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Tuesday 9/2 - Embargoes Bellwork: What is one current American industry that you believe the U.S. government should protect by imposing a tariff on and.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 9/2 - Embargoes Bellwork: What is one current American industry that you believe the U.S. government should protect by imposing a tariff on and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 9/2 - Embargoes Bellwork: What is one current American industry that you believe the U.S. government should protect by imposing a tariff on and why? Turn you Vocabulary into the IN BOX

2 Objectives Explain the rationale behind President Jefferson’s decision to push the embargo of 1807 through Congress Evaluate the effectiveness of the Embargo of 1807

3 Embargo of 1807 1783 –US traded by sea (there were no airplanes!) 1807 –Napoleon was at war with everybody –Orders in Council forbade neutral vessels from trading with France –French were not happy! –Napoleon responded by threatening to seize all foreign ships co-operating with Britain

4 Embargo of 1807 1807 –Britain increased their impressment policy This applied to British and American citizens! –HMS Leopard (British ship) thought the US Chesapeake (American ship) was housing deserters –The Leopard asked to board the Chesapeake –The Chesapeake refused –The Leopard opened fire –3 were killed, 18 wounded and 4 deserters were found –Americans were ticked!

5 Embargo of 1807 Embargo Act of 1807 –President Jefferson’s answer –Stopped food shipments and other American products to all foreign ports –NE Merchants & Western farmers lost jobs due to not being able to sell their goods overseas 1809 –President James Madison repealed Act due to public pressure

6 American System Objectives –Define the three points of Henry Clay’s American System

7 American System What is Nationalism? What is Sectionalism? Kentucky Congressman Henry Clay pushed for national legislation that would aid the country in becoming economically self-sufficient The Embargo of 1807 had forced the US to rely more on itself –Businesses had grown to provide for the needs of Americans

8 American System The American System proposed: 1.National transportation system to unit North manufacturers, Western farmers and Southern planters 2.A National Bank to provide sound currency 3.A protective tariff to encourage industrial development

9 American System This system never materialized due to –Growing sectionalism –Lessening nationalism

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