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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 The Industrial Revolution (1) The Industrial Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 The Industrial Revolution (1) The Industrial Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 The Industrial Revolution (1) The Industrial Revolution (2) Urbanization & Transportation during I.R. Sectionalism in 1800s Monroe’s Presidency

2 Which industry first used machines to make the manufacturing process quicker and cheaper? Category: The Industrial Revolution (1)

3 What is the textiles industry? 100 points

4 Which machine was used to spin cotton fibers into many threads at one time? Category: The Industrial Revolution (1)

5 What is the spinning jenny? 200 points

6 Which machine was used to weave the thread into cloth using first water power and later steam power? Category: The Industrial Revolution (1)

7 What is the power loom? 300 points

8 What changes took place during the Industrial Revolution? (Define the Industrial Revolution) Category: The Industrial Revolution (1)

9 What is a change or revolution in the way goods were produced? Machines replaced hand tools, new sources of power such as water and steam replaced human and animal power, the economy slowly shifted from farming to manufacturing, and many people moved from rural to urban areas. 400 points

10 Explain the the factory system. Category: The Industrial Revolution (1)

11 What is, when a capitalist with enough money to invest builds a factory which brought workers, machines, and the raw materials all to the same place; a factory, to manufacture a product which could be sold? 500 points

12 What is the type of early factory that was powered by a water wheel called? Category: The Industrial Revolution (2)

13 What is a mill? 100 points

14 Name the three earliest types of mills that took advantage of water power? Category: The Industrial Revolution (2)

15 What are: the textile mill the saw mill & the grist mill 200 points

16 Category: The Industrial Revolution (2) Who brought the plans for British textile machines to America (in his head) to be sold and used by Americans?

17 300 points Who is Samuel Slater?

18 Category: The Industrial Revolution (2) Who first worked to develop interchangeable parts and what product were they first used for?

19 400 points Who is Eli Whitney and what is the musket (gun)?

20 Name at least 3 causes or reasons that the Industrial Revolution spread and took off in America when it did. Category: The Industrial Revolution (2)

21 What are:  New technology (ideas for machines)  New sources of power (water wheel & steam engine) The birth of the factory/factory system  The Embargo in 1807 and the Blockade during the War of 1812 increased the need for American made goods. The idea of Interchangeable parts caused the revolution to spread from textiles to other goods. 500 points

22 What simple type of road was used in rural areas to help wagons get across wet and muddy areas where they would often get stuck? Category: Urbanization & Transportation during the I.R.

23 What is a corduroy road? 100 points

24 What type of road made of gravel sometimes with smooth top stones charged people a toll to travel on it? Category: Urbanization & Transportation during the I.R.

25 What is a turnpike? 200 points

26 Name the first road paid for by tax money that originally connected Cumberland, MD with Wheeling, VA. Category: Urbanization & Transportation during the I.R.

27 What is the National Road? 300 points

28 Name TWO attractions that brought people to early cities and TWO hazards that people living in the early cities experienced. Category: Urbanization & Transportation during the I.R.

29 What are: Attractions: Circuses, Racetracks (dog and horse racing), Theaters (for plays), Museums, stores with latest fashions, shoes, hats, china, and “ready-to-wear” clothing. Hazards: mud holes in the streets, no sewers, garbage on the streets brought wild animals in, houses built too close together (fire hazard), diseases spread easily. 400 points

30 What two places did the Erie Canal connect & why was it important? Category: Urbanization & Transportation during the I.R.

31 What are Lake Erie and New York & it was important because it allowed western farmers to more cheaply and more quickly ship their goods to the east to be sold and it made New York City a center of trade? 500 points

32 Define sectionalism and tell why America had sectionalism in the early 1800s. Category: Sectionalism in 1800s

33 What is having or feeling loyalty to one’s state, region, or area of a country rather than the nation as a whole and because different areas of the country were focusing on and needed different things? 100 points

34 Explain why the protective tariffs Congress passed in the early 1800s helped the northern factories, but hurt southern citizens. Category: Sectionalism in 1800s

35 What is the protective tariffs helped the northern factories compete with British goods, but since Southerners bought many British goods, it made things more expensive for them? 200 points

36 What was Clay’s American System and why didn’t it work? Category: Sectionalism in 1800s

37 What is Clay’s American System was a group of laws that was supposed to help all 3 sections of the United States and it did not work because only parts of the system were passed by Congress and not all sections of the country responded the way that Clay had predicted? 300 points

38 Explain why the Bank of the United States closing in 1811 hurt the economy. Category: Sectionalism in 1800s

39 What is state banks gave out too many loans and printed too much paper money creating inflation and causing the value of the dollar to drop? 400 points

40 Name the 3 sectional leaders in Congress during the 1800s and tell at least one belief they had or thing they supported. Category: Sectionalism in 1800s

41 Daniel Webster - North. Supported protecting American industry and businesses from foreign competition, expanding the government’s role in the economy, was against slavery and against the War of 1812. John C. Calhoun - the South. Supported slavery, farming, low taxes, the need for cheap goods, keeping the Federal Government weak, and the War of 1812. Henry Clay - the West. Supported improvements for roads, bridges, and waterways to help western expansion and trade, a bigger role for the government in helping the economy, and supported the War of 1812. 500 points

42 Who was President Monroe’s Secretary of State? Category: Monroe’s Presidency

43 Who is John Quincy Adams? 100 points

44 Category: Monroe’s Presidency What was the name of the treaty that bought Florida from Spain during Monroe’s Presidency and how much did we pay for it?

45 What is the Adams-Onís Treaty and $5 million? 200 points

46 Name TWO reasons that the U.S. sent troops to Florida during Monroe’s Presidency. Category: Monroe’s Presidency

47 What are: - slaves were escaping from the South and hiding in Florida. - Seminole Indians from Florida were raiding and attacking towns in Georgia. 300 points

48 Category: Monroe’s Presidency Why was Monroe’s presidency seen as an “era of good feelings”?

49 What is it was a time of national pride because we won the War of 1812, there was only one strong political party at the time, and people admired Monroe as one of the last of the founding fathers still in politics? 400 points

50 Describe the THREE parts of the foreign policy known as the Monroe Doctrine. Category: Monroe’s Presidency

51 What are: - the U.S. will continue to stay out of European affairs. - the Western Hemisphere can no longer be colonized by the Europeans. - if any European country tries to continue colonization, the U.S. will see it as a threat to our safety and respond accordingly (probably using force). 500 points

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