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Published byPreston Dutch Modified over 10 years ago
Training Module for Cooperating Teachers and Supervising Faculty
ADEPT Training Module for Cooperating Teachers and Supervising Faculty
ADEPT System Functions
The ADEPT System has three functions: Assisting Developing Evaluating Assisting, Developing, and Evaluating Professional Teaching.
Planning Instruction Professionalism Student Achievement Environment
APS 1 APS 2 APS 3 Instruction Professionalism Student Achievement APS 4 APS 5 APS 6 APS 7 APS 10 Environment This is an overview, a conceptual framework if you will, of the entire process. Notice the four domains. WHAT ARE THEY? Domains are categories of related performance standards. The 10 standards are grouped by the type of evidence, i.e., data, they provide. The domains provide an organizational structure. Also notice the 10 ADEPT performance standards Performance standards are statements of what teachers should know and be able to do in order to be effective. Shout out the different ones if you know them. Point to them as audience name. APS 8 APS 9
Domain APS Element I like to think of it as a funnel where the evidence gets more specific at each level. Notice under APS we have key elements. Key elements are statements of what educators should do in order to be effective teachers. I like to think of them as indicators that further describe the standards for effective teaching. Sort of like the standards and indicators you see in the SC subject standards.
Domain APS # Elements Planning APS 1 5 APS 2 3 APS 3 Instruction APS 4
Environment APS 8 APS 9 Professionalism APS 10 Here is another way to look at the evaluation system in a summary table. Notice that standards 1 & 10 have five elements each. The others each have three for a total of 34 elements.
What is meant by data? Data refer to information that is collected during the ADEPT process that is relatively free from a judgment of value or worth of the teacher based on the information. This is important. Try to remain as objective as possible when providing evidence of teaching performance.
ADEPT Seminar Part II Now pull out your packets.
1. CTs: is in a clear brown folder with your name, school’s name, and intern name. 2. US: have brown envelopes or note books that look similar to mine. 3. Each of you should have a CD with a copy of our SOE Internship HB. The handbook contains information regarding our policies and procedures, roles and responsibilities of CT, US, TI, and me, and Appendices of all the forms shown today. 4. We will examine some of the forms during this part of the session. ****WARNING! SOME FORMS AND HO ARE GIVEN TO ALL PARTIES (CT, US, TI) OTHERS ARE GIVEN TO TWO MEMBERS, AND SOME ARE ONLY GIVEN TO ONE MEMBER. WHICH FORMS WE GIVE WHOM DEPEND ON THEIR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE PROCESS. HOWEVER, A COPY OF EVERYTHING IS IN THE CD WE PROVIDED. ***
USCA Requirements The summative evaluation process must be aligned with the ADEPT formal evaluation guidelines, must include appropriate data collection, and evidence documentation procedures. Each teacher education program must submit an ADEPT plan to the SCDE annually. The ADEPT plan must describe the specific ways in which the teacher education program prepares teacher candidates by integrating the ADEPT Performance Standards throughout course work and field experiences. 1. As you can see, the state require us to evaluate all of our education majors using the ADEPT model throughout their teacher education program. Paraphrase bullets. 2. USCA’s ADEPT system for evaluating candidates and interns has been approved by the SCDE. 3. Our system is based on the SAFE-T evaluation model b/c most of our graduates are employed by SC school districts. The SAFE-T evaluation system is what our graduates should know and what the state says we must provide. 4. However, you will not see SAFE-T on any of our forms and rarely will you hear any faculty discussing SAFE-T WHY? WAIT! 5. B/c we are working with interns, not certified teachers who are employed by a school district. Therefore our formal evaluation system is the “D” eveloping portion of the ADEPT model. SAFE-T (Summative Assessment for Evaluating Teachers) is “E” formal evaluation part of ADEPT intended for current inservice teachers. SCDE, 2006
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 1: Planning APS 1
APS 1. The intern gathers student demographic information and prior student achievement levels, surveys students to determine their interests and from this information, identify factors likely to impact student learning Share test scores, school and community demographics, IEP, ESOL, etc. and developmental levels Take your TIME! Just scan and read a few words or phrases.
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 1: Planning APS 1
Dialogue about standard-based long range learning and developmental goals, curriculum guidelines, appropriate standards, sequencing of instructional unit, appropriate evaluation processes and appropriate procedures for managing the classroom Begin this dialogue during the first week, US will set the date for LRP submission (in 3 weeks) Discuss the intern’s two week unit and its place in the LRP APS is your LRP, for our interns what they expect to accomplish in one semester. Here’s what you can do as the CT and US to help students met APS 1.
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 1: Planning APS 1
Internship Form L, Long Range Plan Checklist and Template I want you to look at Form L (white with colored SOE logo in upper left corner) The template for the LRP is also Form L) There is no reason to read it, just scan for now so that you get an idea of what the form looks like. 3. See how the language on the form (e.g., background information, developmental goals) mirrors the description of APS we just looked at?
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 1: Planning APS 1
ADEPT Professional Standards Evaluation-Rating Review Criteria Turn to the pink HO titled, Explanation of Rating Scale Used on the Intern Evaluation Form. There is a copy of this form on page 96 of your internship handbook. This is what we have determined are acceptable, unacceptable, and target performance levels for each key element. Hopefully this will be helpful to you to provide more specific feedback to interns as you are completing the observation forms. It shows you, what you will see and hear for each key element at each rating level. SOE has determined that 1 and 2 are unacceptable, 3 and four are acceptable, and a four is considered a target level of performance.
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 1: Planning APSs 2 and 3
The intern develops unit objectives that facilitate student achievement of appropriate standards, long-range learning and developmental goals, develops instructional plans that include content, strategies, materials and resources appropriate for students and uses student performance data to guide short-range planning The intern develops/selects and administers a variety of appropriate assessments, gathers and accurately analyzes student performance data and uses info to guide planning and uses assessment data to assign grades that accurately reflect student progress 1. APS 2 relates to short range planning of instruction, i.e., daily lesson plans. 2. APS 3 is the planning of assessments, how you plan to evaluate students before, during, and after the lesson. 4. This slide shows you what we expect from our interns. 5. Examples of locations where you can observe their ability to plan are their daily plans, their two week unit plan, and section IV of their TWS. There is a rubric for the TWS, Form N) Orange The TI have copy of our Unit Plan template and the TWS rubric to assist them. There is a copy of this template in the Appendices section of the Intern HB on the CD we gave you. Of course you can also see evidence of APS 2 and 3 it their teaching and can document it on our observation forms.
APSs 2 and 3 Set guidelines for submitting short-range plans, provide guidance regarding appropriate content, require detail, USCA Lesson Plan form, clear objectives, coach for higher level thinking and problem solving Assessment guidance moving intern to develop/select assessments to monitor student progress and plan instruction and use appropriate technology to store data for analysis Suggestions for helping interns
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 1: Planning APSs 2 and 3
Suggest appropriate intervals for intern to utilize informal and formal assessments to determine student progression toward accomplishing learning objectives Challenge the intern to utilize a variety of evaluation criteria (scoring rubrics, vignettes, rating scales, etc.) More suggestions
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 2: Instruction APSs 4 - 7
The intern establishes, communicates and maintains high expectations for student achievement, participation and assists students assume responsibility for their own learning The intern effectively uses a variety of appropriate instructional strategies Here are examples of what TI should do to demonstrate competence in APS 4-7.
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 2: Instruction APSs 4 - 7
The intern demonstrates a thorough command of the discipline providing appropriate content that is structured to promote meaningful learning The intern continually monitors student learning during instruction by using a variety of informal and formal assessments and uses this information to guide instruction and provide appropriate instructional feedback to all students More TI expectations
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 2: Instruction APSs 4 - 7
Assist the intern in understanding appropriate levels of expectations for all students, guide the intern in their ability to motivate students to engage in self-assessment and reflection, assist the intern in their understanding of students’ stages of learning and strategies to promote students’ higher levels of thinking and performance Model Best Practice These are what US and CS should do. Evidence for 4-7 are seen primarily when you are watching them teach. Use our observation Form F (pink for US and white and yellow for CT) to document the evidence you see and hear during a lesson. You can also see it somewhat in the TWS (Form N)
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 2: Instruction APSs 4 - 7
Assist intern with available technology, expect intern to draw content from a variety of intellectual, social and/or cultural perspectives, assist the intern in identifying and addressing the sources of student problems in mastering content
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 3: Environment APSs 8 and 9
The intern creates and maintains a physical and emotional environment that is safe and encouraging for all students and that facilitates cooperation and teamwork among students The intern manages student behavior appropriately, maximizes instructional time and manages non-instructional routines efficiently
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 3: Environment APSs 8 and 9
Provide the intern with space for materials, orient the intern to school policy regarding development and duplication of instructional materials, assist the intern in becoming a more “culturally competent” educator Again, here are suggestions of ways to assist an intern And as with APS 4-7, the majority of the evidence will be collected when you are watching them teach and documented on our observation forms Form F (pink for US and white and yellow for CT) to document the evidence you see and hear during a lesson.
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 3: Environment APSs 8 and 9
Discuss district and school policies regarding behavioral rules and consequences, encourage the intern to modify their management plan to accommodate individual needs, assist the intern as they encourage students to assume responsibility for their own behavior Assist the intern with transitions and strategies for non-instructional routines More
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain4: Professionalism APS 10
The intern is an advocate for all students, works to achieve organizational goals of the school, is an effective communicator, exhibits professional behavior and is an active learner. Interns are expected to join a professional organization and attend at least one conference this semester. Documentation will be shown to the CT and US and included in the Internship notebook. They will receive points for completing this assignment in Senior Seminar, a course I teach.
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 4: Professionalism APS 10
Allow the intern to communicate, in a variety of formats, with parents/guardians regarding student expectations, progress and performance
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 4: Professionalism APS 10
Expect the intern to exemplify professional demeanor, demonstrate initiative and quality in all areas Support the intern in self reflection and collaboration that fosters professional growth Suggestions for how you can help. An intern can display evidence of professionalism throughout the semester. Evidence will be documented on Form N-7 of the TWS (VII Self evaluation) and the Clinical Dispositions Form.
USCA ADEPT Procedures Domain 4: Professionalism APS 10
Clinical/Internship Experiences Dispositions Evaluation (Form M) Starting this semester, we are requiring both CT and US to complete two Disposition Evaluation forms per semester for a total of 4. One at the midterm and one at the final. Form M is light blue.
USCA ADEPT Procedures The Cooperating Teacher and the University Supervisor will continuously discuss the intern’s progress relative to each APS. The informal ADEPT Observation is vital to the process. Minimally 4 ADEPT Observations, plus the Midterm and Final ADEPT Observations are required.
USCA ADEPT Procedures The CT and the US will collaborate on the intern’s performance and the US will determine the final grade. The intern can only miss one key element under each domain Notice that the second bullets says “only one per domain” This means that they can only miss four elements period, and even then only if each of the four is from a different domain (e.g., one plan, one instruct, one environment, one professionalism.
Observation Activity Purpose Practice Collegial sharing
Improving assessment instrument Purpose Give you practice filling out our forms. 2. Allow collegial sharing regarding what observed and how rate performance. 3. Help us create an assessment instrument with increased reliability. (We are always tweaking these forms). Mommy speech 1. It’s important for us to be honest when evaluating Remember, three positives and a negative. Set up for failure. TI internships are the “D” part of ADEPT (developing) “the Real world” is “E” which is a high stakes summative evaluation that determines whether or not they are allowed to continue to teach.
Quality Feedback Quality feedback is constructive Immediate Frequent Honest Offers solutions 1.During the whole group discussion we are going to ask you how you rated the candidate on particular APS elements and give details to support your score. Take this time to practice giving quality feedback. 2. Quality feedback is read from slide. 3. Make sure you provide them with frequent and immediate feedback, either in a conference, on the phone, send them the completed ADEPT form in an . The purpose is a) to serve as models for providing immediate feedback regarding performance (APS 7.B, 7.C) AND so interns can quickly work to improve. 4. We are all nurturing individuals: Otherwise, we would not be educators. Why is it important to provide our candidates with honest feedback? 1. This is the development phase of their teaching performance. We provide them with a safety net. 2. Once they get out they will be evaluated using an system that is highly consequential-they can lose their jobs. 3. It would be unfair for us to set them up for failure by not being honest when providing feedback. 4. Best practices in providing feedback recommend giving three positives and a negative 5. As Erik Drasgow says: An effective reviewer is one who always offers solutions and suggestions. This gives a person a framework to start working. 6. To summarize,, providing interns with quality feedback results them being better prepared to effectively teach P-12 students.
Directions View video. Take notes. Complete observation form.
Share observations and personal ratings with table members. Share observations with the whole group. Directions: We are going to watch video of a teacher candidate teaching a lesson. Be sure to take notes detailed enough for you to fill out the forms. 3. After the video, I will assign tables to focus on one particular APS. 4. Table members should discuss how you would rate each element. Be prepared to share with entire group. 5. If you finish early select another APS and complete the same way.
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