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FY 2011 Budget Development May 19, 2008 Mary Jane Miller Director, Office of Budget Management Indian Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "FY 2011 Budget Development May 19, 2008 Mary Jane Miller Director, Office of Budget Management Indian Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY 2011 Budget Development May 19, 2008 Mary Jane Miller Director, Office of Budget Management Indian Affairs

2 FY 2011 Budget May 12: Tribal Presentations on 2011 priorities May 22: Central & Regional office input May 27-June 3: Develop Tribal/IA budget submission to Department (due June 15) September: Submission to OMB February 2010: 2011 President’s Budget OMB expects to be back on track

3 Federal Appropriations Process as it Impacts Tribes FY ‘09 FY ‘10 FY ‘11FY ‘12 1 2 3 4__ O N D J F M A M J J A S 1 2 3 4 We are here FY ’11 Budget Targets Set BIA & Tribes Executive Branch FY ’11 Budget Deliberations BIA Tribes DOI BIA OMB DOI BIA Tribal Opportunities Dialogue Pre-embargo Cong Action on 2010 Budget FY ’12 Budget Execution FY ’11 Budget Execution FY ’10 Budget Execution Cong Action on 2011 Budget Strategy efforts FY ’11 2 nd yr Exec. /Close out FY ’10 2 nd yr Exec. /Close out FY ‘12 Budget Targets Set BIA & Tribes 2010 Pres Budget Submitted May 7th FY 2011 Budget Delayed ~2 months

4 FY 09 Apr-May-Jun ‘09 FY 09 Jan-Feb-Mar ‘09 Mar 17-18, 2009 National Mtg Sheraton National VA Budget Timeline TBAC Schedule: Dec 9-10, 08 Westin DC ‘08 ‘11 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘09 ‘08 ‘10 ‘11 FY 09 Jul-Aug-Sep ‘09 ‘12 Close out/ Execution Close out/ Execution Close out/ Execution Budget Execution Omnibus signed Submit ARRA Plan Budget Execution Implement ARRA Obama Budget In Final Stages Obama Budget Submitted; Tribes work with Congress FY10 Budget Congressional Action & lobbying results Slip to April: Tribes/IA to establish FY11 budget options within targets 2011 Tribal briefs; Budget development Submit to Dept FY 11 Budget Embargoed -- Executive Branch Deliberations N/A FY 12 –Adopt Tribal/IA priorities N/A FY 09 Oct-Nov-Dec ‘08 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 Close out/ Execution FY09 CR Enactment; Budget Execution FY 10 Budget Embargoed -- Executive Branch Deliberations Tribes set strategy re: 2011 priorities N/A May 12-13, 2009 Sheraton National VA Aug 4-5, 2009 Anchorage, AK We are Here Budget Execution Implement ARRA

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