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Lesson 1:Introduction to the Ocean Sciences. This lesson will introduce you to: Ocean Sciences National Ocean Sciences Bowl Let’s begin with a little.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1:Introduction to the Ocean Sciences. This lesson will introduce you to: Ocean Sciences National Ocean Sciences Bowl Let’s begin with a little."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1:Introduction to the Ocean Sciences

2 This lesson will introduce you to: Ocean Sciences National Ocean Sciences Bowl Let’s begin with a little ocean science trivia! 2

3 Ocean quiz How much do you think you know about the ocean? The first student to raise his or her hand can answer the question on the screen. If you answer right, you get a prize. If you answer wrong, another student gets a chance. Good luck! 3

4 Ocean quiz 1. How much of the Earth’s ocean has been explored? – About 90% – About 75% – About 10% – Less than 5% 4

5 Ocean quiz 1. How much of the Earth’s ocean has been explored? – About 90% – About 75% – About 10% – Less than 5% 5

6 2. As of 2008, what percent of the U.S. population lived within 50 miles of the coast? – About 80% – About 50% – About 30% – About 10% 6 Ocean quiz

7 2. As of 2008, what percent of the U.S. population lived within 50 miles of the coast? – About 80% – About 50% – About 30% – About 10% 7 Ocean quiz

8 3. The Chesapeake Bay is what type of ecosystem? – A beach – An estuary – A tidepool – A mangrove swamp 8

9 Ocean quiz 3. The Chesapeake Bay is what type of ecosystem? – A beach – An estuary – A tidepool – A mangrove swamp 9

10 Ocean quiz 4. Which of the following are most closely related to sharks? – Whales – Dolphins – Lampreys – Rays 10

11 Ocean quiz 4. Which of the following are most closely related to sharks? – Whales – Dolphins – Lampreys – Rays 11

12 Ocean quiz 5. How much of Earth’s water is in the ocean? – 50% – 70% – 90% – 97% 12

13 Ocean quiz 5. How much of Earth’s water is in the ocean? – 50% – 70% – 90% – 97% 13

14 Previous ocean experiences Share your story if you have… Competed in the National Ocean Sciences Bowl or any of its regional competitions? Been to a local aquarium? Been on a boat? Been to the Atlantic Ocean? Pacific Ocean? Done an internship in marine science? Taken classes that taught you about ocean sciences? Others? 14

15 Did you know that……? Two important career fields needed in the upcoming years will answer the following types questions: – How many fish are in the sea? – What is the “value” of a marine mammal or a wetland? Do these questions sound interesting to you? If so, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) may be looking for you! 15

16 How many fish are in the sea? Many species of fish are caught commercially to supply restaurants and stores For example, walleye pollock, found in Alaska’s waters, is a popular commercial species in the U.S. How can we continue to catch this fish without depleting its population? To answer questions like this: – NOAA scientists combine math and biology information to study walleye pollock populations Walleye pollock Source:NOAA 16

17 Internship, college, and scholarship opportunities NOAA offers many scholarship and internship opportunities in marine science for college undergraduates: Hollings Scholarship Program (tuition support and funded summer internships) Undergraduate Scholars Program (tuition support and funded summer internships for students at Minority Serving Institutions) For more details go to: Only college sophomores are eligible to apply for most of these programs, so keep these opportunities in mind! 17

18 NMFS-RTR Program at Virginia Tech Combines the expertise of National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) biologists and the Virginia Tech (VT) Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences to: – Recruit top undergrads into fisheries careers – Train its employees through continuing education – Research population dynamics Could this program be right for you? – Visit the link for more information: 18

19 Check out NOAA on Facebook! NOAA Assistant Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco: Universities Associated with fisheries science for NOAA: LMRCSC/102089470913?ref=search&sid=5508180.3590950753..1 Become a fan! 19

20 The National Ocean Sciences Bowl The National Ocean Sciences Bowl is a high school academic competition managed by the Consortium for Ocean Leadership for teams of students to test their knowledge of the marine sciences On the web: sciences-bowl/about-nosb/ Why should you participate? – You can apply for scholarships and internships – Learn about ocean sciences and careers – Meet scientists and students from other schools – It’s fun! 20

21 NOSB rules overview TypeFormatTimeWho answers Talk with team? Points Toss-upMultiple Choice 5 sec1 team member No!4 BonusShort answer or multiple choice 20 sec Team Captain Yes!6 Team Challenge Written response 2-5 min 1 answer per team Yes!Up to 20 21

22 Points and strategy Let moderator recognize you Allow all choices to be read unless SURE of answer – Can lose 4 points with interrupt and incorrect answer Answer with the letter Take notes while questions are being read If all choices have been read, guess quickly Team Challenge Questions: – You can’t lose points for wrong answers – Watch time - you can only turn in 1-answer sheet per team – Don’t leave anything blank 22

23 Most importantly….. Be a team Good sportsmanship Learn about marine science Have fun 23

24 More ocean science trivia For more ocean science trivia questions, use the PPT file entitled “Extra Bowl Questions.ppt”. 24

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