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Washington to Madison Test Review Ch. 10 and 11 Pick a Level Single 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 102345678910 Double 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 102345678910.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington to Madison Test Review Ch. 10 and 11 Pick a Level Single 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 102345678910 Double 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 102345678910."— Presentation transcript:


2 Washington to Madison Test Review Ch. 10 and 11

3 Pick a Level Single 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 102345678910 Double 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 102345678910 Triple 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 102345678910 Homerun 11, 2, 3, 4, 52345



6 Single Question # 1 ___________________ wanted a very close following of the constitution. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifyembargo Nationalismsedition

7 Single Question # 2 ___________________ are taxes placed on goods brought into a country. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifyembargo Nationalismsedition

8 Single Question # 3 In order to apply for statehood, a territory must have 60,000 __________________, or people residing in the territory. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifyembargo Nationalismsedition

9 Single Question # 4 __________________ is the practice of forcing captured sailors to work on you ship. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifyembargo Nationalismsedition

10 Single Question # 5 A paper that promises to repay you with interest is known as a _______________. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifyembargo Nationalismsedition

11 Single Question # 6 _______________ felt that the government had more powers than what was listed in the constitution. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifyembargo Nationalismsedition

12 Single Question # 7 President Washington placed an ___________________ on the sale and production of whiskey. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifyembargo Nationalismsedition

13 Single Question # 8 Action that may cause a rebellion is known as ___________________. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifyembargo Nationalismsedition

14 Single Question # 9 _________________ is a strong feeling of pride in one’s country. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifyembargo Nationalismsedition

15 Single Question # 10 Kentucky and Virginia _________________ the alien and sedition acts, or refused to enforce them. Strict Constructionists Liberal Constructionists Tariffs inhabitantsImpressmentbondstock Excise taxnullifiedembargo Nationalismsedition

16 Double Question # 1 Alexander Hamilton thought that paying of the federal and state debts would a. ruin the new government a. ruin the new government b. help the southern states b. help the southern states c. disappoint speculators c. disappoint speculators d. protect the new government’s reputation

17 Double Question # 2 Thomas Jefferson led the Democratic- Republican Party which believed in a. strict construction and states’ rights a. strict construction and states’ rights b. rule by the wealthy, educated people b. rule by the wealthy, educated people c. a strong national bank c. a strong national bank d. loose construction and a strong federal government

18 Double Question # 3 The election of 1800 was significant because a. Jefferson received all the electoral votes a. Jefferson received all the electoral votes b. Power changed hands without bloodshed b. Power changed hands without bloodshed c. Adams only served one term c. Adams only served one term d. The candidates insulted each other

19 Double Question # 4 The Federalists passed the Alien and Sedition Acts to a. bring and end to the “half war” a. bring and end to the “half war” b. stop people from criticizing the President and Federalists b. stop people from criticizing the President and Federalists c. to make the war with France a “whole war” c. to make the war with France a “whole war” d.none of the above

20 Double Question # 5 President Jefferson wanted to buy New Orleans because a. all land west of the Mississippi River would belong to the U.S. a. all land west of the Mississippi River would belong to the U.S. b. it was an important port for western farmers b. it was an important port for western farmers c. he wanted to make it the capital of the United States c. he wanted to make it the capital of the United States d. he planned to attack Louisiana from there

21 Double Question # 6 After the Marbury v. Madison decision, the Supreme Court could a. decide the constitutionality of laws a. decide the constitutionality of laws b. select new justices b. select new justices c. investigate wrong doing in the government c. investigate wrong doing in the government d.force officials to do their jobs

22 Double Question # 7 The Battle of New Orleans was a. the battle in which Tecumseh was killed a. the battle in which Tecumseh was killed b. Spain’s first victory in the War of 1812 b. Spain’s first victory in the War of 1812 c. An American victory that took place after the signing of the peace treaty c. An American victory that took place after the signing of the peace treaty d.The final step in the effort to win Louisiana from France

23 Double Question # 8 Jefferson refused to pay tribute to a. France a. France b. Great Britain b. Great Britain c. Barbary Pirates c. Barbary Pirates d. Spain

24 Double Question # 9 General William Henry Harrison defeated Tenskwatawa at a. Battle of Tippecanoe a. Battle of Tippecanoe b. Battle of Thames b. Battle of Thames c. Battle of New Orleans c. Battle of New Orleans d. Battle of Washington D.C.

25 Double Question # 10 The outcome of the War of 1812 a. satisfied everyone involved a. satisfied everyone involved b. put a stop to British seizure of American ships b. put a stop to British seizure of American ships c. gave Americans a sense national pride c. gave Americans a sense national pride d.granted Ohio Indian tribes large tracts of land

26 Triple Question # 1 George Washington’s vice-president was _____________________.

27 Answer John Adams

28 Triple Question # 2 The election of 1800 was a tie between Aaron Burr and ___________________.

29 Answer Thomas Jefferson

30 Triple Question # 3 Jefferson sent ___________________ to negotiate the purchase of New Orleans with France.

31 Answer James Monroe

32 Triple Question # 4 Jefferson purchased Louisiana from ____________ for the price of __________________ dollars.

33 Answer France $15 million

34 Triple Question # 5 Lewis and ________________ were sent out to explore the Louisiana Purchase.

35 Answer Clark

36 Triple Question # 6 President _________________ was the man who officially declared war on Great Britain in the War of 1812.

37 Answer James Madison

38 Triple Question # 7 The men in the south and west that called for war against Great Britain were known as _________________.

39 Answer Hawks

40 Triple Question # 8 General Andrew ________________ was the U.S. officer in charge of the troops at the Battle of _____________________.

41 Answer Jackson New Orleans

42 Triple Question # 9 The Treaty of _____________ officially ended the War of 1812.

43 Answer Treaty of Ghent

44 Triple Question # 10 Summarize the steps to become a state.

45 Homerun Question # 1 Please summarize Acts 17:26 and explain what is has to do with our unit of study.

46 Homerun Question # 2 Describe the events that led to the War of 1812.

47 Homerun Question # 3 Why did purchasing Louisiana go against what Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic- Republicans believed in?

48 Homerun Question # 4 Describe what the Federalist party stood for.

49 Homerun Question # 5 What problems did Washington face in his time as president?

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