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Louisiana Purchase Video 1. What is the mission of Lewis and Clark? 2. Who controlled the Louisiana Territory before 1803? 3. List 5 facts that you hear.

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Presentation on theme: "Louisiana Purchase Video 1. What is the mission of Lewis and Clark? 2. Who controlled the Louisiana Territory before 1803? 3. List 5 facts that you hear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Louisiana Purchase Video 1. What is the mission of Lewis and Clark? 2. Who controlled the Louisiana Territory before 1803? 3. List 5 facts that you hear about their journey. 4. Who helps Louis and Clark along the way? 5. How did Louis and Clark’s journey shape the development of the United States?

2 Louisiana Purchase Video 1. Map a route to the Pacific Ocean 2. France 3. ----- 4. Sacajawea 5. It doubled the size of the U.S. This lead to the development of our nation and the ability to move westward.

3 Preview 11-20  Get your notebook.  Answer the following question in your notebook…. “What effect did the Louisiana Purchase have on the development of the U.S.?” Doubled the size of our country; allowed for Westward Expansion

4 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : Have you ever gotten in trouble for something you didn’t do? What happened once the truth came out? Were you set free/not punished? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 1minute Partner B= 1 minute SHARE


6 What’s so important about Marbury v. Madison  First time the Supreme Court struck down a law passed by Congress  This ruling established judicial review : when the Supreme Court reviews the laws passed by Congress

7 W. A. J. Ma. Mo. 3 rd Thomas Jefferson  Louisiana Purchase (1803) doubled the size of the U.S.  Marbury V. Madison established Judicial Review 3131

8 Small Group Talk 30 Second Think : What would our society look like if we never traded with other countries? How would that effect your shopping/buying? Talk: Turn and face your partner. Partner A= 1minute Partner B= 1 minute SHARE

9 The Embargo Act  Angered, President Jefferson passed The Embargo Act (quit trading with all countries)  The plan was to hurt England and France economically by not trading with them.

10 Embargo Hurts America  American merchants have a hard time selling their products outside of the country.  Americans resort to smuggling (sneaking items in and out of the country illegally)

11 W. A. J. Ma. Mo. 3 rd Thomas Jefferson  Louisiana Purchase (1803) doubled the size of the U.S.  Marbury V. Madison established Judicial Review  Embargo Act- No trade with other countries; plan failed and actually hurt U.S. 3131

12 Embargo Cartoon  The man with the barrel is a merchant.  The ship in the background is British.  He is being stopped by the embargo.  Like many merchants during this time, he might need to resort to smuggling.

13 Cause Effect  1. Impressment  2. Embargo Act  3. Indian Raids on Frontier  4. National Pride –‘War Hawks”  1. Increased Nationalism  2. Native Americans weakened  3. Federalist Party ends.  4. Andrew Jackson becomes a hero

14 Correcting the Past  Jefferson pardoned all those arrested/fined under the Alien and Sedition Acts  Repealed Whiskey tax  Immigrants could now become citizens in 5 years again, not 14  Cuts down the size of government

15 The Failure of the Embargo  Jefferson admitted the embargo failed and Congress altered it.  Still unpopular and hurt America.  Jefferson decided NOT to run for 3rd term

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