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Published byRaven Plain Modified over 9 years ago
SOCIAL and EMOTIONAL LEARNING: The Connections between SEL and Workplace Skills THE FOUNDATION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS IN SCHOOL, WORK, AND LIFE Note: You are working with the Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership to raise awareness about social and emotional learning across the state. The audience will hear more about the Partnership during the presentation, but you want them to know that this presentation is part of a statewide professional development project that was created by the partnership in collaboration with many key organizations across the state. And that the state’s work with SEL is part of a larger plan to ensure that children’s mental health needs are being addressed throughout the state. Presented by Linda Delimata ICMHP Toni R. Tollerud, SEL Coordinator, NIU
Imagine a school where students…
Show up eager and ready to learn Feel a sense of connectedness to their school and teachers Feel safe from bullies Perform to their fullest potential Treat everyone with respect Contribute to the well-being of the community What students are learning is relevant to their future career aspirations Big idea: Obviously this is an ideal environment for children to learn. We’ll see over the next hour or so that this kind of environment is possible; the more that SEL is modeled, taught and reinforced in school, the more likely the school will look and feel like the slide. Consider asking audience how many of the bullets points are operating consistently in their schools or in their children’s schools Possible activity Need flip chart and marker. Ask audience, “what qualities and/or characteristics are most important for students to have upon graduation from high school?” or could ask, “What do students need to know and be able to do by the time they graduate from high school?” Write answers on flip chart. Vast majority of answers (usually at least 90%) will be related to social and emotional skills. Make point that while we agree that 90% of what graduate need are SEL competencies, 90% of what is taught in school is academic. Ask, “if school staff is modeling and students are learning the qualities that have been listed on the flip chart, are they more or likely to create an environment like the one described on the slide?”
Recognize and manage emotions Demonstrate caring and concern for others Establish positive relationships Make responsible decisions Handle challenging situations effectively Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, 2005 Social and emotional learning is the process of acquiring the skills, knowledge and attitudes to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions and handle challenging situations effectively. Developing these skills is a lifelong process and therefore relevant Pre-K – 12 and beyond. SEL helps children and adults develop the fundamental social and emotional skills needed for life effectiveness -- the skills we all need to handle ourselves, our relationships and our tasks effectively and ethically -- research now clearly shows that SEL provides the foundation for improved social, health, behavioral and academic outcomes (more about that in a moment). SEL is an approach to education that focuses on t1) he explicit classroom-based instruction of these skills and 2) the creation of safe, caring, well-managed learning environments where students feel safe, cared for and are engaged in learning. These same environments provide opportunities where these skills can be learned, practiced and reinforced throughout the day. Research indicates that these skills can be taught, and taught by teachers in schools of every type for students of every background. So what does SEL have to do with mental health? One of the things we know about children’s mental health is that there are protective factors in life – skills, behaviors, attitudes, and environments that children, families and communities possess, that reduce the likelihood of a child developing mental health problems, e.g., problem-solving skills, flexibility, goal-setting (e.g., planning for the future), sense of responsibility. As we can see, these are the very same skills that are acquired through SEL. There are also biological factors significantly associated with mental health, but all things being equal, the more protective factors that children possess the better armed they are to be mentally healthy beings. You’ll note that our source for this definition is The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), which is an internationally-recognized research and training center that works to: Advance the science of SEL; Expand evidence-based, integrated SEL practice; and Strengthen the field and impact of SEL. CASEL is a key partner in the Illinois Chiildren’s Mental Health Partnership’s work to advance the understanding of SEL and the use of the standards across the state. They have consulted with the Partnership from the beginning and provide ongoing technical assistance to its work on this project.
What are the Core SEL Competencies?
Recognizing one’s emotions and values as well as one’s strengths and limitations social & emotional learning Self-awareness Social awareness Relationship Skills Responsible decision-making Self-management Managing emotions and behaviors to achieve one’s goals Making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior When we are Self-awareness, we are able to recognize our emotions, describe our interests and values, and accurately assess our strengths and opportunities for growth. We have a well- grounded sense of self-confidence and hope for the future. When we have good Self-Management skills, we are able to express and regulate our emotions effectively. We are better able to manage stress, control our anger and impulses and persevere in the face of setbacks. We can set and manage their goals. Being Socially Awareness means we are able to take the perspective of and have empathy for others. We can appreciate individual and group differences and similarities. We are aware of resources that can help us meet our goals. Relationship Skills include the abilities to establish and maintain positive, healthy and rewarding relationships. We can resist inappropriate peer pressure and constructively prevent, manage and resolve interpersonal conflict. When we have good relationship skills we know how and do seek help when needed. Responsible Decision-making is the ability to make decisions based on ethical and safety considerations, appropriate social norms, respect for others, and the possible consequences of their choices. Applied to learning, students who are self-aware and able to manage their emotions, can calm down, focus, and spend more concentrated time on learning tasks. Socially-aware students can recognize the impact of their behavior which is the basis for treating others with respect. When students have good decision-making skills, they know how to pause long enough to make appropriate choices before acting which leads to more positive behavioral norms. Competencies are inter-connected; none stands alone Audience will see later how Illinois’ SEL goals interface with these competencies Forming positive relationships, working in teams, and dealing effectively with conflict Showing understanding and empathy for others Source: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
How Do Students Acquire SEL Skills?
Explicit interactive instruction Practice and feedback Observation of modeling by adults and peers Reflection on one’s experiences Application and generalization within the school Explicit – can’t just talk about the skills, we need to teach them using highly interactive strategies that allow students to experience and practice; Practice and feedback – role play is an example; provide opportunities to practice in different settings and to get feedback on their use of skills, so hallways, playground, after-school extra-curriculars all become a place to teach, model and reinforce these skills Observation of others’ good behavior (modeling) underscores the need for adults to be socially and emotionally competent also, so they can model that competence. Reflection on their use of skills – more than just being told they did a good job using the skill, but first asking students how it went when you noticed that they were using a skill or in a situation that a skill may have been helpful Application and generalization – lots of opportunities to practice skills and to use skills to be a contributing member of the classroom.
How Can The Learning Environment Support SEL?
Schools and classrooms that are: Safe Caring Highly participatory Well managed Engaging High in behavioral and academic expectations Students acquire SEL skills not only from explicit, systematic instruction which includes the opportunity to practice and reinforce them, but also from a caring, positive and supportive learning environment. SE LE’s attend the social and emotional conditions that either distract or promote learning – not only SEL skills but academics as well There is a mutually beneficial and reinforcing relation ship between SEL skills instruction and the creation of these types of learning environments. Students who have good SE skills contribute positively to the creation of learning environments described here. At the same time, this type of learning environment supports the acquisition of skills and supports academic learning.
Why Should Schools Address SEL?
Emotions affect why and how we learn Relationships provide a foundation for learning SEL skills can be taught SEL competencies are essential for academic achievement SEL competencies are essential for a successful career and workplace skills In addition to the fact that SEL promotes good mental health is that it directly impacts student learning One can extrapolate that as students are learning and using these skills, classrooms likely become easier to manage. POSSIBLE INTERACTIVE EXERCISE/DISCUSSION POINT – how would having SE competencies improve academics/ classroom management Further extrapolate that the more students who become better learners, the fewer students who are likely to repeat the same grade.
Benefits of Social and Emotional Learning
Good Science Links SEL to the Following Student Gains: increase in social-emotional skills Improved attitudes about self, others, and school increase in positive classroom behavior 11 percentile-point gain on standardized achievement tests And Reduced Risks for Failure: reduction in conduct problems reduction in aggressive behavior reduction in Emotional distress FIRST CLICK—SEL INCREASES STUDENT SUCCESS SECOND CLICK—AND REDUCES RISKS FOR SCHOOL FAILURE Many high-quality scientific studies confirm the benefits of SEL in school and in after-school programs. You can read these studies at (Go to Search on the home page and enter “Positive Benefits of SEL”) Child Development – an important, peer-reviewed journal –will publish a landmark study within the next year. The team of Joe Durlak at Loyola University, CASEL president Roger Weissberg, and graduate students from Loyola and the University of Illinois at Chicago analyzed 213 school-based studies involving 270,034 students. In all, this rigorous scientific review of controlled experimental studies shows that, in schools that implement quality SEL programming, positive indicators went up and negative indicators went down. SEL instruction substantially improved social-emotional skills in SEL program students compared to students in control groups. Students’ self-esteem, connection to school, peer relationships, and classroom behavior improved. Reading and math scores on standardized test scores were higher by 11 percentile points. Risks of school failure decreased. Programming reduced students’ classroom misbehavior, violence, substance use, and emotional distress. These changes make the entire school community a better climate for academic success and positive development. Source: Durlak, J.A., Weissberg, R.P., Dymnicki, A.B., Taylor, R.D., & Schellinger, K. (in press). The Impact of Enhancing Students’ Social and Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions. Child Development. 8 8
How SEL Contributes to Student Success
Inputs Proximal Outcomes Distal Outcomes Evidence-based SEL Programming Effective Learning Environments: Safe Caring Well-Managed Engaging Supportive High Expectations Better Academic Performance Greater Success in School, Work, and Life Greater Attachment, Engagement and Commitment to School Less Risky Behavior, More Positive Development Here’s a framework (or logic model) developed by CASEL that explains how SEL can lead to better academic performance and success in school and life. The two boxes on the left reflect important elements of SEL programming (i.e., “the inputs”): An intentionally-developed, caring school community which provides the conditions and supports students need to learn Sequential, multi-year, developmentally-appropriate classroom instruction in the 5 competency areas (remember, these skills CAN be taught) The two white boxes in the middle reflect the immediate outcomes created by the key elements of SEL programming: Greater attachment, engagement, and commitment to school Less risky behavior, more assets (personal strengths and abilities) – more positive development Finally, the blue box on the right reveals the ultimate outcomes of SEL – students who perform better academically and are more successful in school, work and life. “By establishing safe, caring, well-managed learning environments, SEL programs lead to greater student attachment to school, which in turn is associated with less risky behavior and better academic outcomes. Similarly, by teaching children a range of SE skills, SEL programs result in decreases in risky behavior and support positive development which in turn increases attachment to school and academic success.” (CASEL S&S, p 8) Let’s go back to the shorter-term outcomes for a moment. I think we can agree that all the outcomes are desirable. Focusing on the 3rd box, I’d like to share a few statistics that further demonstrate why SEL is so essential: Risky Behaviors – These statistics are from a 2005 report by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) 28.5% of youth reported feeling so sad or hopeless every day for two weeks or more that they stopped doing their normal activities 16.9% of youth made a plan to commit suicide sometime during the last 12 months 25.5% of youth had five or more alcoholic drinks in a couple of hours in the last 30 days Developmental Assets – These stats. are from a 2003 report by the Search Institute, a research and evaluation organization that provides resources and knowledge about healthy children and communities Only 29% say that others see them as thinking through the results of their choices and planning ahead Only 43% say others see them as respecting the values and beliefs of people of different races and cultures Only 29% report that their school is a caring, encouraging place SE skills Instruction: Self-awareness Social awareness Self-management Relationship skills Responsible decisions Source: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
SEL Supports School Improvement
Provide a safe and drug-free environment Close the achievement gap for all students Prevent at-risk students from dropping out Implement prevention programs that are research based and provide evidence of effectiveness There are lots of good reasons for SEL to be part of our school’s framework, particularly now that there are national mandates requiring that these issues be addressed. At the national level, NCLB requires that schools: be safe and drug free close the achievement gap between low and high performing schools prevent at-risk students from dropping out and implement evidence based prevention programs SEL may help us comply with NCLB, particularly if we choose an evidence-based SEL program. It will help us reduce risky behavior among students, help us create a safe environment where kids feel cared for and engaged, and ultimately improve our students’ academic performance. But that’s not all…
School-Wide Systems for Student Success: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model
Academic Systems Social Emotional Systems Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions % 1-5% Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions Tier 2/Secondary Interventions % 5-15% Tier 2/Secondary Interventions To ensure student success we need to address both sides of the triangle. SEL and RtI provide an opportunity to help youbecome transformative leaders Tier 1: Universal (School-Level) Systems: Recommendations from Research Personalize the learning environment and instructional process. (IES, 2008) Provide rigorous and relevant instruction to better engage students in learning and provide the academic and SE skills needed to graduate and to serve them after they leave school. (IES, 2008) Create cultural/relevance–include strategies that are appropriate to student background and culture (Alexander, Entwisle, &Kabbani, 2001; Christenson, Sinclair, Lehr, & Hurley, 2000; Cleary & Peacock, 1998; Cotton & Conklin, 2001; Finn, 1993; Payne, 2005) Examples: Student advisory programs that monitor academic and social development Evidence-based SEL program Deliberate outreach efforts to involve students in extracurricular activities Systematic school-wide positive discipline approach Tier 2: Targeted Level of Intervention Need may be evidenced by low or failing grades, poor attendance, or suspensions. Approaches may be implemented with small groups and may include skill building focused on conflict resolution, academic tutoring, or social skills Examples from research: Assign adult advocates to students at risk. (IES, 2008) Provide academic support and enrichment to improve academic performance. (IES, 2008) Implement programs to improve students‘ classroom behavior and social skills. (IES, 2008) Tier 3: Tertiary Level of Intervention Students have multiple risk factors. Interventions are designed to remediate established problems and are typically highly individualized. Approaches may include wrap-around services, individual functional behavior analysis, individualized behavior management plans, or intensive mentoring programs. Tier 1/Universal Interventions80-90% 80-90% Tier 1/Universal Interventions OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at
SEL Prepares Students for the Workforce
21st Century Skills Critical thinking and problem-solving Ethical and social responsibility Communication Collaboration and teamwork Lifelong learning and self-direction Leadership Global awareness SEL is not only important for helping our students be successful now, but also for the future. A survey conducted with 800 registered voters on September 10-12, 2007 revealed that there is broad agreement that schools are not meeting the needs of students and the American workforce in the 21st century. Survey found that students are not ready for the workforce. 75% of those polled want equal emphasis on 21st century skills and basic skills. 7 of the 14 skills identified are SE competencies. See slide Another study conducted in 1999 by the US Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration asked employers to identify the top skills they look for in potential employees. Learning-to-learn skills Listening and oral communication Adaptability: creative thinking and problem solving Personal management: self-esteem, goal-setting/self-motivation Group effectiveness: interpersonal skills, negotiation, teamwork Organizational effectiveness and leadership Competence in reading, writing, and computation Source: US Department of Labor. (1999). Secretary’s commission on achieving necessary skills (SCANS) report: What work requires of schools. address for SCANS: Partnership for 21st Century Skills
SCANS SKILLS Skills that are most valued by employers Teamwork
Goal setting Adaptability when facing setbacks or challenges Communication skills Personal management and self confidence Negotiates disagreements and conflicts Work with diverse people (SCANS, 1991)
The Art of Communication
Most desired skills in the workplace are: Communication skills Interpersonal skills Initiative (Dowd & Liedtka, 1994)
Research on Workplace Skill-building
Goldman (1998) found that pro-social skills such as initiative, collaboration, and self-confidence mattered twice as much as IQ in top leaders in business. IQ has been noted to account for only 4%-25% of the factors that determine success at work. (Sternberg, 1996)
Employers See the Connection
Current studies show that employers are working to promote emotional intelligence in their employees. (American Society for Training and Development 1997) In the 21st century, employers suggest students participate in work-linked training to provide formal and informal learning about the work of work. (Pathways to Prosperity Project, Harvard, 2011)
Illinois Children’s Mental Health Act, 2003
Key provisions of the ICMHA (Public Act ) 1. Development of a comprehensive mental health plan for prevention, early intervention, and treatment services through age 18 2. Public schools addressing the mental health needs of all students Short History : Children’s Mental Health Task Force was developed out of an shared interest in addressing a very fractured children’s mental health system in Illinois. Task Force proposed strategies to enhance mental health and success for all Illinois children that resulted in legislation. 2003: Legislation was passed - Illinois Children’s Mental Health Act (ICMHA) became law; State General Assembly overwhelmingly passed the bill. – Law mandated that all school districts develop policies that address children’s social and emotional development and that ISBE create SEL standards and implement them in IL schools. Also mandated creation of IL Children’s Mental Health Partnership, a governor’s appointed group of private and public child-serving organizations, who purpose is to lead and facilitate the state’s efforts to comply with the law. 2004: All 879 school districts submitted SEL policies; ISBE approved ICMHA-mandated SEL standards 2005: SEL standards were created. IL is the first state to legislate that SEL be part of the learning standards of the state’s educational system – this was tremendous recognition at the state level of the importance of social and emotional development to children’s health, well-being and academic success 2007: Statewide SEL professional development project began. 75 schools completed the 3 year process of implementation of SEL Standards. 2010: Began to offer statewide support of coaching, training, and family advocates to school with no additional costs
Illinois SEL Standards Professional Development Project
Formation of SEL Cadre to provide training and coaching statewide – 75 schools state-wide received training, coaching, and resources to implement SEL 2010/2011 – Training materials and training and coaching offered to interested schools Professional development project was designed to support the mandate that all schools implement the standards. The project supported over 80 schools statewide with training, coaching, and financial grants to implement SEL. Besides the technical assistance of the cadre of coaches, each area in the state made a parent advocate available to the schools to assist in the integration of parents into partnership with schools to for the SEL work to most effective. As the project has evolved, implementation materials (GUIDES) are now available on-line from ISBE so that schools can access researched based guidance for the implementation of SEL.
Illinois Requires Schools to Implement SEL
All districts must have a policy to incorporate SEL in schools All schools must address the social and emotional needs of ALL children ISBE required to develop and implement social and emotional learning standards All school district have a policy that was turned into the Illinois State Board of Education. This policy addresses how that district will implement the IL SEL Learning Standards. Ask the group how many of them are familiar with those policies? Suggest that they might want to review that policy if they have not do so yet, and determine to what extent they are meeting the language of their policy.
Connection Between Mental Health and SEL
SEL provides skill development for social and emotional competencies Displaying the skills necessary to handle situations enhances one’s ability to be resilient SEL promotes positive mental health
Illinois Social and Emotional Learning Goals
Self- Awareness Social Awareness Responsible Decision-making Self-Management Relationship Skills Goal 31: Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success. Goal 32: Use social awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships. Goal 33: Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school and community contexts. Big idea – We’ve been talking about SEL and have alluded to the SEL standards. The primary purpose of the professional development project is to help schools implement the SEL standards. At the same time, we know that implementing SEL as a framework for how we do school enhances the positive impact of aligning school practices with the standards, so we work with schools to develop SEL climates/cultures as well as focus specifically on the standards. Point out the SEL competencies in blue to underscore the relationship between the state goals and the competencies outlined by CASEL. Can mention that among those on the committee who created the standards were representatives from ISBE, CASEL, the Partnership, ROEs. Ten standards have been written to address these three goals. Then there are 100 benchmarks (10 for each of the 10 standards) that illustrate what these standards look like at different developmental levels: early elementary, late elementary, middle/jr. high, early high school, and late high school More specifically there are more than 600 performance descriptors that delineate SEL skills that students should have at each grade level. Teachers use the performance descriptors to help design lesson plans; Parents can also use them to align what they are teaching at home with what is being taught at school. The descriptors can provide source of conversation between parent and teacher about how well as child is developing, socially and emotionally. Graphic: University of Illinois Extension
Illinois State Board of Education SEL Goals
31) Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success 32) Use social awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts Source: Based on the growing concern about the mental health of young people and a solid base of evidence that demonstrates that SEL is foundational to not only healthy development, but also the reduction of problem behaviors and academic achievement, Illinois passed the Illinois Children’s Mental Health Act of This legislation: Requires schools to address the social and emotional needs of all students Required all school districts to develop policies to incorporate SEL Required IL State Board of Education (ISBE) to develop and implement social and emotional learning standards Illinois developed these three SEL Goals based on the five core social and emotional competencies of self-awareness, self- management (Goal 31), social awareness and relationships skills (Goal 2) and responsible decision making (Goal 3). Just like other academic standards, these three goals have been translated into: 10 standards 100 benchmarks Over 600 performance descriptors that identify what students should know and be able to do developmentally K-12 As mentioned earlier, research reveals that these skills can be taught to students from every background and by teachers in all types of schools. Note: Distribute copy of standards and/or the performance descriptors for the appropriate grade levels. These can be downloaded from
SEL Standards and Work-skills
The soft-skills needed to be effective in the workplace are found in all goals and standards As we look at each of the 3 SEL standards, discuss with a neighbor what you believe are the most important skills related to that goal and its standards
SEL Standards for Goal 31 Goal: Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success Standards: A. Identify and manage one’s emotions and behaviors B. Recognize personal qualities and external supports C. Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal goals This standards related to this goal focus on self-awareness and self-management. Why this goal and standards are important: Several key sets of skills and attitudes provide a strong foundation for achieving school and life success. One involves knowing your emotions, how to manage them, and ways to express them constructively. This enables one to handle stress, control impulses, and motivate oneself to persevere in overcoming obstacles to goal achievement. A related set of skills involves accurately assessing your abilities and interests, building strengths, and making effective use of family, school, and community resources. Finally, it is critical for students to be able to establish and monitor their progress toward achieving academic and personal goals.
SEL Standards for Goal 32 Goal: Use social awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships Standards: A. Recognize the feelings and perspectives of others B. Recognize individual and group similarities and differences C. Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others D. Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways Make connection to the five core competencies Why this goal and standards are important: Building and maintaining positive relationships with others are central to success in school and life and require the ability to recognize the thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of others, including those different from one’s own. In addition, establishing positive peer, family, and work relationships requires skills in cooperating, communicating respectfully, and constructively resolving conflicts with others.
SEL Standards for Goal 33 Goal: Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts Standards: A. Consider ethical, safety and societal factors in making decisions B. Apply decision-making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations C. Contribute to the well-being of one’s school and community This goal and standards are focused on making responsible decisions. Why this goal and standards are important: Promoting one’s own health, avoiding risky behaviors, dealing honestly and fairly with others, and contributing to the good of one’s classroom, school, family, community, and environment are essential to citizenship in a democratic society. Achieving these outcomes requires an ability to make decisions and solve problems on the basis of accurately defining decisions to be made, generating alternative solutions, anticipating the consequences of each, and evaluating and learning from one’s decision making. Presenter can direct people to ISBE’ website if they want copies of the goals, standards and performance descriptors.; search for SEL standards
Recommended Next Steps for School Staff
Learn more about SEL and how to integrate it in your classroom Find out about your school/district SEL policy Express your support of SEL by discussing it with your administrator, other staff, and parents Share SEL information with colleagues Model positive social and emotional behaviors in school Seek out professional development around SEL standards and practices Now that we’ve share basic information about, we really hope that you will take what you have learned today to the next step. We encourage you to learn more about SEL. Anyone can be the point of entry or champion of SEL to his or her school. Talk with your colleagues and administrators – seek out others who can help champion the cause in your school Remember that SEL behaviors: respect, caring, self-control, fair decision-making – Should happen in and out of the classroom. Regardless of what is happening schoolwide, you can make SEL happen in your classroom Example of incorporating SEL into instructional practice: in language arts or social studies lessons, encourage students to discuss how characters or historical figures expressed or didn’t express understanding of others’ feelings or use good problem-solving skills. Ways to participate in implementation: serve on committee that evaluates and selects different SEL programs and strategies. Recommend that SEL become part of the SIP plan.
Recommended Next Steps to Emphasizing Workplace Skills
Counselors and Teachers need to consider the following: Link activities that promote career development to the SEL Standards, especially in the middle school and high school Indentify specific curriculum that can be used to promote the SEL plan in your school that includes work-place skill-building (advisories, infused into the school curriculum) Build relationships with employers to make curriculum more relevant to real world Now that we’ve share basic information about, we really hope that you will take what you have learned today to the next step. We encourage you to learn more about SEL Ask teachers about SEL lessons; reinforce them at home. Ways to teach kids feeling words: make list of feeling words with kids; have kids match feeling words to pictures of facial expressions Can help kids make decisions by giving them choices and helping them identify positive and negative consequences of those choices. There are a few materials in your packets that may help your with other ideas.
Three Recommended Steps to Emphasizing Workplace Skills-the Harvard Study #1
Increase knowledge and awareness for counselors on career development and the link to SEL skills. Learn more about career pathways and work with community colleges and universities. Increase the amount of time and resources (BE INTENTIONAL) for career development including workplace skills for every student in school, especially those from low-income families. Educate about CTE programs. Provide every student with a plan of study that indicates his/her pathway toward a future career (at end of 8th grade). Now that we’ve share basic information about, we really hope that you will take what you have learned today to the next step. We encourage you to learn more about SEL Ask teachers about SEL lessons; reinforce them at home. Ways to teach kids feeling words: make list of feeling words with kids; have kids match feeling words to pictures of facial expressions Can help kids make decisions by giving them choices and helping them identify positive and negative consequences of those choices. There are a few materials in your packets that may help your with other ideas.
Recommendation #2 from the Harvard Study…..
Create high quality and consistent CTE programs in high school and post-secondary settings. Provide a seamless pathway for students to post-secondary learning. Increase hands-on opportunities for youth from middle school thru high school to learn about the world of work and the social-emotional skills needed to be successful at work through job-shadowing, internship, apprenticeships.
Recommendation #3…. Address the cultural barriers in our schools with intentionality. Promote CTE programs with all students without demeaning or disparaging attitudes. CTE can be highly effective in promoting student engagement and in education students who for whatever reason are not motivated by a purely academic program. Work with community colleges and universities to create a seamless pathway toward a student’s career.
The Challenge In your current role, what can you do differently to strengthen the connection between SEL and Workplace Skills in your setting?
Presentation Prepared By:
The Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership (ICMHP) The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) University of Illinois Extension Caregivers, school staff and administrators can also consult several resources to learn more about SEL and mental health: Partnership’s website: CASEL’s website ISBE’s (look for SEL Q & A) UCLA’s mental health in schools site - U. Of I. Extension’s website – Public Awarenss Campaign promoting mental health and greater understanding of social and emotional developmental needs - To speak with someone directly about additional presentations, workshops, trainings, technical assistance, contact the following: Caryn Curry, ICMHP; , x18; Christina Foster, U of I Extension; ; Kristy Ogren, CASEL; ; Kelly Rauscher, ISBE; ;
Ponder this. . . “One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings...warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.” Carl Jung Thank the audience and, where appropriate, let them know when you plan to follow up with them.
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