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Career Center Close-up Majors, Internships, Career Planning & More! Hart Career Center Minor Myers Welcome Center, 2 nd Floor 556-3071.

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1 Career Center Close-up Majors, Internships, Career Planning & More! Hart Career Center Minor Myers Welcome Center, 2 nd Floor 556-3071

2 Assisting students with their career goals Hart Career Center Staff Warren Kistner, Director Laurie Diekhoff, Assistant Director & Internship Coordinator Robyn Walter, Career Consultant Sue Noonan, Career Recruitment Coordinator L to R: Robyn, Warren, Sue & Laurie

3  Career Guidance & Exploration  Internship Assistance  Graduate & Professional School Prep  Job Search & Employment Assistance Hart Career Center Assists in All 4 Areas! Career Center 4 Main Areas of Support

4 Career Consulting MANY students are unsure of career plans!  Two professional counselors on staff  Provide Interest / Skill / Personality assessments  Major / Minor selection  Career discovery (What can I do with my major?)  Graduate school exploration (20-30% of our students go directly on to graduate school)

5 Career Planning Cycle Set Goals Self-Assess Explore Options Experience Opportunities A circular & on-going process that will last throughout lifetime!

6 How Can Parents Help? How Can Parents Help? Help identify strengths & passions Encourage student to explore through: - introductory courses - job shadowing or informational interviews - Career Center meetings or programs - involvement in campus groups, jobs, volunteering or internships

7 IWU Internship Program IWU Internship Program  Provide centralized database of opportunities  Host annual internship fair (Sept. 29)  Help students sift through options  Assist with resumes & cover letters Over 515 IWU interns last year; 69% of Class of 2013 – had at least 1 internship Can be paid/unpaid; for-credit/not-for-credit Part-time during year; summer- full- or part-time Experience the Possibilities !

8 Where do students Intern? All over! See Google Map on Internship section of CC Website

9  A recent study found that resumes with Internships were more likely to get a job interview.  In fact, Internships were MORE IMPORTANT than MAJORS or GPAs on a resume for candidate success. “How Summer Can Change Your Future,” by Brett Arends, Wall Street Journal, May 16, 2014 Can’t emphasize enough – Internships Matter!

10 1 – INTERVIEW performance 2 – RELEVANT experiences (other internships, research, volunteering, etc.) 3 – High ACADEMIC performance 4 – Strong RESUME and COVER LETTER 5 – Recommendations or REFERENCES (, 2013 Employer Survey) Who Gets Hired? What Employers Value Most when Hiring an Intern

11 Successful students tend to:  Get “Practical!”  Visit CC early and often  Take advantage of networking opportunities  Practice and develop interviewing skills Recipe for Success?

12 The Career Center is Your Student’s Career Success Partner  Resume Preparation & Review  Practice Interviews  Extensive Resource Library  Job Shadowing Opportunities  Job Fairs & Campus Interviews  Career Workshops & Panels  Internship & Job Search Assistance

13 Support campus involvement balanced with academic achievement Emphasize internships and volunteering Activate and share your network (Are you LinkedIn?) Help them think widely about options, and… What Role Can Parents Play?

14 Meet our staff  Determine Career possibilities  Explore internship opportunities  Develop resume & cover letters  Participate in practice interviews Attend IWU Internship Fair, Sept 29, 4-6 pm Encourage students to visit the Career Center early and often!

15 Hart Career Center: Minor Myers Welcome Center, 2 nd Floor Online:

16 IWU Hart Career Center

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