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College 2 Career Claudia Sandoval April 22, 2014.

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1 College 2 Career Claudia Sandoval April 22, 2014

2  Started with ThinkCollege! at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston and has now reached California!  College 2 Career Program is an alternative to traditional supported employment/day program options for individuals with ID who want to go to college  There is much to be gained from postsecondary education in addition to the academics

3  Pilot Program- SDCCD is one of five C2C Programs in CA  Cooperative Agreement Grant through the Department of Rehabilitation that jointly serves consumers of DOR, SDRC and SDCCD  For students with intellectual disabilities (ID)  Three-year program  Provides specialized coursework, services and support specifically designed for ID population to assist with success and integration in college and on the job  Successful outcomes include greater integrated competitive employment options, increased sense of self-awareness, increased independence and life skills

4 ◦ Be receiving services from the San Diego Regional Center ◦ Have an open case with Department of Rehabilitation or be willing to get case opened ◦ Age 22+ ◦ GED or high school diploma equivalent if under the age of 22; fully exited from any high school transition program ◦ Have a documented diagnosis of an intellectual disability  Please note that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder that have average to above average intelligence may not meet the eligibility requirements ◦ Can benefit from the college experience with a focus on gainful employment.

5  Enrollment is limited  Enrollment begins each January-March for Fall semester  Acceptance into the program is based on the decision of C2C staff following an initial intake meeting  Three-year track program- individuals must be willing to dedicate themselves to the college experience  Individuals must be able to follow the SDCCD Code of Conduct  Individuals must be wanting to obtain employment!  If student has an open case with DOR, communication with DOR counselor about the referral is needed  Student cannot be participating in more than one DOR funded program at the same time. Student must select which program is a better fit.  Refer students to the program 6 months before exiting high school or transition program.

6 ◦ Career Exploration ◦ Academic Planning ◦ Assistance with access to campus and community resources ◦ Educational Coach supports to assist with college success ◦ Study Lab and Job Lab ◦ Specialized courses designed to promote college success, employment preparation, and job retention skills ◦ Job Development and Job Search Assistance ◦ Job Retention ◦ Job Coaching (if needed)

7 What campuses are included in SDCCD? Centre City 1400 Park Boulevard San Diego, CA 92101 Cesar Chavez Center 1960 National Avenue San Diego, CA 92113 Mid-City Center 3792 Fairmont Avenue San Diego, CA 92105 SD Career Center (North City) 8401 Aero Drive San Diego, CA 92111 West City Center/Point Loma Campus 3249 Fordham Street San Diego, Ca 92110 Educational Cultural Complex (ECC) 4343 Ocean View Boulevard San Diego, CA 92113 COLLEGE CAMPUSES San Diego Mesa College 7250 Mesa College Drive San Diego, CA 92111 San Diego City College 1313 Park Boulevard San Diego, CA 92101 San Diego Miramar College 10440 Black Mountain Road San Diego, CA 92126 CONTINUING EDUCATION

8  Two Locations: ◦ Northern San Diego ◦ Miramar College  10440 Black Mountain Road, San Diego, CA 92126 ◦ Southern San Diego ◦ Educational Cultural Complex  4343 Ocean View Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92113  Students can attend other SDCCD campus and take the modules at one of the campuses listed above

9  College Smart Module (Fall Semester) ◦ Basics to college success, professional emails, communication, time management, organization, responsibility, punctuality, professional appearance, self advocacy, identifying strengths, strategies for challenges, college and career exploration, and more  Job Smart Module (Spring Semester) ◦ How to conduct an effective job search, resume development, master employment application, cover letter writing, job search strategies, internet resources, networking, interview skills, identifying potential employers, strategies for challenges, and more

10  Professional Experience (Fall Semester) ◦ Hands on participation in trail work experience, problem solving on the job, money management, job shadowing, informational interviews, phone etiquette, role playing, and many more transitional work skills.  Work Experience (Spring Semester) ◦ Sharing employment successes, strategies for challenges on the job, accommodations utilized for employment, and much more successful job retention strategies. ◦ Students will be required to obtain an internship, volunteer, or work position with a minimum of 10 hours per week that aligns with their Individualized Plan for Employment.

11  Goal for year 3 is successful, competitive employment in the field that aligns with the students academic and employment goals  Vocational specialist will establish relationships with community employers to identify and develop job opportunities for C2C students  Shared responsibility between the student and vocational specialist  Student receives one-on-one job search assistance from vocational specialist  Student attends job lab two times per week

12 PositionJob SiteType of Employment (5) Library TechnicianSan Diego County LibrariesVolunteer Leasing ConsultantCasa De Helix ApartmentsPaid Employment Banquet ServerDouble Tree HotelPaid Employment Administrative AssistantPoway Unified School DistrictPaid Employment Preschool AideCity College Child Development Center Internship Marketing Assistant/ PromoterSan Diego Live EntertainmentInternship Network Technician3OnesPaid Employment Fitness Center AttendantMiramar College Fitness Center Internship Administrative AssistantSharp HospitalVolunteer Stock ClerkForever 21Paid Employment Customer ServicePostal AnnexPaid Employment Youth Ministry MentorThe Rock ChurchVolunteer Teacher’s AideDiscovery IsleInternship Children’s Sports AideConcordia Church PreschoolInternship Youth Sports AideI-9 SportsInternship Teacher’s AideWalker ElementaryVolunteer

13 Enrollment

14 Bree Kennedy, M.S., CRC College 2 Career Coordinator P): 619.388.6807 Claudia Sandoval, B.S. P): 619.388.6677

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