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Library Cooperation in the Barents Region Aud Tåga Library Adviser Troms County Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Cooperation in the Barents Region Aud Tåga Library Adviser Troms County Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Cooperation in the Barents Region Aud Tåga Library Adviser Troms County Library

2 Projects Literature Camp for Young Persons in the Barents Region (1997 – four countries) The Cloudberry Places in the Barents Region (Sweden - closed April 2002) Young Writers in the Barents Region (Sweden and Finland (EU) – 2002-2005 ) The Books Rainbow (Arkhangelsk 2002) Book Fair for Children each year The books Wind (Komi 2006) Conference in Syktyvkar (2007) Norwegian-Russian Literary Cooperation (2006-2009)

3 Norwegian-Russian Literary Cooperation Cooperation between Arkhangelsk Regional Children’s Library, National Library of Komi and Troms County Library 2006-2009 The Norwegian Barents Secretariat (NOK 230 000) Arts Council Norway (NOK 100 000) Troms County Library (NOK 336 600) The Cultural Rucksack (DKS) (30 000)

4 Participants Leonora Davydova, librarian Komi Elena Gabova, author Komi Elena Kozlova, author Komi Svetlana Medvedeva, librarian Arkhangelsk Elena Antropova, author Arkhangelsk Kari Lydersen, storyteller Tromsø Vibeke Trønnes-Johannessen, storyteller Tromsø Marianne Lund, translator Tromsø Susanne Baumgartel, library adviser Tromsø Aud Tåga, library adviser Tromsø, project-leader

5 Other participants Skjervøy Public Library and Skjervøy Primary School Borgtun Primary School, Tromsø Karlsøy Public Library and Hansnes Primary School Lenangen Primary – and Secondary School Tromsø Public Library and Archiv Three schools in Arkhangelsk The Pomor University, Department for Scandinavian Languages Arkhangelsk Regional Library

6 Activities in Troms Production of bilangual rollups presenting the authors (2006) Production of booklets on the participating authors: Russian authors translated into Norwegian – Norwegian authors translated into Russian (2006) Norwegian storytellers telling the Russian stories – Russian Authors reading in Russian – talking with the public in English, Russian or with help from a translator

7 Норвежско-российская сотрудничество по литературе Мероприятие в рамках «литературного кармана» Норвежская рассказчица представляет рассказ Елены Антроповой о китайской шляпе, которая не хочет быть подарком

8 Елена Габова на встрече со школьниками Рассказчик читает ученикам ”Двойку по поведению” Ученики разигрывают и иллюстрируют Чтение «Вчерашнее молоко с медем» Встреча Габовой с учениками Обсуждение Чтение вслух

9 Elena Gabova meets the pupils ”2 in conduct” has been told by a storyteller The pupils dramatise and illustrate Reads ” Yesterday’s Milk and Honey” Gabova meets the pupils Conversation Reading

10 Инсценировка произведения Елены Габовой

11 Russian authors and librarians visiting Tromsø last week in September 2007 Russians in Troms Contact in historic times : Viking-period, the Pomor- trade and World War Two Important to know about literature from the night- boring countries Translations Passing on Literature

12 Ragnhild Nilstun visits Arkhangelsk Arkhangelsk Regional Library Secondary School at Mali Kareli Arkhangelsk Regional Children’s Library The Pomor University

13 Milestones Mai 2006 : meeting in Komi June 2006: meeting in Arkhangelsk Autumn 2006: Rollups and Booklets Spring 2007: Planning activities Autumn same year Spring 2008: Planning activities Autumn same year Autumn 2008: Planning activities Winter 2010

14 The Project a Success Know each other - several projects - internship (the President Programme)

15 Internship Host for Russian Librarians in – 2001 – 2003 – 2005 Internship in Arkhangelsk April 2009

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