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The use of blogs in education. The agenda: Define what are blogs Provide examples of their uses in education Begin to develop a blog

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Presentation on theme: "The use of blogs in education. The agenda: Define what are blogs Provide examples of their uses in education Begin to develop a blog"— Presentation transcript:

1 The use of blogs in education

2 The agenda: Define what are blogs Provide examples of their uses in education Begin to develop a blog Show pedablogia as a model for transforming the learning process

3 But more than anything: I want to fall in love blogs I want to leave with the urge to become blogfesor I sow the seed to become a technophile and tecnocatos

4 Defining blogs A blog is an electronic file that contains links, reviews, opinions and reflections of an author arranged chronologically inverse of an item or concept.

5 What is a blog edublog education or? Wikipedia defines a blog as an edublog is used for teaching or learning environments for both teachers and students.

6 Statistics (April 2007) A total of 70 million weblogs Nearly 120,000 new blogs every day 1.4 new blogs every second

7 The revolution of blogs:

8 Because I love the blogs: Help me keep up to date on what is happening in my field Help me connect with other educators who have similar interests Can initiate productive dialogue

9 Because I love the blogs: The Swiss army knife Can be adapted to any discipline, level of education and teaching methodology. Stimulate thoughtful work, cooperative, constructive and meaningful. I can use blogs to publish a book, magazine, newsletter, among others. I can use it as electronic portfolio.

10 Easy to use Free Shared Access from anywhere Multimedia learning Categories List of Links Comments Search Archives RSS feed Extensions Advantages of blogs

11 The power of blogs

12 Blog, therefore I.

13 What can we do with a blog The blog as a Swiss army knife

14 Electronic Portfolios The blogfolio may contain the work, thoughts, favorite resources and future aspirations. Working yportfolio/versions.html yportfolio/versions.html Helen Barrett


16 Websites for teachers and students Weblogs can effectively replace the traditional websites. Teachers and students with minimal skills can use weblogs as a mechanism for effective online presence. The blog can contain articles, news, discussions, presentations and documents related to the courses.

17 Magazine:

18 Book a blog: Blogibro

19 How to create blogs?

20 WordPress: http://es.wordpress.com

21 Blogger:

22 Possibilities of items to a project blog

23 Possibilities Communication tool Discussion Forum To improve the writing of students To offer courses / workshops distance

24 Possibilities Blog or specialized course in a discipline Blog on a topic of academic interest Blog about your professional development (Blogfolio) Blog about the process of effective learning

25 Possibilities Blog class group (students and teachers) Blog for recent news about some particular subject or discipline Blog of a center or project Blog on experience, practice, or internship Library Blogs

26 La hermosa y grandiosa posibilidad:





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