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WILDLIFE TREATMENT CREW SUMMER INTERNSHIP. WHAT IS WILDLIFE TREATMENT CREW? A student run and organized course designed to expose veterinary underclassmen.

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Presentation on theme: "WILDLIFE TREATMENT CREW SUMMER INTERNSHIP. WHAT IS WILDLIFE TREATMENT CREW? A student run and organized course designed to expose veterinary underclassmen."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS WILDLIFE TREATMENT CREW? A student run and organized course designed to expose veterinary underclassmen to the principles of hands-on clinical medicine through the care of injured or orphaned native Georgia wildlife

3 STUDENT LEADERSHIP Karen Christ c/o 2016 Grace Vahey c/o 2016 John Rossow c/o 2017 Kaylee Quinn c/o 2017


5 WHY YOU SHOULD GET INVOLVED Warnell Students: Practicum Course Credit Pre-Vet Students Direct Contact with UGA Veterinary School Doctors and Staff  Recommendation letters!! Counts for veterinary experience hours required for vet school applications UGA Requires 250 hours of experience supervised by a DVM

6 HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED Summer Internship! You will have the opportunity to act as a veterinary student to care for injured/orphaned wildlife over the summer. Under the guidance of UGA Vet School student and doctors, you will act as the attending doctor to wildlife presented to the UGA Vet school.

7 WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT TO LEARN Physical handling and restraint of wildlife Proper husbandry and nutrition of wildlife How to conduct a thorough physical exam Principles of triage Dose calculation and subsequent administration of fluids and medicinal drugs Proper presentation of a case to colleagues and clinicians in a senior rounds setting No wildlife experience necessary!

8 TIME COMMITMENT Summer is split into three 4 - 5 week “blocks” Tentative dates: Block A: May 12 – June 8: 8 students needed Block B: June 9 – July 13: 10 students needed Block C: July 14 – Aug 17: 10 students needed If selected, you will work one of these blocks. Rank preferred schedule, indicate if a particular block is impossible. During the block that you work, you will be on-call Mon – Fri: 6:00am – 10:00pm One weekend per block: Sat & Sun: 6:00am – 10:00pm Students with active cases are expected to continue treatments through the weekends, but are allowed to ask another member to cover weekend treatments for them if you were planning to be out of town.

9 TRAINING At the beginning of summer, expect there to be a 2 day in-depth orientation including: Hospital orientation Introduction to medical record keeping How to conduct a physical exam How to calculate drug doses Basic diagnostic tests Wet lab: handling, bandaging, blood draw Just prior to your on-call block, there will be a refresher orientation

10 CASE PRESENTATION At the end of the summer, everyone will be asked to give a short presentation on one case that they worked on either to the pre-vet club or one of the wildlife clubs. You are welcome to present in pairs.

11 HOW TO APPLY Submit an application with resume & cover letter by email to by February Decisions will be made by March 1. All participants will be required to be rabies vaccinated. Available at the University Health Center

12 INVITATION TO WTC ROUNDS AND LECTURE SERIES Schedule is located on the homepage First Monday of every month are rounds presentations Second Monday of every month are our lecture series given by UGA doctors or staff All events are at 5:00pm at the Vet School in room H203 We will have a sign in at all events that we can use to assess interest of serious applicants.

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