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Open Access & Lirias. Some people are obliged to provide Open Access IUAP (from 2013 onwards) FWO (from 2011 onwards) ERC/Some FP7 (clausule 39) (from.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Access & Lirias. Some people are obliged to provide Open Access IUAP (from 2013 onwards) FWO (from 2011 onwards) ERC/Some FP7 (clausule 39) (from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Access & Lirias

2 Some people are obliged to provide Open Access IUAP (from 2013 onwards) FWO (from 2011 onwards) ERC/Some FP7 (clausule 39) (from 2007/2008 onwards) All future Horizon 2020 projects KU Leuven: promotes OA for peer-reviewed papers

3 Open Access removes barriers to research Fast Free World-wide Information online

4 Open Access increases visibility & impact… Pool of users (‘citers’) = global => citation advantage

5 Two roads to Open Access Open Access GoldpaidfreeGreenfree

6 Gold road to Open Access implies that o you publish in an OA journal o your article is online immediately o the publisher takes care of everything

7 Gold Open Access journals listing o A list of OAJ = DOAJ

8 Gold Open Access journals are often new journals Only 11% of journals in JCR is OA However, most ‘traditional’ journals offer article-based OA o for a fee 100s-1000s euro per article

9 Two roads to Open Access Open Access GoldpaidfreeGreenfree

10 The more democratic Green road to OA Self-archiving in an institutional OA repository o e.g. Lirias o You upload (a version of) the paper and make it publicly available o It does not cost you

11 … is also proposed by FWO, ERC, BELSPO ERC: an electronic copy … be deposited in a suitable repository immediately upon publication. Open access should be provided as soon as possible and in any case no later than six months after the official publication date. o For publications in the Social Sciences and Humanities domain a delay of up to twelve months is acceptable. FWO: beneficianten van mandaten, kredieten en projecten zijn verplicht hun publicaties, die voortvloeien uit de FWO-toelagen, te deponeren in een publieke “Open Access” databank. Dit ten laatste één jaar na de publicatiedatum.

12 OA obligation ≠ paying for OA! Use ‘our’ Open Access repository It’s called Lirias!

13 Why use Lirias? It is free It is managed for you Lirias is widely consulted Data are highly visible on the net

14 Green Road to Open Access: what about copyright? o The bad news is authors usually transfer their copyright to their publisher o The good news is a large number of scientific publishers allow the Green Road for certain versions of the articles, possibly under an embargo

15 Finding copyright information SHERPA/RoMEO Overview of copyright policies and self-archiving permissions Colour-coded Pre-print = version before peer review Post-print = version after peer review (final author’s version) Publisher’s version = version with publisher’s layout – although mentioned in the definition of blue & green, almost never allowed

16 Most publishers allow self-archiving More than 60% of publishers allows last author version of article in OA


18 An example

19 Open Access in theological journals Most journals do not have an OA-policy Some exceptions in SherpaRomeo o Augustinian Studies: yellow o Hervormde Teologiese Studies: blue, with publishers’ PDF! o Journal of Religious Education: yellow o The Heythrop Journal: yellow, with permission from publisher if CTA has been signed; possibly embargo

20 OA obligation? Make your best effort! seek information on copyright/licensing policies (e.g. Sherpa/Romeo)Sherpa/Romeo negotiate amendment or request authorisation to self-archiveamendment If negotiations are unsuccessful, consider submitting to another journal inform the Commission and provide publisher’s letter of refusal Source: EC

21 Practical Workflow for Green Open Access Once a paper is accepted, check SHERPA/RoMEO “green/blue”: upload your final peer-reviewed manuscript, mention source & link to publisher’s website (don’t use the layout of the publisher unless explicitly allowed) check when you can make the paper available (pre-publication, post- publication, embargo ?) & set the access to “public” accordingly “yellow/white” or not in SHERPA/RoMEO: upload the publisher’s PDF with limited access (or an earlier version of your article)

22 Use Lirias for Green Open Access

23 Accessibility options: Public (=OA): everybody can see and download the file Intranet : only staff from the Association have access Embargo: Intranet until chosen date, then Public Private: only the authors and the administrators have access

24 Choose the OA-layout for your CV


26 Some words of caution ResearchGate, Mendeley, etc. o you are responsible for what you upload o always check SherpaRomeo! Predatory publishers o dubious standards, misleading information Website:

27 Conclusion always choose the ‘best’ journal for your paper keep in mind that +60% publishers accept post-review green OA be aware that files with intranet accessibility are only accessible for Association KU Leuven staff o files are visible on the intranet, but interested parties cannot open them! trace the impact of your paper

28 Track the impact of your OA-article




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