week –6-7 Months –Flexible work week possible Clinical Requirements –Observation –Assessment, Treatment Planning –One-on-One sessions and small groups –Evaluation –Documentation

17 17 Academic Requirements Statement of goals Statement of belief re:use of music Proposal Case Study Group Report Final Report Presentation/In-service

18 18 Application Procedure Resume and Cover Letter 2-3 Letters of Recommendation

19 19 Final Thoughts

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