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Kuali Coeus User Group Austin, Texas March 2011 Dennis J Paffrath Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Programs Administration 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Kuali Coeus User Group Austin, Texas March 2011 Dennis J Paffrath Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Programs Administration 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kuali Coeus User Group Austin, Texas March 2011 Dennis J Paffrath Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Programs Administration 1

2 2

3 Subcontracts tab in Award Module  At UMB, if your proposal includes a subaward, the top half of this tab is completed in the Parent award when the award is set-up.  After the subaward agreement has been created and recorded in the Subcontract module, the progress will be noted in of the Subcontracts tab (highlighted in light blue). The sub $ amount and status -- “Active” or “In Progress” – are indicated.  In the example award (next slide), there is a subaward to JHU for $50,000 during this budget period. 3

4 Subcontracts tab in Award Module View details about the subcontract by clicking on the sub line on the bottom half of the screen, which will take you to the Subcontract Module 4

5 5 Search for a Subaward Record Open the Subcontract Module

6 Office of Research and Development 6 Enter data in one or more of the search fields Search for a Subaward Record

7 7 Subaward Record Search Results  At UMB, there is a subaward record for each PO associated with the subagreement (e.g. PO for each budget period when there is a new Project ID # for each budget period)  Double Click on the subaward record to view it or highlight the record and click on “blue” edit to make changes

8 8 Click the subaward record numbers to see data about each subaward There are 2 subawards under this Award Subaward Data in Medusa


10 10 (SUBAWARD) FUNDING SOURCE TAB Links to the Grandparent and each Parent that fund this subaward Clicking on any line will take you to the Award Module record for that Parent

11 11 Pdf of the signed subaward / modification is uploaded on each line. Click to view. Each action is on a separate line Total Amount in this PO (SUBAWARD) AMOUNT FUNDED TAB

12 Office of Research and Development 12 (SUBAWARD) AMOUNT RELEASED TAB Each invoice is on a separate line Data is imported from eUMB Balance available in the POTotal amount authorized in this PO

13 Office of Research and Development 13 (SUBAWARD) CONTACTS TAB Click on the Contact line to see address, phone, email info at bottom of screen

14 14 (SUBAWARD) OTHER TAB Compliance Information about subaward

15 Process at the University of Maryland Baltimore 15 1.Use of a web based system, eSuRF (developed using FileMaker Pro) to obtain data from Coeus Awards and collect data from the PI/Department Staff 2.Create a checklist 3.Create the entire FDP agreement The future of Coeus 4.5 and Kuali Coeus 5.0 subcontract module and the idea behind the construction…..

16 eSuRF, helps accomplish creating the subcontract and maintains the FDP and long templates

17 17 If this part is filled in correctly… Then this part will be filled in automatically

18 18 Provide us with the regulatory areas and also the budgets and scope of work for this particular agreement

19 19 Who are the contacts at the subrecipient’s organization…

20 The complete data pulled in from Coeus Award module and the information filled in by the Department

21 Navigating around the eSuRF system is easy.

22 Uploaded documents Office of Research and Development 22 uploadeddocumentsuploadeddocuments

23 Office of Research and Development 23 Checklist for all follow-up and completion of work.

24 24 By clicking on Make FPD…a new form is created for the review of data and terms and conditions Make changes in these areas as needed

25 25 Clicking on “Create and Send PDF” will assist you in creating the entire FPD agreement.

26 26 1. Clicking on radio button or box will create the necessary attachments 2. Click on uploaded web files to approve and attach to FDP This is the screen that will assist in creating the FDP 3. Click on “Make PDF” to create the entire FDP agreement

27 27 PDF created with face page and all attachments

28 Questions??? 28

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